Discussion List
ASSET CALENDAR error when using the Export/Import CSV Configuration packageSummary: When I try to use the export and import CSV Configuration package, I am always not successful with errors during the import. Content (required): Asset Calendar …
Can we modify list of values for property class?Summary: where can we update the list of values for the property class field and can additional values be added? Content (required): Version (include the version you are…
How to use Multi Source Segment rule in General Ledger MappingSummary: We have segment rules which map accounts from Primary to Secondary ledgers as of now. we want to use Multi source Segment approach to mapping from the primary l…
FA mass additions data migrated in PRODUCTION as Go-Live is postponed, need suggestionSummary: FA mass additions data migrated in PRODUCTION as Go-Live is postponed, need suggestion Content (required): We planned Go-Live with 30-June-2023 and migrated all…
Can "Track as Asset" coding be bypassed for specific accounts?Summary: We use the Lease functionality with the Fixed Assets module. In our Chart of Accounts, the four Lease Clearing accounts have Account Type = "Asset". From my und…
Need to default value in the DFF FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS for some transactions onlyDFF FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS is applicable to all the fixed asset related transactions. There is a requirement to default the DFF value in the mass addition related transa…
Bonus Depreciation calculations based on NBVSummary: Has anyone managed to calculate Bonus Depreciation based on NBV? Additionally, I want Bonus Depreciation to ignore the Prorate Convention. Are there any functio…
How to define 200DB depreciation method for 39 and 31.5 years asset life?Summary: 200DB depreciation method is missing for life of years 39 and 31.5 Content (required): How to define 200DB depreciation method for 39 and 31.5 years asset life?…
Define Depreciation MethodSummary Define Depreciation MethodContent Hello, We have TV series and we will create a fixed asset for each episode of these series. each episode will be a fixed asset.…
Smart Meter CapitalisationHi, We have a client in the utilities industry and below is their business process. 01) They buy the smart electricity meters from suppliers 02) Then they keep them in t…
Implementing Segment Security over the Asset Category FlexfieldSummary Looking to find out if Segment Security in Asset Flexfields works exactly the same as for Chart of Accounts SegmentsContent Does anyone have any experience of im…
DFF details entered in FBDI but its not showing after post mass additionsSummary: DFF details entered in FBDI but its not showing after post mass additions in tax book Content (required) Defined fixed assets DFF - FA_ADDITIONS AND FA_TRANSACT…
Timing of when to add/update a custom depreciation method to ensure the correct assets are impactedSummary: Looking for guidance on the timing of when to add/update a custom depreciation method to ensure only the intended assets have the new depreciation method applie…
Can we Stop or Avoid Specific or Few Assets not to copy (Mass Copy Transactions) into Tax BookSummary: Is there a way to Stop or Avoid Specific or Few Assets not to copy (Mass Copy Transactions) into Tax Book Content (required): Hi All, Can we Stop or Avoid Speci…
How to populate Asset Category Combination (Major/Minor Category) after Importing Asset from PayableSummary: Hi Experts After running Create Mass addition Program, is it possible to populate Asset Category Combination (Major/Minor Category) in Prepare Mass Addition aft…
Incorrect migration fa balances and depreciation options impact on new asset bookSummary: FA module is not currently being used due to setup implem issue. Incorrect asset balances & calculated depreciation after migration & already posted. Huge fa as…
Is there a way to delete non-FBDI data from Fixed Assets interface tables for FA_MASS_ADDITIONS?Summary: The only existing docs and samples that I see are for Mass Retirements, Mass Transfers, and Mass Adjustments. Content (required): I wanted to delete my Incomple…
Selling of Assets and invoice to AR from assetSummary: Hi Experts Can any advise the required setups & Process flow for Sale of Assets & create Invoice in AR Do we have any Automated Integration from FA to AR to cre…
Can we add multiple Assets to existing CIP Asset before it gets capitilizedSummary: Hi Experts Can we add multiple Assets to existing CIP Asset before it gets capitalized Ex: CIP Asset no: 16 is already available with Cost 200000 Now we need to…
Why do I have this error when I run Mass Revaluation on FBDI?Summary: Content (required): My open period is May-23 but I'm trying to backdate my Revaluation Date which is March 2023. Is that possible? Version (include the version …
What is a Zip Tool to Drop Files to Folder - CalendarAndConventions.xlsmSummary: Working with CalendarAndConventions.xlsm to load calendars and prorate conventions. Instructions say the following: Tip: Use a zip tool where the files can be d…
Is there a way to remove non-FBDI data from interface tables (sample: FA_ADJUSTMENTS_T)?Summary: We want to delete non-FBDI data from Fixed Assets interface tables such as: FA_ADJUSTMENTS_T, FA_TRANSFERS_T, FA_RETIREMENTS_T. What other ways we can explore w…
Does Oracle Fusion Cloud Fixed Assets currently support FAS143 - Asset Retirement Obligations?Summary: Does Oracle Fusion Cloud Fixed Assets have a functionality that helps manage Asset Retirement Obligations? Content (required): Does Oracle Fusion Cloud Fixed As…
MACRS depreciation method with 80% bonus combination not available in Manage Depreciation MethodsSummary: As per US tax rule year 2023 Federal and AMT tax book asset has 80% bonus. While configuring these tax book I dont see a any seeded table based depreciation met…
Do we have any document which shows Holding company specific setups on Asset cloud module?Summary: What all setups or process are required for Asset Management on Oracle Cloud ALM module, if client is a Holding Company. Content (required): For a Holding compa…
How to see only assigned category combination for a book and not all the books?Summary: Currently user is able to see all the categories for all the Asset Books and not only the assigned categories. Content (required): Although user is not able to …
As per US tax requirement for STL method how to claim bonus depreciation for the FY 2023,2024,2025Summary: As per US tax requirement for the assets placed in service date from 1-1-2023, how to claim Bonus deprecation for the assets which has life of 3 years under Str…
Tax Assets DepreciationSummary: We have created a new asset category. The assets are to be bought in and entered into the corporate asset book and depreciation is to be started from the acquis…
Asset Lease- The Generate Lease Payment Invoice ProgramSummary Program erroring outContent Hi, The Generate Lease Payment Invoices program is erroring out. There is no parameter available in the Report to run also. Accountin…
Depreciation calculation on an impaired assetWe impaired an asset in P1, and ran depreciation - the depreciation was calculated on the pre impaired value. In P2, the depreciation was lower by the impaired amount ov…