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how to update secondary Partner address to Account address in groovySummary: We have script to create Account when partner creates in system in same time we will add primary address also. Now we need to update secondary address also. how…
Can we update multiselect field through groovy when we are merging accountsSummary: When merging accounts, we need to update the multi-select custom field for the survivor account using Groovy scripting to store the values from both the merging…
How to fetch contact email and phone number before the contact is deleted using REST API in GroovyHi Team, We have a requirement to store contact email/phone number whenever the contact is deleted. We are able to capture details if the contact is deleted using Delete…NikhilSamudrala-Oracle 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Madhuri Cheruku-Support-Oracle Sales
how to merge custom field values during account merge?Summary: how to merge custom field values during account merge? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Client has few custom multiselect DCL fiel…
How to add seconds to timestamp in groovy scriptWill would need to validate an opportunity keeping it editable for few seconds, then the sales stage changes into a particular value (after that the opportunity can not …
Validation rule in Opportunity Revenue Displays Error For All CasesWe are writing a validation rule to indicate that Quantity cannot be in decimal and Unit Price cannot be below Zero while adding a product. The script is written in Oppo…
Fetch Partner contacts in groovySummary: I am trying to get all the Partner Contacts for a particular Partner using groovy. Content (required): We need to script/Object Name where we can fetch the abov…
Restrict users from deleting attachments in the Service Request standard object.Summary: We need to implement a restriction that prevents users from deleting attachments in the standard Service Request object in Oracle fusion service using groovy or…
How to auto-calculate # of Activities per lead?Hi Team, I have already tried groovy and it is calculating the number of activities on an update on lead. But the ask is, for a existing lead, when the user adds an acti…Aditya Varma Gadiraju-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andrei Stan-Support-Oracle Sales
POST works from POSTMAN but not from groovy triggerSummary: We are triggering the PAAS service to post the data from cx system, we are able to post and getting the response from 'Postman' when we try the same from groovy…
Issue trying to read attachment in Groovy scriptingSummary: We are trying to read the contents of an activity attachment and upload to an external web service in Groovy scripting. We are having issues with taking the Fil…
Unable to fecth a single record fron custom CPQ Data using Groovy ScriptSummary: From Oracle Sales Cloud, we are attempting to retrieve data from custom CPQ data tables using the REST API described below, but we haven't successfully obtained…
Can we Bypass code on field and object level triggers on CX Application composer, invoked by APISummary:We are using Application composer tool to create custom object, also written groovy code on few field level and object level triggers in CX sales cloud to perfor…
Is it possible to populate a text field with another fields value using Routines?I have a requirement to populate values from a OOTB field to a custom text field when the condition are met, I want to achieve this by using Routines but in the Actions …
Unable to fetch Sales Order details from App composer trigger on Install Based AssetSummary: Unable to fetch Sales Order details from App composer trigger on Install Based Asset Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are unabl…
How to limit mobile number field to take only 10 digits in Contact Object under Fusion Sales ??In Contact Object under Fusion Sales Cloud. How to put a limit on mobile number field to take only 10 digits only. not more not less, Exact 10.
When a DCL is created that is linked to the Address object, the Address Site Number is showingSummary: When a DCL is created and linked to the Address object, the Address Site Number is displayed in the input box instead of the actual Address. The requirement is …
Create a Note under Contact/Account object using custom field from custom object in CXHi Team, Summary:-Our requirement is to create a notes under Contact/Account object using custom field from custom object in cx. Detailed Explanation:- We have "Remark" …
Update Contact Address via Field triggerSummary: We have a requirement to update the Contact Address based on account associated with the Contact. Content (required): We have a groovy to do this. There is no i…
how to make field required only in Sales CloudSummary: We have a requirement where one of the fields (Industry) needs to be made mandatory in the Sales application but should remain optional in ERP. We tried the fol…
java.lang.NullPointerException : Cannot invoke method GET() on null objectSummary: we are trying to call a webservice in groovy and we are getting the error message as Cannot invoke method GET() on null object for below code. if(ibRow?.SerialN…
Bell Notification not clickable on Sales Account Resource ObjectWe implemented a bell notification on Sales Account Resource object. Whenever a new resource is added to Account team, the user should be notified via bell notification.…
How to avoid matching certain Source systems with each other records in CDM?Consider, i have 4 different Source Systems - NASC,NASC_BILL, EUSC and EUSC_BILL. Based on our business need NASC_BILL and EUSC_BILL should not match with the other sour…
Not able to fetch all customer records using ".setMaxFetchSize()" from groovySummary: Trying to fetch all the 'Customer' Accounts in CRM using Groovy. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to fetch all the '…
setSortBy function is not working as expected at object function levelSummary: We used the setSortBy() function in object function to sort the data of child object, but that data is not coming in sorting sequence. Always it's considering t…
How can I check if the owner of an account is in the territory through groovy script?Currently, In Oracle CX Sales, I have a custom DCL field named 'Secondary Owner'. This field is linked to the Resource object. When a resource is selected in the DCL, a …
Programatically get a Field's Display Name via Groovy ScriptSummary Looking for a way to programatically get the field's Display Name via groovy script.Content Hi All, Would like to ask if anyone had a similar requirement as belo…
How to hide/throw an error when we have a particular value for an Identifier type?Hello Team, Is there a way to hide a certain identifier type from CDM UI? or else is it possible to throw an error if we select a particular identifier type? For Example…Harshini Amancha 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Umamaheswarareddy Ambati-Support-Oracle Sales
How to parse error body in REST API call with Groovy?Summary: Good afternoon. Hope you can help me out. We have a Groovy script in our Fusion environment that sends a REST call. Once in a while we will receive an error fro…
Is there any way to sort child object data using groovy?Summary: We have requirement to sort the child object records data based on custom field using groovy script and send that data to another system. Currently system is fe…