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Current datetime in data associationSummary Is there a way to get the current datetime in data aossication?Content As per the 12c SOA documentation "now" is a special term indicating the current system dat…Christopher Maggiulli 29 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Christopher Maggiulli Process Automation
Best way for a user to "delete" a processContent We have a Claim/Credit system built with OIC/PCS. Often users will create a claim (process) but before the process completes they need to "delete" it for whateve…Christopher Maggiulli 42 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Eduardo Chiocconi Process Automation
Concerns about scaleContent We've been running a production OIC instance for about 3 months. We currently have 1430 in flight processes, 795 closed processes, 50,000 total integration runs.…Christopher Maggiulli 30 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Eduardo Chiocconi Process Automation
Creating a customer lookup in a web formContent We have 7000 customers in a DB2 table in our ERP system. Users are use to autocomplete fields where they start typing the name and get a list of possible custome…Christopher Maggiulli 31 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Christopher Maggiulli Process Automation
Sending email to multiple recipients using notification taskSummary I am using the notification task to send emails to multiple recipients, delimiting them by semicolon, but it failsContent I need to send an email to multiple rec…
OIC Process: Where do I set manager attribute of the user?Content Hi All, I'm planning to use IdentityService.getManager(creator) expression in the user task to get the manager of a person who starts the process instance. My qu…
PCS - Hide checkbox in TableSummary How to hide the checkbox in table?Content Dear all, In PCS webform, I would like to display data in a table (Use Data from Connector). The table is for listing d…
auto completion of human taskSummary auto completion of human taskContent I have read here http://www.ateam-oracle.com/the-curious-case-of-soa-human-tasks-automatic-completion/ that you can autocomp…Christopher Maggiulli 26 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Arun Pareek-92441 Process Automation