Discussion List
ORC: Requisition Approval Notification = RecipientsSummary ORC: Requisition Approval Notification = RecipientsContent Is it possible to add recipients to the Requisition Approval Notification in BIP so that the Notificat…Issie_Andrews 75 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Issie_Andrews Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
ORC - Job Requisition Approval Notifications and EmailsSummary ORC - Job Requisition Approval Notifications and EmailsContent Can anyone advise where the Job Requisition Approval specific emails and system notifications now …Issie_Andrews 115 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Lindsay Lamont Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
How can Department Managers request recruitment team to create job requisitions through the system?Content Hi, We have business requirements that if Department Managers need to hire new candidates they should request recruitment team to create job requisitions through…Mohamed Salah 24 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohamed Salah Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
HR - Error during processingSummary HR - Error during processing for External CandidateContent Hi All, Upon selecting Move to HR, a salary error has been issued from the system. The applicant is in…Gabriela.Z-Oracle 84 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by umakant Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
ORC & LinkedIn RSC Integration = LoV'sSummary ORC & LinkedIn RSC Integration = LoV'sContent We are looking to set up the ORC & LinkedIn RSC integration but as we have Talent too - need to understand what the…Issie_Andrews 81 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Issie_Andrews Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Details Block fields to Core HRSummary Mapping of the fields in Details tab in req creation to CoreHRContent Hi All, There are these 3 fields that I have mentioned below , which are present in the Det…Gaurav Rath- PGC 55 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Rath- PGC Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Fast Formula values in ORCSummary Once the candidate request for Information status is complete in Candidate Selection ProcessContent Once the candidate request for Information status is complete…Shahnoor Kapdi 110 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Shahnoor Kapdi Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Change the order of Offer Letter sectionsSummary Change the order of Offer Letter sectionsContent Hi All, Is there a way to change the order of offer letter sections ? When generating the offer letter, user can…Gabriela.Z-Oracle 79 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Jessica Reilly-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
ORC - Requistion approval IssuesContent Hi Team, We are setting up a reminder and expiry for the requisition approvals but we are facing the below issues - 1) Reminder notifications are not being sent …Shikha Agarwal 32 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shikha Agarwal Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Send Message Action Not WorkingSummary Send Message Action Not WorkingContent Hi All, I have few issues with Send Message action for applicants. 1. When selecting Send Message, user must select either…Gabriela.Z-Oracle 179 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Gabriela.Z-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
ORC Contract info in Job Offer not displaying right fieldContent Hello, We have some fields that are visible in the job offer : Contract subtype, Subtype startdate, Subtype endate, Person replaced, Pension CPN category ... etc…User_2025-02-06-13-17-11-852 50 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-13-17-11-852 Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Vacancy Association with RequisitionSummary Converting a vacancy to a requisition in ORCContent Hi All, Has anyone worked in converting a vacancy to a requisition in ORC. I have created a vacancy but I am …Gaurav Rath- PGC 66 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Rath- PGC Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
On the job requisitions tab,it always defaults to selecting the Hiring Team Role filter.Summary On the job requisitions tab,it always defaults to selecting the Hiring Team Role filterContent On the job requisitions tab,it always defaults to selecting the Hi…Shahnoor Kapdi 36 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by Juan Rendon Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Job Requisition : Ability to select only approved positionContent Hi, I would like to know if, during the Job Requisition creation, we can create an option in order to only be able to select an approved position ? Thank you for…Audrey Corbellini 29 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Audrey Corbellini Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
2-Step Verification enabled after 20ASummary 2-Step Verification enabled after 20A, not used before, how to turn it off?Content Hello, We have recently received the 20A update into our development environme…Luke Harrison-126889 133 views 37 comments 2 points Most recent by Harpreet Singh-158160 Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Setup in ORCSummary Setup in ORCContent Hello Team, Please let me know if we have any option to load the setup in ORC using HDL or any other tool. Like loading the email templates i…Shanmuga Priya R 100 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Millie Powers Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Loading Geograpies in ORCContent Hi Team, How are you loading the geographies in ORC, I understand that we need to create and manually move the geographies, but we need to add all the cities in …Shikha Agarwal 82 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Rahul Salot - Evosys Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
the seed value for recruiting type ( Campus , Hourly ...) can be replaced by or not ?Summary the seed value for recruiting type ( Campus , Hourly ...) can be replaced by or not ?Content The seed list of values for recruiting type (Campus, Hourly ...) can…User_691F7 63 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Kristine Kukich-Oracle University-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
ORC: Context Segment field still showing when hiddenSummary ORC: Context Segment field still showing when hiddenContent Hi, We've hidden the Context Segment field via Manage Descriptive Flexfields > IRC > Job Requisition …Issie_Andrews 67 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Issie_Andrews Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
How To Add name Of Regions to Level 1 and Name Of cities to Level 2 in GeographiesSummary How To Add name Of Regions to Level 1 and Name Of cities to Level 2 in GeographiesContent How To Add name Of Regions to Level 1 and Name Of cities to Level 2 in …User_691F7 38 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_691F7 Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Inserting job descriptions in position profileSummary Can we insert job descriptions using position profiles , directy in positions, so that while creating a requistion using that position, the job desciption shows …Gaurav Rath- PGC 94 views 24 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Rath- PGC Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Conduct briefing meeting with the hiring manager before posting job Requisition on ORC ModuleSummary Conduct briefing meeting with the hiring manager before posting job Requisition on ORC ModuleContent Recruiting Team Conduct briefing meeting with the hiring man…User_691F7 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
ORC Implementation PrerequisitesContent Hi All, I am new to ORC Implementation does anyone has ORC Implementation Prerequisite checklist? Thanks Sachin Version 20BSachin.Satpute 67 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sachin.Satpute Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Position Attributes and their relation with ORCSummary There are some position attributes like License and Certifications and degress . Do they move to ORCContent Hi All, Attached is a screenshot of the position attr…Gaurav Rath- PGC 59 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Rath- PGC Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Is there any way to update the Position & job& Grade & Department while the job requisition of typeSummary Is there any way to update the Position & job& Grade & Department while the job requisition of type position under approvalContent Is there any way to update the…User_691F7 65 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_691F7 Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
ORC: Recruiting Roles > PrivilegesSummary ORC: Recruiting Roles > PrivilegesContent Hi, Does anyone have a description list of what the privileges, relating to Recruiting Roles mean? E.g. Initiate Job Re…Issie_Andrews 132 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Issie_Andrews Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Error Message when try to create Job RequisitionSummary Error Message when try to create Job Requisition : Please note that Oracle Recruiting Cloud (ORC) is not supported with your Talent Profile versionContent Error …User_691F7 44 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_691F7 Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Conversion of Internal Applicant to new Role not working as expectedSummary Conversion of Internal Applicant to new RoleContent Hello - Think I may be missing some key setup or steps. When testing an Internal application and pushing the …User_2025-01-28-05-42-54-744 45 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-05-42-54-744 Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Job Requisition CreationSummary Shared Creation ProcessContent Hi Everyone, My client has a requirement and I am trying to determine what is the best way to configure/design the system to suppo…User_2025-02-06-09-32-26-556 60 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jim Jeffcoat Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Pre Hire Checklist access to Pending WorkerSummary Pre Hire Checklist access to Pending WorkerContent Hi, How to create Pending Worker role? I do not see any seeded Pending Worker role. Use case: want to provide …