Discussion List
Use Cases of PCSSummary: Content (required): Hi all, To explore more in PCS ,i wanted to build some useful cases.Please suggest some use-cases,it would be really helpful for me. Regards…
External UI in Human Task activity in PCS instead of webformSummary: I am trying to use Oracle APEX page instead of VBCS to build the external UI for Human Task in PCS. But getting error that "refused to connect" error when the T…
Delete a process swimlane ?Summary: Is there a way to delete a swimlane from a process? Content (required): Our process currently has about 20+ extra swimlanes below the lanes we actually use. The…
Error: Internal Error. Please contact the admin.Summary: Content (required): Hi team, As I have been making a basic dynamic process app on hospital emergency system, from one of the oracle learning library, after crea…
502 Bad Gateway ErrorContent Hi Experts, We are having an issue in some cases when we try to invoke an oracle process cloud from our visual builder app. If we start to increase the data sent…
Handlebar HelpersSummary Conditional Functions to customize Human Task Notification emailsContent Hi, I'm trying to customize the email notification for a human task. I customized the te…
Not able to create A WSDL of a processContent Hi All, I am trying to create a wsdl of a process but that option is not showing in the console.Is there any specific role needed to create a WSDL. Regards, Prit…
Displaying Approve/Reject Button in ERP popup notificationSummary Trying to show Approve/Reject options from PCS form in ERP Bell notificationContent This is the API document for Approve/Reject popup item, to show Approve/Rejec…
Error handling in PCS Approval process.Content Hi All, I have created a simple approval process which can take dynamic mail id's, As I have assigned a webform variable in the "Assignee(s)" using expression. S…
PCS Form - Dynamic Table Column value change from request instead of constant labelSummary PCS Form - Dynamic Table Column value change from request instead of constant labelContent Hello All, I have a requirement wherein I want to populate the table c…
History in email template for notificationsSummary What to add in email template to show history of approvers/assignees in the email notificationContent Team, Has anyone created the email template for showing the…Baig Mohammed 27 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jagadeesh Kumar Thontapaka Process Automation
Custom email template for reminder mailsContent Hi all, We are using human task 'Approve' to send mail to approvers with custom mail template. There are 3 mail reminders at every 3rd day and want to show eithe…Kumar Saurabh Srivastava 47 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sherif Bashar Process Automation
PCS: Arabic Language supportSummary PCS: Arabic Language supportContent We have to build a PCS/VBCS approval workflow application for customer. Application should support english and arabic languag…
is there any info about if the task has been aproved by email or not ?Summary is there any info about if the task has been aproved by email or not ?Content Hello, is there any info in the payload about if the task has been aproved by email…
Change pcs webfrom language using a switcherSummary Change pcs webfrom language using a switcherContent Hi, is there anyway to change the localization of the webform using a switcher ? I want to change the fields …
Delete complete tasks of a deactivated processSummary Delete complete tasks of a deactivated processContent How to delete completed tasks of a deactivated process ?
Tasks of STALE process still appears in inboxSummary Tasks of STALE process still appears in inboxContent Hi, Tasks of STALE process still appears in inbox and also retreived by rest api, is it a bug ? How can I ma…
On-demand archive requests ( PURGE )Summary On-demand archive requests ( PURGE )Content Hello, Anyone tried this service before : /bpm/api/4.0/archiverequests We always get the below: { "type": "https://ww…
Unable to create ANY new datatype in Process (OIC) using JSON importContent We're building a process application in Oracle Integration Cloud's 'Process' product. The processes we're building mainly consist of service calls to a REST API.…Ronald Konijnenberg 26 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Ronald Konijnenberg Process Automation
Can process human task send email notification to multiple users using TO or CC (Carbon Copy) in sinSummary Can process human task send email notification to multiple users using TO or CC (Carbon Copy) in single email notification.?Content Team, Can process human task …
PCS - number of approvers dynamycally passing to human task for Parallel/Sequencial approvalsSummary PCS - number of approvers dynamycally passing to human task for Parallel/Sequencial approvalsContent Hi All, We have a PCS process in which there is a "User Task…
Hide "More" options from PCS Human Task assigneesContent Hi All, How to disable or hide unwanted actions like escalate, withdraw, save and suspend from all the Task assignees of Human Task in PCS. ? Even after followin…
Get Task outcome of each assignees in Sequential Task assignmentContent Hi All, Is there a way to get Outcome of the task immediately after each of the assignees of the "Sequential Task" Approves/Rejects the task. So that it can upda…
Custom process Application Roles in IDCSSummary Can custom application roles created in Process application be linked to the IDCS group by adding the group as a memberContent Hi Experts, I so t possible to ass…
Change Timezone in PCSContent Hi All, How to change the timezone from UTC to the desired timezone and also with the desired date and time format in PCS "Human Task" mail notification. for Eg:…
PCS REST API calls using AuthenticationContent Hi All, Since PCS doesn't have any option to configure the Username and password for REST API's that uses Authentication, How to make such REST API calls from PC…
Help Improve Process Automation by Participating in an InterviewSummary Oracle Design wants to interview users, learn which pain points to addressContent Hi, I am the design researcher for Process Automation. I am conducting 1-hour i…Mary Beth Raven-Oracle 24 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Mary Beth Raven-Oracle Process Automation
Retrieve Identities by using query paramsSummary There is an issue while Retrieving Identities by using query paramsContent Hi, I'm using /bpm/api/4.0/identities and passing query parameters as found here : htt…
PCS Timeout and Reminder ConfigurableSummary PCS Reminder need to be changed externally/API/LookupContent Hi Team, We have requirement to make Frequency/Interval of PCS reminder configurable without touchin…
How to disable or remove attachments upload link and priority from the task pageSummary How to disable or remove attachments upload link and priority from the task pageContent Team, Has anyone removed the attachment link in task page where we can up…