Discussion List
Sending approve mail in human task to generic email addresses in PCS processSummary Sending approve mail in human task to generic email addresses in PCS processContent We are having a process in which we have created a form with fields: 1)approv…
PCS webform URL parameterSummary Can we add a a URL parameter to the web form for it to be passed when it is opened from another applicationContent Hi Can an URL paramter be defined in web form?…
Error while activating the Integration which is using process application - CASDK-0005Summary Integration EXTPCS_INVOKE_PROCESS_APP (1.0) cannot be activated. CASDK-0005 : A connector specif…
Audit Trail in Oracle Process CloudContent Hi Experts, Where to see the Audit Train of a Process? Where to see the error logs of Process? Regards, Ankur
Pagination in WebForm Table ObjectSummary Can webform table objects be paginated to display fewer rows and control what rows are displayed?Content Are pagination controls available to the webform table o…
History in My Task is always showing the same user who created the process instanceSummary History in My Task is always showing the same user who created the process instanceContent Team, We are using human task and setting the Assignee dynamically usi…
Use of Parallel Gateway in PCSContent Hi, I'm exploring the Parallel Gateway element of PCS but couldn't found much. Do we have a working blog on the same? If yes, please pass. I'm have seen the Orac…
Access task information without using a formSummary Is there a way to access information passed into the task, outside of creating a form or using execData.longSummary/execData.shortSummaryContent We have created …
data association converts date + duration expression to a stringSummary data association converts date + duration expression to a stringContent While the simple expression builder considers the following date arithmetic expression to…
How to test Process if created based on "Start when a message is received"Content Hi Experts, Created a process based on "Start when a message is received" pattern and trying to test using player. When I open the start activity, I'm getting 40…
Environment or config variables in PCSSummary Environment or config variables in PCSContent Hi, Is there a way we can setup configurable or environment variables in PCS? We want to configure email notificati…
User does not have sufficient privileges to invoke this process rest api using Federated userSummary User does not have sufficient privileges to invoke this process rest api using Federated userContent Hi, anyone faced the below issue before ? User does not have…
Convert datetime to string in data associationContent Hi Experts, I'm calling a Integration from pcs process where in one of the integration parameters is string but in process the type of parameter is datetime. How…
cancel a completed process with rest apiSummary cancel a completed process with rest apiContent In which way I can cancel a completed process with rest api? I treid with this api: https://xxxxxxxxx.integration…
How to make comments mandatory for Reject action in PCS email notification.Content Hi Team, We have customized the email notification template for Task. The client has requirement to make comments mandatory in email notification in case user is…Dipak Chhablani-Oracle 34 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Dipak Chhablani-Oracle Process Automation
Calling EBS REST API from CloudSummary Need help to know if EBS REST API can be called from Cloud ESS job?Content Hi All, We are trying to automate the a process in which need to call EBS REST API fro…
Archiving PCS DataSummary Archiving PCS DataContent Hi All, Can you please advise whether we can archive PCS data (tasks, processes, etc.) in some external DBCS tables. Thanks Version OIC…
Rest service for message-based process applicationSummary Rest service for message-based process applicationContent Team, Do we have Rest service created for the message based process applications as well, just like for…
How to capture Approved date in human task in PCS?Summary How to capture Approved date in human task in PCS?Content How to capture Approved date in human task in PCS?
Remove member from a roleSummary Rollback plan - remove members from roleContent We are working on the release of OIC (integrations, process applications, VBCS). As part of this, we are also bui…
System action Adhoc Routing available in PCS?Summary Is adhoc routing part of the pcs system menu?Content Is adhoc routing part of the PCS system menu? I know middleware BPM has it so I am surprise PCS does not. An…User_2025-01-29-22-53-06-052 6 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-29-22-53-06-052 Process Automation
Error Boundary conditionSummary Error Boundary conditionContent Hello, Can you please advise on how to handle errors in processes. How can we configure Error Boundary conditions on Human Tasks.…
Service connectors with agents in PCSContent Hi i understand that we can connect to on premise applications through REST/SOAP using Agents in OIC. But if we have to define a connector in PCS for those APIs,…
Business Exceptions in ProcessSummary Business Exceptions in ProcessContent Hi all, One area I have not looked at within Process is the use of Business Exceptions. We are moving towards the first dep…User_2025-02-04-22-42-57-285 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Baig Mohammed Process Automation
How to call REST API using Http PATCH MethodSummary In Java how to call REST API (json) using http PATCH methodContent We have a requirement to update Planned orders in Cloud SCP from EBS. To update the planned or…
PCS process is throwing internal server errorSummary PCS process is throwing internal server errorContent I have created a PCS space and then I have created an application using that space in which I have a process…
Auto mapping in Process CloudContent Hi Experts, Created a process application and trying the Auto Map in data association tab. When i click on Auto Map button, it's not doing any auto mapping. Can …
Publish button doesn't showContent Hi, The "publish" button just disappeared. Any clue? Regards, Duha
Need some integrations to be for internal use within process automation onlySummary Need some integrations to be for internal use within process automation onlyContent Hi, I developed some integrations for our process applications, I need these …
Create Process Instance REST APISummary I want to use the API for creating a process instanceContent Hello all, I've used that part of the documentation to create a process instance along with body for…Omar El-Elaimy 31 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-29-22-53-06-052 Process Automation