Map Data Across Applications
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EDMCS - Node type converter for Parent nodeHi All, Applications: Fusion and FCCS Subscription set up in Fusion Account dimension (Feed from FCCS) I'm trying to derive the Parent node from the new Source Node crea…Marie Traverso 20 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Anurag Garg - Oracle-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Is there a way to compare relationships between two views that roll up differently?Summary: I want to be able to compare a source viewpoint where the parent is different than the target viewpoint. We already have a subscription going from the source to…John Burton 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Matt Lontchar-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Matching rule validation issueWe had created a match rule between two nodes. while running the matching rule we are getting an error "No enabled match rules were enabled". Could you please help us. A…Pavan Naga Sai Kumar 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anurag Garg - Oracle-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
EDMCS - Passing Node Type Properties Across ApplicationsSummary EDMCS - Passing Node Type Properties Across ApplicationsContent I have created a custom application, "Reference Data" where I've created a custom property "Legal…User_2025-02-08-08-06-15-482 69 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by BBrocklesby-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Create Data Management mapping in EDM and export to Data Exchange directlySummary: Can we create data management mapping in EDM and export directly to Data Exchange? This is potential requirement from client. I definitely have created data man…
Can we make subscription to work between EBS and EPM application in the Demo intance?Summary: We need to have subscription enabled in the EDMCS from EBS to FCCS and Planning. Will it be possible in the demo instance? We need to have the EBS account chang…Subramanian Karunamoorthi 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Raja_T Enterprise Data Management
Using Derived Property in a Converter and SubscriptionSummary: Question: Do I have to do anything to get the output of the Derived Property sent as part of the information in a subscription after setting up a converter? Con…John Burton 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by BBrocklesby-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Node Type Converters vs Derived ExpressionSummary I would like to confirm that node type converters are for data coming from a different view from the converter and derived expression are use when changes are ma…
Deletion of a node within the OCGL application for accountSummary: I thought, at one time, I was informed that it is not possible to Delete a bottom level Account Node within the EDMCS OCGL application, thus the OCGL. We had so…John Burton 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by BBrocklesby-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Node converter parent derivation from property on Added node, rather than it's parentSummary: Base node with Node-Picker for remote App Parent, converter returns Null (seems to use source node's parent to get property from?) Content (please ensure you ma…
Is there a way to generate request item base on Descendant Property valueSummary: Below is the example: A A|A1 A|A1|A11 If we set flag property value as True on base level which A11 here then subscription request need to generate to add All t…
Managing Aggregation Properties for Mixed Revenue/Contra-RevenueSummary: Client's chart has both Revenue and Contra-Revenue accounts under the same parent node. In such cases, how do others deal with the Aggregation properties for a …Performance Architects 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Performance Architects Enterprise Data Management
Node Converter Skipping a Generation in Parent AssignmentsSummary: All parents assigned by a subscription are skipping one generation, and assigning the source node's GRANDparent as the target node's parent value. Content (plea…Katrina Boyajian 50 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by BBrocklesby-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Creating a property that looks up and allows users to select from a node type in a different appSummary: I want to create a property in an application called Humana - TTT with a node type of "COID". I want this property to look at the hierarchy/node type COMPANY in…
Summary FlagSummary: When adding a parent node from a Hierarchy viewpoint the Summary Flag doesn't update on the GRID viewpoint. We are creating a new node in the Hierarchy viewpoin…Jason Rausch 25 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Kevin McKenzie-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
How to generate a parent and its child through a subscriptionSummary: What is the best way to update a viewpoint, creating a new parent and child each time through a subscription. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…John Burton 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Matt Lontchar-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Calculating and Storing the Name of a Node and Parent.Summary: Hi Team, we are trying to implement Calculating and Storing the Name of a Node and Calculating and Storing the Name of a Parent. We have created the properties …Jagadeesh Babu Inukollu 32 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jagadeesh Babu Inukollu Enterprise Data Management
While searching a member in View, the member name is postfixed with (2), what does it signifies?Summary: When We are searching a member in the viewpoint, the Search result is returning member name along with (2) post fixed. What could be the reason? Content (please…
What is the best way to create or differentiate unique records when creating and loading to a table?Summary: There is new development for Humana's EDMCS tool. Up until this point EDMCS has been governing and maintain the Chart of Account structures, with unique and dif…
Import Extract Packages on multiple dimmensionsSummary: Hi All, Current situation: via EDMCS we transfer enhanced metadata (via subscription/ converters) to TRCS. We do this for 2 dimensions for which we created a se…DylanPauwels 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kevin McKenzie-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Can you have a subscription to multiple Node types?Summary: I am trying to create a subscription from GL to Planning but the company that helped us install EDMCS created two node types for our customer viewpoints in plan…Jason Rausch 24 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Matt Lontchar-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Ineffective: Metadata case sensitivity within EDMSummary: We have noticed over time that Oracle metadata and corresponding properties are case sensitive and can cause issues if not typed exactly as it was created in do…Ashley Patufka 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashley Patufka Enterprise Data Management
Unable to Add Period in Integration Setup Period Mapping Application MappingSummary When I hit the Add icon, instead of an empty row appears to fill in values, I get search and select windowContent I have a client that needs to update the applic…
Import Fusion Supporting References in EPMSummary: Is there a way to import Fusion Journal Supporting References as attributes/use them as LOOKUP mappings in EPM applications (FCC)? Content (please ensure you ma…
How to locate parent using expression based on source properties and target viewpoint?Summary: The expressions for locating parents are configured at the converter level on a node type, but there is no way to indicate the need for different parents based …
Changes to PCMCS application in EDMCS after migrating to EPCMSummary: We have PCMCS application registered in EDMCS component. We are migrating PCMCS to Enterprise PCM (EPCM). we need to make changes existing PCMCS application / C…
Renaming a Member in EDMCS and sending to EPM Planning cubeSummary: Renaming a member. We tested this by renaming a base level member in EDM, sending the txt file to the PLAN_PROV cube with the thought that it could rename the m…
Question about LOOKUP DimensionsSummary: Do dimensions configured as LOOKUP in Data Management not impact the memory size/usage within a pod? Content (required): I was reading through the documentation…Braxton Sowell 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Braxton Sowell Enterprise Data Management
Best way to update Master app in EDMSummary: What is the best way to update the metadata from maintenance app to master app so that Target app is updated when Master is updated? Content (required): Questio…Satish Vanamadi 82 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Satish Vanamadi Enterprise Data Management
Mapping one node to multiple target nodesSummary: Can we setup mapping single source node to multiple Target nodes. Content (required): We are looking for this option as one of the customer is looking for this …Siva Gunakala 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kevin McKenzie-Oracle Enterprise Data Management