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How to delete a credit memo posted and accountedHello, in the opening balance, we added the invoice transaction and then reversed it with a credit memo. Unfortunately, the Credit memo has a wrong date and therefore th…
Update gl_date in ra_interface_lines_all before calling AutoInvoice jobSummary: Need to update gl_date in ra_interface_lines_all to current OPEN period instead of FUTURE period. Content (required): Need to update gl_date in ra_interface_lin…HarithaJ 154 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Sairam Surampalli-Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How can I transfer all the transactions for a customer from one site to another?Summary: Transfering the transaction balances from one end-dated site to an active one. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a customer…
Can we change invoice accounting date that was created with future dated period?Summary: Can we change invoice accounting date that was created with future dated period? The invoice is Completed, the Incomplete button is greyed. Invoice still not po…
How to update AR Invoice Flex Filed "RA_INTERFACE_LINES" DFF using WebserviceSummary: Hi I am using ErpObjectDFFUpdateService webservice to update RA_INTERFACE_LINES" DFF. Need sample payload to update Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
How to create AR receipt batch with attachment on itSummary: Hi Team - We have to create AR Receipt batch with the help of Rest api and also have to upload the attachment at receipt batch level (not on the receipt in batc…Kumar Saurabh Srivastava 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sowjanya Karri Receivables & Collections
Can a pop-up message be triggered when Receipt Applied Amount doesn't equal the Invoice Amount?Summary: Is there a way to configure a pop-up message that will be triggered when the applied amount of the receipt does not match the invoice amount? The pop-up message…Francine Gemora 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sowjanya Karri Receivables & Collections
Credit Memo Accounting 'ghost' lineSummary: We end dated an accounting string because it wasn't a valid string for us. Then we found several AR Credit Memos failing on the Create Account Execution Report.…
FBDI_Error message related to credit card even though no configs done for the same.Summary: I am facing issue while loading transactions via FBDI. It is giving me the below error message even though no other configuration is available for credit card a…Rahul Kumar Gupta.-Oracle 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_DPN25 Receivables & Collections
Rest API for AR_MEMO_LINES dffwe configured some attributes at memo lines level. Is there a rest api or soap service to get them?
Is it possibile to upload attachment to AR invoices using FBDI?We need to upload a pdf with the invoice using FBDI. Is it possible? and how?
get receivables credit memo using rest apiI tried to use the rest api "Get a receivables credit memo" : but it says "404 not found". someone knows if exist another web service? maybe a soap?
How to make memo line mandatory on AR Invoice?Summary: How to make memo line mandatory if description is entered on RA invoice? To ensure users enter memo line(not just description) Content (please ensure you mask a…
Unable to import Invoice Lines Flexfield Segment 1 on Standalone Credit Memo through FBDIHi All, We have defined Global attribute in Invoice Lines Flexfield segment and we want to load the values for those attributes at the time of Standalone Credit Memo cre…
Upload option for document sequencing definitionSummary: Document sequences are being manually defined. Is there an option to automate the same. The below document link provides for an option to upload the document se…
can we change the transaction sequence from numeric to alpha Numericcurrently we are getting only numeric value for Transaction Number, is there a way to change the setup for each BU with Alpha Numeric.Akhila.Allagadda 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Akhila.Allagadda Receivables & Collections
Import AutoInvoice - Transaction Complete status and Time takenSummary: We have 3rd Party Tax (Avalara) enabled and also the document sequencing enabled. It has been observed that Import Autoinvoice successfully completed, but in ba…
Autoinvoice lines were deleted accidentallyHi Team, We use the distributed order orchestration source to create AR invoices using Autoinvoice from order management system. One of the imported lines was stuck in e…
In Fusion do we have Access and Edit Installments from Manage Transaction screenHi Team, In EBS we have an option to access and edit the details of Receipts in AR Transactions in Installment Tab. In Fusion do we have that feasibility? We appreciate …Saisree Kamisetty 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Phil DeCoster - Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Functionality to send notification to specific users upon creation of certain AR transactionsBusiness wants to be notified when invoice is created for a certain customer. Looking for any available functionality which can be utilized to enable the same.Soumajit Karmakar 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Soumajit Karmakar Receivables & Collections
Does Oracle support any bulk upload process or method to upload Trading Partner ID for CustomersSummary: Use case - to convert E-invocing customers in cloud and also find a way to bulk upload Trading Partner ID records in CMK Unable to upload Trading Partner ID for…
Bilingual InvoicesSummary: AR invoices and receipts are created in English. Is there an option available to have the same AR invoice & receipts created in Arabic (UAE) along with English …Dhanachandran K 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Richa Priya-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Incorrect Accounting Date - Deletion or Correction of Posted TransactionsDear Oracle Support, We face critical issue with a recently completed bulk import of transactions. Unfortunately, the imported transactions contain an incorrect accounti…
How to include attachments from the main transaction page into a custom reportHello team, greetings for the day!! I was asked to develop 'AR Payment Plan' bursting report which triggers an email consists of 3 PDF pages. out of those pages one is t…Gurupreet S 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Print Receivables Transactions - Split PaymentsSummary: Print multiple installments in a single AR Invoice (Split Payments) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement to prin…Raj Kumar Ranganathan-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to define SLA for Project accounting for AR InvoicesHi, We have a business requirement were the accounting string need to update based on Project accounting type (this we are maintaining DFF in project accounting), but th…Koteshwar Tippani 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Koteshwar Tippani Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
How to import the Invoices in bulk from DOO and Service contracts in Incomplete statusSummary: How to import the Invoices in bulk from DOO and Service contracts in Incomplete status Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We hav…
How to get access to Transaction Source Sets in "Manage Transaction Sources"Summary: One user needs access. In “Setup and Maintenance”, then “Manage Transaction Sources” in the General Ledger Function Area, I go to the screen attached when addin…
Remit to address default first record when user trying to load AR transaction using More4 apps excelHi All, When user loading the AR Transactions using More4Apps excel then system considering the first remit to address instead of default Remit to Address. Kindly let us…Somasekhara Reddy Aluru-Oracle 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel S.-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Can we create provisions based on aging in receivables? Can we do automatic write off for these?Summary: We have a requirement to create provisions based on aging according to the following rules: Up to 90 days no action is taken. If aging crosses 90 days system sh…Shivani Verma_999 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel S.-Oracle Receivables & Collections