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Limit Custom Object record visibility using field equals to Current user accountSummary: Can not use custom fields to control data access previlege for Custom Objects. In ERP and SCM cloud application Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
How to remove resources in activity using script in Oracle Sales Cloud?Summary: Hi Team, We need to remove a resource from activity resources using groovy script in Oracle Sales Cloud. We are trying to find the collection of the activity re…
You can make the Qualifications in Leads non-editable, for the Sales representative roleThe client wants to make the lead qualifications for some roles non-editable. This is possible?
Attachment Validation Not workingSummary: I am written attachment validation. Like user should not allow to delete attachment in custom object. below is my code def allattach = Attachment while(allattac…
Error while updating Cust Contact point "Attribute PartyId in view object PersonParty cannot be set"Summary: Getting error while updating customer contact point using webservice as "BO-27008: Attribute PartyId in view object PersonParty cannot be set." Code Snippet: Re…
REST API Web service returning nullSummary: REST API Web service returning null Content (required): def WService = adf.webServices.XX_OSS_GetEmailDomain def Headers=['Content-Type' :'application/json','RE…
how to download attachment of an custom object record using API or DeeplinkSummary is there any API or deeplink available to download attachmentContent HI All, I'm checking for an API or deeplink to download attachment, i have tried with 1. /cr…
How to send Sales cloud Account's audit history through mail ?Hi Everyone I have a requirement that I need to send sales cloud Account's Audit history through a mail to specific person in order to notify the recent changes . Kindly…
How to identify contacts matched with linkedinSummary: Identify contacts that have been matched with linkedin via LinkedIn Sales Navigator Content (required): Hi, We want to identify the contacts that have been matc…
How to update the RelationshipId field in Contact Point objectSummary: I need to update the RelationshipId field in Contact Point Object Content (required): I tried using Groovy Script, FoundationPartiesPersonService SOAP API and I…Jaime Espinosa Tovar-Oracle 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Topher Heath-Support-Oracle Sales
How we can pass bearer token as authentication in groovy while calling web service.Summary: How we can pass bearer token as authentication in groovy while calling web service. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicabl…
In Data quality rule CDM groovy, can we set master based on related objectsSummary: In Data quality rule CDM groovy (set master for account and contact object) , can we set master based on related objects Ex : I have lead , opportunity or any c…
How to get Quotes details from Accounts using newView() functionSummary: One account contains multiple quotes, using newview() function how we can get all quotes details associated to a particular account.
Calculate distance between 2 addresses (Postal Address or Latitude/Longitude)Summary: We would like to calculate the distance by road between 2 addresses. We have postal addresses as well as Latitude and Longitude available. Content (required): W…
How to refresh all Opportunity Revenue lines even if one revenue line gets updated? Using GroovySummary: We want to refresh all the Opportunity revenue lines even if one revenue line gets updated using groovy Example for a given Opportunity there are 10 revenue lin…
Unable to do auto save on URL source in Action or LinkSummary: We are using below script in Action and links. It will navigate to CPQ from OSC. Here we are using Type as Action and Source as URL Once we click on our Action(…
Page layout not working as expectedSummary: We are using two icons 'Procurement' and 'Authorization Requests' taking copy of opportunity object. We have to differentiate the details layout for both based …
Need to get SiteuseId's from account address to opportunitySummary: We need SiteUsedId's from account address level. Under one single addresses there will be multiple site use id's. We need those id's. I have attached the screen…
Fetch Partner contacts in groovySummary: I am trying to get all the Partner Contacts for a particular Partner using groovy. Content (required): We need to script/Object Name where we can fetch the abov…
How to remove space from the listSummary: We are storing a multichoice list value in a list and converting to string and creating these values as a record fro custom child object. But now comparing lov …
What all types of Argument can be passed to setOperator() in GroovySummary: Type of Argument to setOperator() function Content (required): Currently know, '=', 'LIKE'. Need to know all types Version (include the version you are using, i…
Any Other approach I can do in Appending with Choice List (Fixed) multipicklistSummary: may need other approach in appending for a multipicklist Content (required): I'm trying to append it on a multipicklist that has an existing data however whenev…
How to fetch attachment object details from custom objectSummary: We have a custom object called - Region Contact & we are uploading attachment in same custom object. I want to fetch the attachment information from custom obje…
Application composer : Call external REST API with client certificatesSummary: Calling a 3rd Party REST API from application composer using client certificates based authentication Content (required): Does application composer support call…
Where can I find documentation for server-side Groovy execution limitsTo help us design and modularize our Groovy code, it would be helpful if there were a single concise documentation reference of server-side Groovy execution limits by th…
I need to validate an alterationSummary:i need to validate an alteration only on Phone and email Content (required):I have an approval flow on my environment for new record it works well, but i have a …
Fetch Opportunity data based on logged in user using GroovySummary: We have below requirement. We have created a custom object and using context link as a sub tab pointing to Opportunity Object, we need to do following 1) If a S…
Passed parameter goes as null when calling BI Report from groovy scriptSummary: Trying to call BI report from groovy script, but the parameter is going in as null Content (required): I am passing the parameter in the payload but it is going…
Table for Change History in App ComposerSummary: I would like to understand what table(s) are used to store the seeded Application Composer "Change History" records. Content (required): I have enabled a new ta…
Intercompany Clients created in AR to sync up with Sales CloudSummary: Hi Team, Is there any ESS job in place that needs to be run to get the data and sync it up for opportunity usage in Sales Cloud, primarily the lists that are cr…