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Updating the Cross Reference on an AR completed do I change it back to incomplete?Summary: There is an AR invoice where the Cross Reference is blank. How do I change the invoice from completed to incomplete so I can update it? Content (please ensure y…
Context sensitive line level DFF are not visible with a inquiry custom role in AR transaction screenHi Team, We are looking for a context sensitive line level dff to be visible in AR transaction screen with our existing custom role. Please suggest what privilege/ role …
Is there any report in Receivables that shows account in draft?Summary: I need to review, before period closing, all the transactions which accounting is in draft. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I wou…
How to calculate unearned discount in Oracle fusion ReceivablesSummary: As per our business requirement, we have to implement Discounts - Earned and unearned. While testing we noticed unearned discount is not calculating and showing…
Its possible to derive a Segment in the Gain and Loss account from a segment in an invoice?Summary: Its possible to derive a Segment in the Gain and Loss account of a receipt from a segment in the Revenue Account in my Invoice. Content (please ensure you mask …Alvaro Solis-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by gabriel.g.popescu-Oracle Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
invoice conversion duplicate issueSummary: Unable to perform conversions, There are few transactions in the fbdi file, where 2 lines for one credit memo one line is negative amount and another line is po…Likith Kumar Reddy 1 view 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel S.-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to pass distributions to AR Debit memo web serviceSummary: We are creating AR debit memo using web service "/fscmService/DebitMemoService?wsdl", it creates debit memo in receivables without any distributions. there is n…sikinagi 24 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sairam Surampalli-Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Receivable invoice numbers have no identifiable patternSummary: Our Oracle Fusion Receivables Invoices Numbers have no identifiable pattern that we can see, and we would like to understand the numbering logic. If there is a …
Automatic receipt generation for Cross-currency TransactionsCross-Currency Automatic Receipt Generation. Example : Transaction in Functional Currency. But received payment in multicurrency(other than Functional Currency) from Cus…Shivaprasad Vinukonda 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shivaprasad Vinukonda Receivables & Collections
How manual adjustment amount applied or spread to invoice lines?Summary: When a manual adjustment is created with adjustment type = LINES is created against a multi line AR transaction, how it is prorated to to the lines. As per orac…
Collections dashboard doesn't updateI created a new customer with expired transactions and my collector installed. I run the jobs: Refresh Receivables Transactions for Customer Account Summaries Collection…
Customer Balances tracked by Business UnitSummary: If a Customer Party / Customer Account and its Bill To Site is transacting between 2 Business Units. Customer Account/Site is shared between 2 BUs having the sa…
Unable to delete/remove a transaction with activitiesAn AR Transaction is created with incorrect Balancing Segment Value, due to which, we are unable to account the transaction. While accounting, we're getting following er…Sripal Rajpurohit 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deepak Singal Receivables & Collections
Is it possible to use the same Lockbox Number against multiple Remittance Bank Accounts?Summary: Hi, we are using "ReceivablesStandardReceiptImportTemplate " FBDI to upload receipts, we fill only "Record 6 - Payment" Sheet. we filled the FBDI template with …
Lockbox: Combined Weighted Threshold setup is not functioning as Expected in ReceivablesSummary: Based on the Customer Weightage, Business is matching the Receipts vs Transactions in receivables In Lockbox Process, Under Manage AutoMatch Rule set. User trie…Baskara Sateesh-Oracle 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Baskara Sateesh-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Field for Oracle Order Number in AR InvoiceWe are creating AR Invoices with shipped Orders in Order Management . These Orders which are created via FBDI Import. Hence the Source Order Number will be different fro…Jith 64 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sairam Surampalli-Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to create Dispute on AR Transaction without creating Credit MemoHi Team, How can we submit Dispute on a AR Transaction without creating Credit Memo? Our requirement is not to create Credit Memo for the Disputed Amount of Transaction.…shashank.bhatnagar 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prashanth Govindarajan Receivables & Collections
Transaction Source in AR InvoiceSummary: What table can I find the transaction source? I've looked in ra_customer_trx_all, ra_customer_trx_lines_all, ra_batches_all, ra_batches_all and can't find it an…
How can we create tax only invoice for a particular customerSummary: There is some business scenario where the initial invoice missed to calculate tax. Later on, to set off the impact, business want to create TAX only invoice for…Soumajit Karmakar 31 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Soumajit Karmakar Receivables & Collections
Manage Control of Transaction CompletionSummary: I am trying to test this new functionality, and I have defined a new Transaction Source and new Transaction Type, and I can get the invoices to a state where th…
Error While Creating Receivable Invoice adjustmentSummary: Unable to do the AR Invoice adjustment. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Some of the AR Invoices can do the adjustment with the sa…Narasimhulu Kondeti 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Deepak Singal Receivables & Collections
How create an adjustment for a single line of an Receivable invoice?Summary: Receivable Invoice adjustment not happening as per the invoice lines Content (required): Our business need a way to do an adjustment for a particular invoice li…
Is it possibile to update interface_header_attribute of receivables transactions using soap ui?I need to update RA_INTERFACE_HEADER attributes using rest api or soap service. I just found about ra_customer_trx attributes. thanksACNROMA2023 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Florin Enache-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Payment terms due dates exclude Sunday's and holidaysSummary: Due to a legal requirement, late charges cannot be calculated if the invoice due date is on a Sunday or holiday. Therefore, we want to exclude Sundays and holid…
DFF to allow only Arabic CharactersOne DFF is configured and there is a requirement to restrict the Input in that DFF to be only Arabic. Is it possible to restrict the Input Values to be only Arabic?Nalsoft Pvt Ltd 25 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by CristinaV1-Oracle Financials – General (READ ONLY)
Auto Invoice through FBDI with memo linesCan anyone please share FBDI template with Values for Auto Invoice with memo lines.Naggrajan 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Avinash Babu Prince1 Receivables & Collections
How to charge addictional fee of 4% on Amex credit card transactions.Summary: We are implementing credit card payments using FIServ for one of our clients. There is a requirement to charge a 4% additional fee on Amex cards. Can anyone hel…
Unable to complete the AR Transaction in Fusion - Status is Incomplete - Error receivedSummary: Transaction (invoice) in AR, not allowing to complete - status shows as Incomplete - Tax Regime Error Created same Invoice for the same Customer/Bill to address…Baskara Sateesh-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Baskara Sateesh-Oracle Receivables & Collections
AR Custom Readonly Role: Unable to add the “Manage Customers and Manage Adjustments” tasksSummary: AR Custom Readonly Role: Unable to add the “Manage Customers and Manage Adjustments” tasks Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): AR Cus…
Field 'Usage Category' on AR Transaction Source and AR Transaction typeHi. I noticed a new field on AR Transaction source and AR transaction type which is 'Usage Category'. Can some one please provide some Oracle notes on purpose of this fi…