Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Discussion List
Full Scenario For Receipt Accounting in case exchange rate variance between PO and AP invoiceHello, Please could you provide a full journal entries derived from receipt accounting and cost management in case we have a PO created with foreign currency and the rat…
What could be the guidance to configure and test "Reorder point planning" in Inventory?Dear Community, As part of a business requirement, I need to configure Reorder Point planning (ROP), in Oracle Fusion, and it is something that needs to be completed as …
B2B Transfer Price IssueSummary: Q1)How to get intercompany pricing based on sales order price (95% sales price)? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business case: B…
Single Business unit with Multiple Legal entities and Multiple Inventory organizationsSummary: Hi Team, We have requirement to have single business unit for multiple Legal entities which are having different inventory organization. Example: Inventory orga…Santhosh kumar Munagapati 19 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Adnan Siddiqui-Oracle Inventory Management
EMEA, LATAM and INDIA Localization features within SCM areas if any applicableSummary: For global roll out implementation project for High Tech industry who are into Software and Hardware technology solutions we are looking in for Fusion SCM produ…
The operation wasn't successful because it includes a charge that contains an overlapping date rangeSummary: Facing above error while updating the base price of the items using the fbdi in pricelist. Any insight into please! 300000224081224: The operation wasn't succes…
How to migrate Orders which are shipped & paused for billing to a new BU (shipped in old BU)Summary: How to migrate Orders which are shipped & paused for billing (shipped in old BU) to a new BU Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Dear…
Transfer of Items between 2 BUsSummary: Hi Experts, I want to understand how Inventory transactions can be done between two Inventory Organizations that belong to different Legal Entity and BUs. For e…SubbuV 312 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Abilash papisetty Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
How to create Transfer order from Sales order for internal material Transfer instead of IRTO processWe would like to create Transfer order with zero price from Sales order for internal material Transfer instead of internal requisition and Transfer Order process. Intern…
Where in Oracle Fusion you can change the inventory item unit priceAn item unit price was incorrectly setup by a user about 2 years ago. We now want to amend the unit price. What screen/page in Oracle fusion do you navigate to make such…Sheldon Toussaint - TSTT Consultant 51 views 28 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Inventory Management
Transfer Order lines not getting invoicedHi, We are facing an issue where Intercompany Transfer Order Lines are not getting invoiced. On completing the shipment and receipt for the Transfer Order, the lines are…
The attribute INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is missing for service getProductRelationShip while creating orderHi Oracle Experts, I'm trying to execute the "Oracle Salesforce ERP Opportunity to Order" recipe through SOAP and getting below error: The attribute INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is…
Need capability to Split ASN into multiple shipment line for single Drop Ship SOSummary: Client needs a capability to split shipment line by quantities for a Drop Ship SO. Client receives ASN information from their Supplier with multiple tracking nu…Bhavin_Deloitte 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kavita Yetakuri-Oracle Inventory Management
Ned to put a filter on line level for Trade Operation Charge ScheduleHello, Requirement to find if any schedule exist with the Given POLineNumber with the TradeOperation Id(without using for each charge). Using the Below API(Not working) …Priyanka Pandit 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
Approval process on direct paymentSummary: Outgoing payment can be performed in 2 ways: using "Submit payment Process Request" using "Create payment" (for direct payment) We configured an approval proces…Noam 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Neha Garg-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Fiscal Document Capture REST API to update the Intended Use fieldSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need a REST API that updates and fills the field "Intended Use" inside the Fiscal Document Cap…
How to set up and manage subinventory/reserves for amazon and regular customers in the same Org?Summary: We currently have an org with a FG subinventory location that our normal Order Management orders reserve and sell from from. The problem began because we have a…
How should we map one physical warehouse that stores inventory owned by more than one legal entitySummary: We have a few warehouses that need to be defined as unique inventory organization, but each of them stores on-hand stock of specific items owned by different le…
Transfer Order Costing when Organizations use multiple CurrenciesSummary: Hello Experts, We are using Actual Costing and have enabled Transfer Orders between 2 multi currency Inventory Organizations. Ship-to Organization - Trinidad → …
Serial Numbers not picking in the reportWith a series of old transaction IDs. We need the data for each transaction to be extracted and displayed individually in the EBR report because we need this information…
Having huge records in the Receivables interface tableSummary: Could anyone please go through the below mentioned Purge ESS job and confirm us on the below points. 1.The considerations / Impact to be provided before running…
Return to supplier of an inventory itemSummary: We need to return to supplier an item that was received into the storeroom. The product was ordered by mistake and it is a very low use item. The buyer has coor…
How can Enrichment Rules be used to automate a work order creation from a Transfer OrderSummary Enrichment Rules to auto-create Work Order upon Transfer Order creationContent Hello, Is there a way to setup Enrichment Rules to automate the creation of a work…
Return Transfer Order Price is coming as ZeroSummary Return Transfer Order Price is coming as ZeroContent Return Transfer Order Price is coming as Zero, how that can be corrected?Arijit Pramanik 37 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sinem Ozmen -Oracle Inventory Management
Total Unit Cost for Manage Standard Cost ( Supply Chain Execution->Cost Account->Manage Standar CostSummary: Integration requirement is there to get the Total unit Cost Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have tried using below REST API but…Jignesh_HAE 41 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
When I generate a work order, I get the following error message The parameter passed to the API wasSummary: When I want to save the work order, that's when I get that error. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version yo…
Rest API to Create Misc Receipt inventory transaction with DFFSummary: Hi I am looking for REST api and Request body for Misc. receipt inventory transaction creation with Dff. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Sales Order Keep on Stuck on Awaiting Billing even invoice been createdSummary: Hi Team, We are facing issue , most of the order invoiced been created but still order stuck in Awaiting Billing status. Even we checked Invoice ESS all are suc…
EBS to Fusion data migration documentSummary: Hi I am looking for document which giving data migration strategy from EBS to Fusion. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (in…
Inventory Setup EBSHi, PFA This need to be configured in Oracle EBS Inventory there are 500 palettes that move around the whole flow area between A,B and C. How can this be configured in t…