Discussion List
How to bulk reset the password using REST APISummary: I have gone through the documentation from Oracle Doc ID 2346455.1, Application used Postman, and this is the error I have received: Error 403--Forbidden …
HDL Transformation Fast formula and PayrollInterfaceInboundRecordSummary: Hello: I need to write a HDL Transformation Fast formula to receive Garnishment Payment information from ADP and was reviewing the whitepaper "Loading_Payroll_I…
Alerts Composer - Can we filter only Employee's current and active HR Representatives?Summary: We have custom alert 'Visa Validation after Termination' - and this current filter that we have sends the notification to these HR Representatives that are both…Bianca Lei Villareal 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle HCM REST APIs
Custom API.Summary: Hi Expert, Good afternoon! Could we create job applications with the help of a custom API. Can someone refer me to any documents on how to create a custom API? …
Security on HCM ExtractWe have created a extract and the customer want to implement security. Business Unit Security Need To Be Applied. The extract output should show only the records as per …
Flow Schedule to have next schedule just after earlier runSummary: Flow Schedule to have next schedule just after earlier run Content (required): Hi Team, Greetings! We have a requirement to have the next flow submitted just af…
How to convert calculated fields into measures OTBISummary: We're using data from the Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time subject area. We need to create a performance tile to display Total Openings Left to Fill however th…Mark kristan De los Reyes 152 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raghavendra Raghunath-Oracle HCM Integrations
Bulk sending of notifications of records with errors in integration by mailHi, In the integration we have prepared, a notification has been prepared for the records that have fallen into error, but how is it possible to send the wrong person re…Cansel Karasoy 41 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Murthy Kodavati Integrations and Extensions
Getting below exception while calling a REST API using GROOVY script from Application Composergroovy.lang.missingpropertyexception : no such property: result for class: java.lang.string Code Snippet: def ModeSelection = [ ModeSelection :SelectMode_c, ] def respon…
SQL Query to get the Balance dimensions and corresponding context valuesSummary: SQL Query to get the Balance dimensions and corresponding context values Content (required): We are looking to get the balance dimension names and context value…
Data Extract - Most RecentSummary: Is it possible to create a data extract an only get the latest relavant information for a given person whether the person is PWK, EX_PWK, CWK, EX_CWK, EMP or EX…
Testing a REST API in POSTMANI am testing this Workers API from Oracle HCM Documentation and the requirement is to update data in Workers API by schedule. For example, I have updated a user's Date o…
Difference between ViewAllPVO and 'Parent'PVO in BICCSummary: Difference between ViewAllPVO and 'Parent'PVO in BICC? Example HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.PersonAM.GlobalPersonPVOViewAll and HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.Per…
On Boarding e-signature forms?Summary: I am creating e-signature form report that report path should should attach the UI LEVEL Content (required): as of now i have created e-signature report that re…
Why the Fast formula pick up only primary phones?Summary: Hello, we have the following FF that pickup only the primary phones (we understand it launching the extract). How to pickup all the phones without the constrain…
Change Only HCM extract for Recruiting/Job RequisitionSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement to send the Job Requisitions changes using the HCM extract to the third Party system. Kindly share the code pack if anyone had co…
HCM Extract | How to find current difference FTE, Incumbent FTE of position in fusion hcmContent Hi All, I am working on a HCM extract and I need to fetch the position details like difference FTE, current Incumbent FTE of position. I am able to get current p…