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Enable rest api call to call integrations through OAuth connectionSummary: Currently, Using an integration to update lookup table, but OAuth connection is throwing a 401 error. The connection tested successfully but still I see this wh…Brinda V 152 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dinesh Parasakthi Integration Cloud HR Guides and Templates
Can the ErpObjectDFFUpdateService SOAP service update the Context Value as well as AttributesSummary: I have used the ErpObjectDFFUpdateService SOAP service to update Invoice Header DFF values as per payload below. If the Invoice Header already has the ContextVa…Jono Hill 25 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MiaM-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
PO_HEADERS_ALL. EDI_PROCESSED_FLAG and EDI_PROCESSED_STATUS usageWe would like to understand the significance of 2 edi related fields in Oracle Cloud Tables PO_HEADERS_ALL.EDI_PROCESSED_FLAG and EDI_PROCESSED_STATUS and how that can b…
NoHttpResponseException/time out error using the web service ExternalReportWSSServiceSummary: We are trying to run a BI report using ExternalReportWSSService and it is frequently timing out/giving NoHttpResponseException. The BI report takes between 2 to…Chandra Kanneganti 91 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Radhika Abhyankar-Support-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for Fusion Service