Discussion List
What is the proper alternative to Adaptive Search aggregates Roll-ups is NOT itSummary: Roll-ups and Adaptive search aggregates (from what I understand) are not the same thing functionally. So if Adaptive Search is being deprecated, what do we use …
Unable to Configure Procurement Document PolicySummary: Customers have a requirement 1) If requestor raises a requisition greater than 50000 , system has to popup message please add 1 attachment and Contract Number. …
Video: Oracle Sales Assistant ConfigurationOracle Sales Assistant Configuration: Configurint the natural language features of OSA in the context of our mobile application
Video: Configuring and Tailoring the Mobile ExperienceConfiguring and Tailoring the Mobile Experience: Tailor the mobile experience to your company's specific requirements
Video: Appointments Subview Data Tab CustomizationAppointments Subview Data Tab Customization: Changing the query and default data tab view in the account's appointment subview From the Implementing Redwood Sales video …
Video: In App Navigation BarIn App Navigation Bar: One click navigation to Sales Dashboard and the first 8 items in Redwood Sales menu group. From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
Video: Working with AttachmentsWorking with Attachments: Adding the attachments component to a panel, subview and the create record page. From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
Video: Custom DrawerCustom Drawer: Use a smart action to invoke a custom drawer with your own content on the drawer From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
Video: Dependent DCL FieldDependent DCL Field: Build a dependent dynamic choice list field based on the selected value of another DCL field. From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
Video: User InformationUser Information: Obtaining details about the current user in a Javascript action chain From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
Video: SynonymsSynonyms: Adding synonyms to actions in the Action Bar From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
Video: Open URL In a New WindowOpen URL In a New Window: Use a Smart Action to open a contextual URLin a new browser window From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
Video: Resizable Text AreaResizable Text Area: Learn how to make text areas resizable to view more text at a point in time. From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
Video: Parent Record Condition on Child Dynamic LayoutParent Record Condition on Child Dynamic Layout: Use the value of a field on the parent record to drive the condition on a child record dynamic layout From the Implement…
Video: Modify Data Before SavingModify Data Before Saving: Programmatically modify the data on a form before saving in the database From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
Video: Translate Strings for Redwood UI ExtensionsTranslate Strings for Redwood UI Extensions: Working with UI strings as externalized (from code) and localized display text From the Implementing Redwood Sales video ser…
Video: OAUTH2 Resource OwnerOAUTH2 Resource Owner: An introduction to OAuth2 Resource Owner API authentication for Oracle CX Sales From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
Video: Sales Dashboard UUID Key AbstractionSales Dashboard UUID Key Abstraction: Simplify key references in Sales Dashboard to saved searches across multiple environments From the Implementing Redwood Sales video…
Video: Remove a Build From an EnvironmentRemove a Build From an Environment: Un-deploy a previously deployed extension from the development, test or production environment From the Implementing Redwood Sales vi…
Video: Client Side CalculationsClient Side Calcualtions: This video is admittedly a little dated (using the JSON action chains), but nonetheless… Show them what they are going to get... Pre-calculate …
Video: Client Side Field RulesClient Side Field Rules: Using the Birthday date field as the example, you can set a client side rule to improve the immediate feedback to the user for valid and invalid…
Video: Group Fields & Text AreaGroup Fields & Test Area: Using the Group feature for form alignment, and modifying the rendering to have Long Text be...long. From the Implementing Redwood Sales video …
Video: Extending the SubviewExtending the Subview: Adding and changing the fields that display in a subview table, along with an overview of subviews From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
Video - Modifying the Data on a PanelModifying the Data on a Panel: Change the dynamic form that control the data in a panel From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
Video: Conditional Rendering for Dynamic LayoutsConditional Rendering for Dynamic Layouts: Using Role or Field Based Conditions on a Dynamic Form or Table From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
Video: Adding a Field to the Header Form and Changing the Default RenderingAdding a Field to the Header Form and Changing the Default Rendering: A specialization of the use case to add a field to the form, we'll do do to the header area which i…
Video: Adding a Field to a Form and Changing the Default RenderingAdding a Field to a Form and Changing the Default Rendering: Adding a field to an edit form and using a field template to change the field rendering characteristics From…
How to display standard address fields on custom object layoutSummary: We have a custom object and we would like to use the standard Address fields on the custom object layout. But the Address is not available on the list of fields…
Video: Create a Visual Builder Studio WorkspaceCreate a Visual Builder Studio Workspace: Each person working on the extension will create workspace(s) in which they will perform the extension. From the Implementing R…
Video: Accessing Visual Builder StudioAccessing Visual Builder Studio: Understanding the access and authorization for using VBS with Next Gen CX Fusion applications. From the Implementing Redwood Sales video…