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Groovy Scripting: Split / TrimIs there a way to split / trim a string? For example: I only want to display sampleAddress and remove the
How to Invoke Party Usage API using groovy script upon save ButtonHello Team, Once a Party is created we have to tag a default custom usage. I was thing of a groovy script where it can call Party Usage API to add the custom usage once …
Is groovy script supported in next gen sales - redwoodSummary: Object triggers are not working in next gen sales - redwood Content (required): Hi all, I wrote one before update trigger in activity object and it is working a…
how to add approval workflow to lead orchestrationTrying to add approval workflow to lead orchestration in redwood sales. or can I include workflow in groovy so that I can invoke the object workflow using groovy script
What are the steps for Deal Registration Approval Process in Oracle Fusion CX SalesSummary: I need When Deal Is up to 50M then approval goes to CEO other than under 50M then goes to Business Unit Head. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Opportunity page Lost/ Win field issueSummary: Hi, The issue described below. The status is wrongly updating. Kindly share the working solution for this. @madugulagopi Content (please ensure you mask any con…RamkumarKadhiravan 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ravindra Sirigiri-Support-Oracle Sales
Will Account Party number and Address Site Number get impact if import done with same seq?Summary: Will Account Party number and Address Site Number get impact if import done with same seq, we have a data migration activity from legacy system to CDM. The Part…
How to find system notifications after dismissalHI team, We've employed custom Groovy scripts for Approvals for one of the Clients in Object Triggers in CX. This script sends a bell icon notification to the recipient'…
Groovy script to invoke a custom Function by means a Soap Web ServiceSummary: Define a Groovy script to invoke a custom Function defined on a Child Object (of AssetVO) via Soap Web Service. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
how to get the date of first won opportunity of the account in groovy scriptSummary: I am writing an update script in Opportunity, i am able to get the account details, but how can i get the Accounts first won Opportunity date? Content (please e…
case sensitive check in view criteria querySummary: How to case sensitive check in view criteria query for the lead name field while creating a duplicate lead Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
REST-Framework-Version header in GroovySummary I am trying to call REST API of activities and giving QUERY string with AND, OR parametersContent I am trying to call REST API of activities and giving QUERY str…
Survivorship Rules using Groovy ScriptSummary: Hi Everyone, We a requirement from client to select the contact master record where CustomAttr = Y. We have a working groovy script and want to include this new…
how to limit the options to change Sales Stage?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Make Primary Contact as Non-Editable on CX Contact Screen.Summary: We want to make all the Primary contact as non editable which are associated to an account from CX screen but the same Primary contact should be editable from t…
update territory in oportunitySummary: update territory in oportunity Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Good day to all, My question is the following: Is there a way to u…
24C Object Function "Type" fieldHi All, When we are trying to create a new object function we see a new field "Type" that is appearing in 24C application version. This Type field is having 2 values. 1.…
CX - Email template must contain accept or reject button, triggered by Object WorkflowWe have employed Object Workflow to trigger emails to Approver whenever a lead or opportunity is submitted for approval (Submit For Approval button which is a custom che…
Bell Notifications not displayingSummary: Hi, We have written some groovy script to trigger bell notifications following the documentation but nothing is being shown when it is triggered. And in runtime…
How to make Revenue line item Amount as read only fieldSummary How to make Revenue line item Amount as read only field
Business event/trigger/WF not working when product is imported from PIMSummary: Hi, Our products come from CPQ to PIM, and then we use scheduled process "Import sales products from PIM" to display the products in Sales Products UI. In this …
What is the Account Deep link in Sales ModuleSummary: Hi Team, We are trying to create a deep link for account to navigate to edit an account. We are using following link but it is navigating to landing page of the…
adf.context.getSecurityContext().getUserName() does not return results for a specific userWe are using standard groovy function "adf.context.getSecurityContext().getUserName()" to set user who approved ticket to a custom field Below is the code setAttribute('…
Application Composer cannot find custom object on NavigatorSummary: I have created a custom object and setup custom pages for landing/create/details/search regions. and assigned page access to SCM Job Role - Product Data Steward…
Oracle Cloud Groovy Script - How to convert Accented letters to normal lettersOracle Cloud Groovy Script - How to convert Accented letters to normal letters Example: Convert Armação to Armacao
Is it possible to map ERP DFFs to CDM?Summary: We have two DFFs on the ERP side, located in the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table. The requirement is to use the two DFFs in a groovy script-based AccountSetMaster rule. …
How to pass dynamic parameter to POST API from GroovySummary Need to pass dynamic parameter to Account REST API in the post call from Groovy script
what is the attribute name of "Amount" column in Line detailsSummary: what is the attribute name of "Amount" column in Line details. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you a…
Read Document Record Attributes values from an Attachment and create recordsSummary: In Oracle Sales Cloud is there any option to read .Xlsx file data and create records in custom Object. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
How to elaborate a groovy script when im a Starter and can't find sintax from DocsHi everyone! I hope you all be good! Im starting to use groovy into scripts to performance the application and i already passed by some cases and im not finding the corr…