How to send notification to assignee and add as team member from Event Model?
We have created a custom status and event within the Event Model. During this event, we automatically assign the assignee and update the user status through a Groovy script. Below is the Groovy script we used in the entry action of the custom event:
UserStatusCode='LAWYER_ASSIGNMENT' | |
AssigneeId = 1000000644XXXX | |
AssigneeType = 'OKX_RESOURCE' | |
adf.util.sendNotification(adf,"Contract Assigned",AssigneeId) | |
eventModel.execute('createHistory') |
System is able to assign the assignee but does not send any notification to assignee (unlike using Assign User action - "Notify Assignee" functionality).
At the same time, we would like to add this Assignee as team member (like using Assign User Action & select "Add assignee to Contract Team" functionality)