BIP Template
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how to group multiple datasets into single table in RTF template for HCM Global report extract?Hi I am trying to create RTF template from global report data model for HCM. there are 15 data sets into this data model. I need only 4 attributes from 2 data sets Basic…
HCM Extracts PGP Encryption converts file to ANSI FormatHi Experts, We have built an HCM extract with e-text template which generates CSV file. Without encryption turned on, the file format is UTF-8, but after PGP encryption …
HCM Extract BIP report delivery handling of special XML CharactersHello All, We have a requirement from a client to pull all of the Talent Profile items from the HRT_PROFILE_ITEMS table. when creating the extract we noticed that in the…
Extract gives an error in work relationship for terminated employeesSummary: We are using this extract from a couple of months ago. It works for all other employees. Now the client requirement to add terminated employees is in the extrac…
ASSESSMENT QUIZSummary: Need information of assessment name for Learning Assessment Quiz report. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ver…
How to zip multiple output files from HCM Extract and FTP to third partySummary: How to zip multiple output files from HCM Extract and FTP to third party Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement to…
If condition to update Payslip subtemplate to display 4 decimals for Houlry employees onlySummary: We have a requirement to display 4 decimals for Hourly employees for Base Salary field and all other amounts/salaried employees display 2 decimals (default). I …PraveenkK 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Divya Jayaraman-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Loop back integration using HCM Extract Inbound InterfaceSummary: Loop back integration using HCM Extract Inbound Interface with HCM Data Loader - If the extract not return any rows on a particular run , it won't have any HDL …
Worker Extract TemplateSummary: Hello! I saw that there is a Worker Extract and tought that it would be a good idea to use it to validade the worker HDL, but I need a template for it to work p…
Changes only HCM extract parameter to be available in XML even when there is no data changeSummary: We have a requirement where extract takes an input parameter - Email ID. When the extract completes running the file has to emailed to the email ID in parameter…
HCM Extract reference root data group attribute in child nodeSummary: I have a custom extract to pull payroll balance for employees. It has 2 data groups. The first data group has balance values and child data group has employee d…
Benefits Extract listing dependents once for each enrollmentSummary: I am using the HCM Extract to create a file for Blue Cross Blue Shield. BCBS uses the 834 format which requires that the dependent biographical data is only lis…
How to Get UCM File Details By Bi ReportInfo in Soap Web ServicesI Ran Bi Report in Oracle Fusion The delivery channel is UCM later i want to get that report file from ucm by passing inputs as Bi Rpeort Details Like Report Name, Path …
HCM Position extract from EPBCS not generating records in HCM view extractWe have downloaded the HCM extract from EPBCS and uploaded the extracts to HCM. When we run data extract for Position in HCM, there is no data being generated in HCM. We…
PER_EXT_PAY_EMPLOYEES_V2_UE won't retrieve INACTIVE person information regarding salary informationSummary: Hello, Customer Connect! I had developed an HCM Extract that fetch employee data such as some person/assignment information(person_name, assignment number, lega…
REST API to execute Oracle BIP Report With ParametersSummary: Can anybody Please share a working example of REST API to execute Oracle BIP Report with Parameters Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…MilanMohanty 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
I'm New to Extracts how can I Learn any reference .Summary: Hi Team, Hope all are doing well ! I'm new to Extracts but I want learn extracts , so any one help me how can i go to ? Thanks, Ajay Content (please ensure you …
Need to build a HCM extract to get employee deductions or contribution amountSummary: Need to build a HCM extract to get deductions or contribution amount as detail record and in Trailer we need to put count of employees which came in detail The …
how to use preprocess XSLT File in xdo_metadata in excel using bi publisher?Hi - I am new to hcm extract and would like to use the preprocess XSLT file on excel xdo_metadata bi publisher. I am looking for documentation because it is not currentl…
Is it possible for an xsl report template to generate an excel output in extract?Hi - I'm new to extract and I am using xsl report template that needed to have an excel output in extract or even csv? Is that possible? I have tried using csv but it wa…
Need to do a Conditional Replacement on HCM Extract with EText TemplateSummary: Hello! I have 5 Value Set/Fast Formula for attributes in HCM Extract. 4 of them have some conditions to change a information showed on the 5th(The 5fth one is a…
Decimal number issue in etext templateSummary: Etext template - When I use if clause to compare two numbers without decimal positions is working fine, but it is not working if one of the number has decimal p…M Y N Chary 236 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by M Y N Chary Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Extracting ORC Responsibilities and Qualification in Custom ExtractSummary: Extracting ORC Responsibilities and Qualification in Custom Extract Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! This ques…
Can seeded flow Run Element Results Register be run secured by Business Unit ?Summary: Can seeded flow Run Element Results Register be run secured by Business Unit ? We have requirement to generate the output Run Element Results Register based on …
can we add filters for checklists tasks also in hcm extractswe wan to create DOR if the termination/resigantion checlists tasks are completed. Can we add filters for those also in HCM extracts. which bussiness object we need sele…
Statutory Deduction Register - Need the code/Logic in calculation of Balances at PSUHi All, we would like to understand the logic/code computation logic which would calculate balances based on the TRU. Can you please help. Thanks, RakeshRakesh Kanukanti 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Anca Andronic-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Can we automate the HDL loads for Business Objects like Talent Profile / DOR having CLOB Files ?Assume, client is giving the DOR files on a regular interval and placing them in some folder and we have to automate the DOR HDL load on a recurrence basis. Is there a m…
BIP Report to Get Last 30 Days User Login DetailsSummary: The Import User Login History Ess Job is scheduled and we tried ASE_USER_LOGIN_INFO table to fetch the last 30 days users login history but it only gives last l…Chainsyssupport 76 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Clare Murtagh Reporting & Analytics for Fusion Service