Procurement Contract
Discussion List
How Contract Assignment Email and Contract Deliverable expiration email can be edited?Dear Community, One of our customers has asked to edit the email notifications sent from the system for Contract Assignment and Contract Deliverable expiration. Specific…
User shouldn't be able to submit contract unless it's locked Contract Terms TabSummary: We have requirements that Users shouldn't be able to submit contract unless it's locked in Contract Terms Tab, we tried using Sandbox to make "Submit for approv…
How to add Graphical Formatting and PPT Document on to a Contract Clause in Contract ManagementSummary: We have a following business requirement. Business required to add the Graphical Formation (like flow chart) and PPT documents on to a Contract clause in Contra…Gowtham.a-Oracle 32 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Nilesh Deshpande-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
Can you update the signatory of a contract when it is in the pending signature status?Summary: Contract administrator wants to have the ability to change the signatory of a contract that is in signature workflow with Docusign. If the contract administrato…
Clause Sequence Category list of values in not showing in automatic clause number methodSummary: Clause Sequence Category list of values in not showing in automatic clause number method Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Clause S…
does users receiving notifications for hold and closed contractsSummary: does users receiving notifications if we put contracts in hold or we close contract ontent (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inclu…
update the document locked contract terms TabSummary: if the contract terms status is locked, other users can edit and upload deferent contract, we need to prevent to update/add attachment if contract locked Conten…
How To Restrict Contract Deliverables Actions "Edit, Delete" Based on RoleSummary: We have a requirement to restrict user access to specific actions under Contract Deliverables Actions "Edit, Delete" Based on Roles. one role was created copied…
How can we generate a PO from contract fulfillment using a custom PO style?Summary: We are currently using a custom PO style for Standard Purchase Orders. We would like to generate POs from contracts using this custom style. However, at present…
ContractTermsProcurement Layout TemplateSummary: Once we customize the ContractTermsProcurement or ContractTermsECM Layout Template the opt in feature like enabling the Table of contents does not work on its o…Jaswinder Kaur 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aravinth Arunachalam-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
I'm Unable to add Assignee participation in BPMSummary: I have a requirement and need to add/Assignee specific user in BPM for Contract Assign user FYI notification "ContractExpNotificationHumanTask"But, I'm not able…
System doesn't record the information of last uploaded document in PDF formatSummary: We are using contract template attachment (Internal/External) When creating procurement contract. If the last uploaded document (Clean Version) was in word form…
what are the ways to find the contract document in the contract?Under Contract management: How can we get the contact documents if we can't find it Under Contract Documents page? One contract is active and another one is expired. I n…
Is there a way to enable notifications when Contracts are expiring?Summary: I want an email notification sent out to the Contract Administrators that lets them know a Contract is set to expire in a certain amount of days. Content (requi…
How to enable fields in the Negotiation and renewal tabSummary: We are wondering if any additional steps are required to activate the fields in the Renewal Section. Currently, the only field that is accessible is the renewal…
Need to pass contract type or DFF values from contract page to the fulfilled POsSummary: Currently the only link between procurement contract and PO is the reference number that is shown on PO header. Is there any way to pass contract type or DFF va…
Hide the checkbox "Notify Assignee" when assigning contract to another userSummary: We have created user statuses in the procurement contract to send contract for Finance, Business and Legal review. user will select from the action list for exa…
How to send notification to assignee and add as team member from Event Model?Summary: We have created a custom status and event within the Event Model. During this event, we automatically assign the assignee and update the user status through a G…
Can we update Internal Party Contact of a Deliverable once a Deliverable is created for a ContractSummary: Can we update the Internal Party Contact of a Deliverable once a Deliverable is created for a Contract? The requirement is:- An employee has shifted the departm…
Contract to multiple business unitsSummary: Contract assigned to multiple business units Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need to create a contract that is assigned to mul…
Not allow "Do Not Version" in the visual builder excelSummary: I would like to setup a validation rule to only allow user to enter TURE in version flag. I try this, but it fails. Anyone can give suggestion. Content (please …
can prospective suppliers be used while creating procurement contractsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
To combine more than one agreement (multiple suppliers) under one agreement amountSummary: Is it possible to combine more than one agreement (multiple suppliers) under one agreement amount. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Export approval rulesPlease confirm how to export rules for the tasks "ContractsApproval", "ContractClauseApproval" & "TemplateApprovalHumanTask" from Oracle fusion cloud instance.Santosh Kumar,Rayudu 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mariano De La Garza-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
Notification to be sent when Procurement Contract becomes ActiveSummary: We have a requirement in our project on Procurement Contracts. Where a notification is to be sent to the Procurement Team after the Electronic Signature is done…
Can we use emsigner for esignature in procurement contractsSummary: Hi, I can see that currently we have Adobe, docusign and OneSpan as solution provider integrated with Oracle Contracts. Does anyone know if we can use emsigner …
Notifications for Contract Status ChangesSummary: Is there a notification that can be sent out to contract owners, parties or buyers, for whenever the contract status has changed from draft to pending approval …
Uploaded revisions section is greyed out under documents tab in Enterprise contracts (SS Attached)Summary: Can someone please confirm why uploaded revisions is greyed out for us? Is it enabled only when we are using contract terms functionality? We as an organisation…
Import Enterprise Contract through FBDIIn, we are not able to find FBDI template to import contract. Business wants to create Contract in Bulk. Sales >Partner Relationship Management We have c…
How to set up Page number in the rtf file to start at page 3 for Contract Terms layout templateSummary: We need to have the page number in the Contract PDF file to start at Page 3. Tried editing the rtf file and set up the Page number to start at 3 but upon checki…Darita Dayaganon 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Gel-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts