Inventory and Cost Management Analytics Cloud
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What is the Subject area can use to get Movement Request CountSummary: We need to get How many movement request are raised against specific inventory organization through the dashboard. We crated OTBI Using Costing- Cost Accounting…Navindu Amarasinghe 191 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Inventory Valuation OTBI Report Shows Double EntrySummary: An OTBI Report is created for Inventory Valuation according to client's need of parameters. After running the report, output shows double/duplicate entry for Co…
How to transfer a serialized item from a closed transaction to an open transfer order?Summary: Client has shipped a serialized item to a wrong transfer order batch. He want to move it to the correct batch. Is it possible? Content (required): Version (incl…
Transfer OrderCreate transfer order between subinventories from Manage Item Quantities. When creating transfer order request from Manage Item quantities, adding project details and ta…Najumah Bibi Kurmally 54 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Victor Martin Inventory Management
Cost Roll up for Phantom and Kits itemSummary: We want to calculate material cost of phantom item and kit items based on their component cost. Content (required): We are trying to calculate the cost for Phan…
Report to display Inventory Transactions along with Transaction CostSummary: We are looking for report which would list inventory transactions along with associated costs/value of transactions. In the "Review Completed Screen" we can see…
Shipment Lines are getting Unassigned from Shipment NumberSummary Shipment Lines are getting Unassigned from Shipment NumberContent I am facing below error while doing Quick Ship and Manual Ship. The ship confirm request has wa…
Oracle Social network bell icon notification within oracle fusion applicationSummary: Is it possible for users to receive notifications on the bell icon in the Oracle Fusion application while also receiving email notifications when using Oracle S…
how to view transaction cost entered when creating inventory transactionSummary: how to view transaction cost entered when creating inventory transaction Content (required): We have created Miscellaneous Issue or Miscellaneous Receipt transa…Santhosh kumar Munagapati 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Inventory Management
what are the impacts of the Destination Account which exits in the Movement Request Issue?what are the impacts of the Destination Account which exits in the Movement Request Issue?Farraj, Abdelrahman 13 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Inventory Management
Can we make accrual reversals directly to the subledgerSummary: Hi, Can we make accrual reversals directly to the inventory subledger? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snip…
"Physical inventory adjustments" exportSummary "Physical inventory adjustments" exportContent Hello, is it possible to print or export "Physical inventory adjustments" to review before posting? Regards
Need to check if "Calculate Min-Max Planning Policy Parameters" can be auto scheduledSummary: Need to check if "Calculate Min-Max Planning Policy Parameters" can be auto scheduled Content (required): Hi Team, Can you please confirm the possibility of aut…
Control specific material status transaction of subinventorySummary: This is a requirement for better control the material status transaction of subinventory Content (required): As there are different material status, is there an…Winky Chan 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Inventory Management
Inventory OrganizationSummary: We have an organization named Network which is an Expenditure organization. How to link the inventory organization to this expenditure organization? Content (re…Najumah Bibi Kurmally 41 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Najumah Bibi Kurmally Inventory Management
Question on 23B Receipt Accounting feature: WRITE OFF ACCRUALS WITH NO RECEIPTSSummary: As per our understanding the new feature "WRITE OFF ACCRUALS WITH NO RECEIPTS" is only applicable if business wants to manually go in the application and clear …
How to upload Bulk on-hand items through FBDI?Summary: Please give us a sample sheet and steps required Content (required):Required for EBS to Fusion conversion Version (include the version you are using, if applica…
Is there a report or SQL that will show all adjustments of stock counts for items since inceptionSummary: There will be an audit soon in our client organization, is there any seeded report or SQL that will show all adjustment of Stock count done in an Inventory sinc…
Need to check workaround to restrict multiple Lots getting reserved against single transfer orderSummary: Need to check workaround for restriction of multiple Lots from being reserved against single transfer order line Content (required): Hi Team, This concern is ra…
Cycle count does not update the Inventory balanceSummary: We have done a cycle count several times for an item and the inventory count will not update? Has anyone seen this issue? Content (required): Version (include t…
How to prevent users entering past or future date on DFF on Inventory Transactions screenSummary: Hi Team, We have created date type DFF on Inventory Transactions screen. This is to capture additional information. We have received one requirement from client…Santhosh kumar Munagapati 42 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
How to import partial shipment FBDISummary: Content (required): Are there any FBDI that can use for import partial shipment? In my case, after sales order imported it will immediately do pick wave and pic…
In 23C is Report changed from "In-Transit Valuation Report" to "Period In-Transit Valuation Report"?Summary: If the report name has changed from "In-Transit Valuation Report" to "Period In-Transit Valuation Report", I am not able to see "as of date" as a runtime parame…Aditya Wasade 87 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
Need to understand impact of updating a warehouse location nameSummary: We have a warehouse location name that was set up with an apostrophe and because of that apostrophe, we are unable to search what configurations have been set u…
REST API to transfer User Defined Reservations to Unreleased Sales OrderSummary: We are checking for the API which will help us in transferring the User Defined Reservations to Unreleased Sales Order. Content (required): We are checking for …Sai Kiran Neeli 64 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav R Sharma-Oracle Inventory Management
Currency field value not shown in My Receipt->Manage Receipt & View Transaction History UISummary: We are enable Currency Field value through Sandbox and Publish also But We are check in Manage Receipt UI and Transaction History UI Currency Code value is blan…
How can we pass the Source ID and Source Transaction ID for Inventory transactions using REST APISummary: We are looking for a way to enforce inventory transaction sequence. We are looking for ways to populate the Source ID and Source transaction ID from REST API, s…Samiksha Nihul 71 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Inventory Management
On-hand balance load for Project Inventory using FBDI- Inventorytransactionimport.xlsmSummary: On-hand balance load for Project Inventory using FBDI- Inventorytransactionimport.xlsm Content (required): Requirement is to load the Project inventory as part …
How to enter manually exchange rate in My Receipt->Create ReceiptSummary: User not define Daily Exchange Rate as daily basis and Po creation time user use Rate Type is "User"and manually enter Rate.We are create receipt in MY Receipt …
movement request approvals screen doesnt show dataSummary: movement request approvals screen doesnt show data Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code sn…Mohammed Yousuf Ali 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shatagopam Raghavender-Oracle Inventory Management