Public Sector
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PPM Accounted transaction consuming GL budget twiceSummary: Hi Experts, We are bringing project-based payroll entries to PPM via a custom interface. We potentially have an issue where funds is reserved twice 1) when Payr…
Expenditure Tax (VAT) by Project/AwardSummary Derive Tax code from Project/GrantContent We are a grants customer and have a requirement around tax treatment would like some input on. Trying to avoid creating…
Split Labor Costs Across Multiple AwardsHi - We have integrated OTL → PPM and employees are able to enter time against project/task/award/funding source. However, for some projects there might be a requirement…
In Cloud Labor Distribution, How do we import Payroll Costs related to the Employee Tax Element?Summary: How do we import Payroll Costs related to the Employee Tax Element, when the Tax elements do not show the "Legislative Data Group" in Manage Labor Schedule? Con…Samadrita Nandy 141 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Mike Bartoletti-Oracle Project Management
labor Distribution Parallel WorkflowSummary: When setting up the 'LaborScheduleVersionStatusApproval' workflow, there is a serial approval option. However, the client's requirement is to use parallel appro…
Fusion Time & Labor Time cards not picked up by Import Costs programSummary Fusion Time & Labor Time cards not picked up by Import Costs programContent We have entered Project related Time cards in Fusion Time and Labor and have approved…Varadrajan Gopaalakrishnan 99 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by shashi.ranjan Project Management
How can we derive the entity based on the employee's home department?Summary: We are integrating Payroll to Labor Distribution to Project Costing. Payroll is costing the entity based on the employee's home department. After the payroll co…
Can Burden Generate Separate Expenditures as Billable and Nonbillable?Summary: We are capturing raw costs on task number 1.0 which is set as a billable task. We have setup the burden costs to generate two separate expenditures (Indirect Co…
project transaction source setup with wrong expenditure type classSummary: We have a payroll system that we setup as a project transaction source, but we are running into issues changing the expenditure type class to accurately reflect…
Adopters Info. for Distributing Payroll Costs Using Labor Schedules (Fusion Labor Distribution)Summary The PDF file attached to this comment, is no longer being updated as user documentation in Project Costing covers the material. This post provides an adopters do…Mike Bartoletti-Oracle 1.3K views 14 comments 1 point Most recent by Nagendra Putta Project Management
Can contract attachments be included in the contract approval workflow?Summary: On the draft contract, we have uploaded a PDF of the "signed" contract. We have enabled the contract approval workflow which routes to the appropriate user. Doe…David Yamoto 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ed Gomez-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
Project cost allocation in multi-award funding scenarioSummary Project cost allocation in multi-award funding scenarioContent Hi, We have few scenarios where a project is being funded from multiple awards (different primary …User_PC1W0 107 views 8 comments 4 points Most recent by Abhinav Mamidipelly-Oracle Project Management
Does anyone know if Oracle Labor Distributions can utilize PPM funding patterns?Summary: The funding patterns for Oracle Fusion PPM documentation points to funding patterns capability to be used on requisitions and an import of external cost transac…
Adding Attachment to Item using Rest ApiDear All, I am trying to add an attachment to an item using this URL: https/fscmRestApi/resources/{itemsV2UniqID}/child/ItemAttachment Payload Reques…
Effort/Labor Certification for Federal GrantsSummary Effort Certification for Federal GrantsContent Hi Everyone, Our client has a requirement where any employee effort/ labor cost charged to a federal grants needs …
Value set in date format - DFF on Contract lineContent Hi Experts I'm setting up a DFF on contract lines. Input value must be a date (DD-MM-YY or similar). I can't find any standard value sets - why is that? I have a…
Budgetary Controls:How to default"Override"option when Control Budget is created from project budgetSummary: Project-based Budgetary Controls: How to default the "Override"option when Control Budget is created automatically from project budget Content (required): We ha…
You must enter a valid summary task for task Fire Alarm/DetectionSummary: Hi Team, I am getting error when trying to execute below payload for creating Project tasks. { ExternalParentTaskId: "600.00.01.10", ElementType: "FINANCIAL", E…Tamilselvan Natarajan 61 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexandru E.-Oracle Project Management
Documents attached to Awards or Contracts should not be downloaded for viewingSummary: There seem to be no option to view the award and contract attachments instead of downloading and viewing. Customer expressed security concerns when the system d…
Indirect FundingSummary Purpose of the field indirect funding of the AwardsContent What is the purpose of the field "Indirect Funding Amount" in the award funding screen. It seems to ha…
Oracle Project Contract Billing Cloud - Subscription for Enterprise ContractsContent Question: Does Oracle Project contract billing cloud need additional subscription for Enterprise contracts management separately? Or is Enterprise Contracts bund…
how to add department manager to workflow?Summary: We are trying to add department manager (not cost center manager) to approval flows for project expenditure batches. Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
Is there any Public Business Event that can be used for the Header of the Projects in PPM?Summary: We are looking for different ways to extract details of the header level using real-time events from the header level of the project. We already confirmed with …
Is anyone else experiencing issues w Award Summarization screen not resummarizing?Summary: When creating a new awards, or if we update and existing award the financial data does not summarize correctly in the Award Overview>Financial Performance> Awar…
After reorg, how do we change project organizations to new org values?Summary: We recently completed a reorg and have a few hundred projects that need moved to new org values. How do we do that? Content (required): We need to change the or…
Unable to delete program under projectsSummary: User created some programs in Projects by mistake by now the delete option is not enabled for those Sample Programs. Content (required): User would like to dele…
Is it possible to add >0 validation to a field on unprocessed cost/misc costs?Summary: We want to enforce all misc costs/unprocessed costs must be '>0 due to system limitation. Is this possible via page composer? I didn't see an option to do so. C…
Need to Close a Project with outstanding Expense Cost showing as Committed Cost. How to resolve?Summary: Project/Award is showing a Committed Cost in the Award Financial Performance summary screen. It is due to self-assessed tax on a pcard transaction - commitment …
How can we remove internal funding from an award?Summary: We have an award where the internal funding has been consumed, but users can still charge to it. Content (required): Internal funding for the award has been con…
Migrating historical invoices and revenueSummary Migrating historical invoices and revenue for active projectsContent Hi, we recently (1 Nov) moved to Oracle and for all our current active projects, we decided …