Cost Management
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inventories assigned to cost organization (X) has different Profit Business Unit !Summary inventories assigned to cost organization has different Profit Business Unit and i don't know how the customer do this assignmentContent my customer face an issu…Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle 36 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle Costing
Work Order Variance cost in average cost methodSummary Work Order Variance cost in average cost methodContent Hi All, With average cost method, if we complete a work order with different issue quantity rather than th…
Recap of critical Ideas related to Vacation Rules / Delegation AbilitiesContent Vacation rules / Delegation Abilities impacts all workflow processes for Financials, HCM, SCM and other areas. I have recapped the key Ideas related to Delegatio…
How to edit an active Mapping setSummary Need to add new sources to the mapping setContent Hi, I have a requirement to update our existing mapping set for the Material account. I need to add a new sourc…
Zero accrual adjustment in Audit reportContent How do you remove the accrual adjustments with a zero balance? They are showing up on the Audit Receipt Accrual Clearing Balances screen and the Accrual Reconcil…
WIP RMA transactions taking the Previous cost instead current standard costContent When we do returns with reference to a sales order, the cost at the time of sale vs cost at the time of return are compared and the delta sits in WIP account (13…
Override the Intercompany COGS account code combination , one of the segment based on Item Sale AccoSummary Account Segment Rule not pulling the value from Item Sale Account for Intercompany Sale OrderContent Hi All , we have requirement to pull the one of segment valu…
Transfer Order Landed Cost (Freight)Summary I need to capture Freight charge as Item cost while receiving at my destination org. IContent I need to capture the freight charge as Item cost at destination or…
Unable to view "Review Cost Accounting Distributions" ScreenContent One of the users gets an error "Definition CountryOfOrigin of type Attribute is not found in InvPjcDetailsVO." or a blank screen when he attempts to access the t…
Correct receipt is not accounted when changing po from 3W to 2W and disabling Accrue at receiptContent Hi, Please find below the use case: The purchase order is created in 3 W and accrue at receipt yes. User did the receipt but when matching the po to the invoice,…
New Cost Organization won't use custom Accounting RulesContent We are in the process of adding a new Cost Org to our system. I followed the guidelines on all the setup, but Create Accounting isn't using any of our custom acc…
Fusion Costing period end validation - no warning optionContent In fusion costing for period end validation we have options only for error and ignore. We don't have any option for warning where for the same category they can …
AP Accrual ReconciliationSummary AP Accrual ReconciliationContent Hello, Is there a standard reports to reconcile "AP accrual" to find the transactions cause the difference between "Inventory & …
OTBI Report On-Hand Inventory Value is Not matching with Inventory Valuation ReportSummary OTBI Report On-Hand Inventory Value is Not matching with Inventory Valuation ReportContent Hi, I have designed the OTBI report, to display the Current on-hand va…
Required SQL query to get Standard Cost Details (Item).Summary SQL Query for Standard Cost Details.Content Hi All, I am working on BI reports and I required SQL Query for Standard Cost Details in order to print in the report…
Cost accounting program failing on non-costed resource. Please suggest.Summary Cost accounting program failing on non-costed resource. Please suggest.Content Cost accounting program failing on non-costed resource. Leadtime is a non costed r…User_2025-02-08-06-48-22-874 21 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Srini Raghavan-Oracle Costing
On hand quantity as of a specific daySummary On hand quantity as of a specific dayContent Hi, The Review Inventory valuation UI and Inventory valuation report shows quantity for each item based on a Value A…
Cost rollup finishing successfully but not pulling alternate WD for cost calculation. Please suggestSummary Cost rollup finishing successfully but not pulling alternate WD for cost calculation. Please suggest.Content Cost rollup finishing successfully but not pulling a…
How to find FG Item from it's component Item?Summary How to find FG Item from it's component Item?Content Hi Team, from a component item how to find what it's FG item? I tried using 'Where Used' in the component It…
Fusion Cost MethodsSummary Fusion Cost MethodsContent Hi, What are the cost methods available in fusion? Regards
How to do accounting for Transfer order transactionsContent I have done all the setups for transfer order enablement and now have learnt that these 5 accounts are compulsory for transfer order:- Interorganization Receivab…
SCM – Demystifying Acquisition Cost Adjustments in Cost Accounting, 5 May 2021, 8 a.m. PT - Submit QContent Submit your questions for the SCM – Demystifying Acquisition Cost Adjustments in Cost Accounting session to have them answered during the live event. Post your q…
How to exclude cost of a specific item only one timeContent We have the business requirement to, in certain cases, not include the "purchase" price of an item on a PO. Here is the business scenario: Currently the business…
Inventory Turns ReportContent Team, In Inventory Turns Report, the 'Days sale of Inventory' formulae is '(start date - end date) / inventory turns' as per below document…
Assistance on Documentation Available for Accrual ReconciliationContent We would like to see if Oracle has documentation that defines the recommended standard/out-of-the-box Accrual process. Specifically, we’d like to understand how …
Use New Performance Architecture for Create Cost Accounting Distributions ProcessSummary Need information on this - its in the enable sectionContent Under Costing in enabling options came across "Use New Performance Architecture for Create Cost Accou…
Derive the account for a transaction based on the DFF values in Cost accountingSummary How to derive a specific account in cost management based on the transaction DFFContent Dear Team, I have a requirement to derived a specific account for a Misc.…
UOM Convesion from OTBI subject ateaContent Hi Expert I want to Convert UOM code from BAG to EA (UOM Converted to EA) using OTBI Subject area.Can you please let me know do you have any idea on UOM conversi…
Material Overhead Type Cost Element in Manage Accounting Overhead rules?Summary Material Overhead Type Cost Element in Manage Accounting Overhead rules?Content Dear Team - Below is my Query: 1) In Fusion costing, we have the cost element typ…
Update Standard costs with Actual CostContent Hello, we have the following situation, an article A that is manufactured, has item B and item C ITEAM A (BOM - MFG ) = 1 ITEM B x 1 ITEM C x 1All Item A,B, C 2 …Jesus Escobar-Oracle 49 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-08-06-48-33-933 Costing