Discussion List
Sales – Innovation Showcase: Address, Email, and Phone Verification, 26 April 2021, 8 a.m PT - SubmiContent Submit your questions for the Sales – Innovation Showcase: Address, Email, and Phone Verification session to have them answered during the live event. Post your …
RESCHEDULED: Sales – Innovation Showcase: Oracle Sales Assistant, Monday, 12 April 2021, 8 a.m PT -Content Due to unforeseen issues, this event is rescheduled to a later date. An announcement with the updated event details will be posted. Apologies on the inconvenienc…
Sales – Innovation Showcase: Help Desk, 29 March 2021, 8 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the Sales – Innovation Showcase: Help Desk session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a new co…
Sales – Oracle Sales Innovation Roadmap, 10 March 2021, 8 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the Sales – Oracle Sales Innovation Roadmap session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a new c…
How To Filter Workspace Saved Searches Based on the Territory of the UserSummary How To Filter Workspace Saved Searches Based on the Territory of the UserContent Hi, Is it possible to filter workspace saved searches based on the territory of …
When Implementing, Do the Right Thing!Summary A list of the features that you must use to get the best out of your implementation. Content At Oracle, we continually strive to deliver the enhancements that yo…
Data visibility from CDM to ReceivablesSummary TCAContent Quick question - I wonder if anyone experienced the following and how you addressed it. Here is the detail, I create a Organization (Party) and Addres…
Sales - 10 Things You Didn't Know CX Sales Can Do Today, 1 October 2020, 9 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the Sales - 10 Things You Didn't Know CX Sales Can Do Today session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by…
REPLAY: File Based Upload of Incentive Compensation RulesSummary Learn how to manage Incentive Compensation rules more efficiently with a file based import. Content Using Import Management, administrators can more efficiently …Chad Bryant-Oracle 55 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Chad Bryant-Oracle Incentive Compensation
Sales – Best Practices: Getting Started on CX Sales Mobile, 22 September 2020, 8 a.m. PT - Submit QuContent Submit your questions for the Sales – Best Practices: Getting Started on CX Sales Mobile session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions…
Transform Your Initial Setup with On-boarding toolsSummary CX Sales provides some fantastic setup tools to get you started. From initial setup to data import for your Conference Room Pilot, we have the tools to get your …
Limitation - Resource Users RESTSummary cannot update Resource Role AssignmentsContent Hi, In the Resource User REST API (/crmRestApi/resources/, PATCH/POST/DELETE are not sup…
Edit Pages in Visual BuilderSummary Available on 20B?Content Hi, I saw the attached screen in 20B extension document. Do we have any pages enabled for VB Studio extension? Thanks, Adam
Phone available for Resource Object in CSA?Summary Phone available for Resource Object in CSA?Content Hi, I don't see phone field listed in resource object in CSA. Please refer to the attached screen for details.…
BUG? - Resource role update in Manage User taskSummary Known bug?Content In Manage User task, if I update resource role for a user, a new role is added to JTF_RS_ROLE_RELATIONS. This is what happens - If user A has r…
Need confirmation - Impersonation/Proxy UserSummary Does it support SSO?Content Hi All, Can you confirm if Impersonation supports SSO? Here is what I observed, If I login with FA local pwd, I can use 'switch to' t…
Need Confirmation - CSM doesn't page composer items on role level?Summary is it supported yet on 20B?Content Quick question - For personalization configured on job role level with page composer, are they supported in CSM migration as o…
Create Page Entry with Link Type 'Dynamic URL'Summary Web Application doesn't showContent Hi, As per the below steps from configuration guide, I create an application, but I cannot see it on the page entry definitio…
Does workspace search support private activity?Summary java error when opening private activity not owned by login userContent Hi, In workspace, I can search private activity (11032 in the attached screen) owned by M…
Sales Campaign cannot be delivered to @gmail.comSummary DMARC policyContent Hi, Emails launched from Sales Campaign cannot be delivered to gmail.com, but works for company domain (e.g. @abccompany.com). Here is the bo…
CSA visible in App Composer but not OTBI after CSM migrationSummary Do I need to republish CSA on target pod?Content Quick question - I migrated CSA from source to target with CSM. I can see CSA in App Composer on Target, but I c…
Sales CampaignSummary Email Delivered, Failed InfoContent Quick question - In the Sales Campaign, I can only see campaign status. If I want to see how many emails are delivered and fa…
Make CDM Hierarchies read-onlySummary Privilege, Page ComposerContent Hi, I'd like to make CDM Hierarchies (search & detail pages) read-only. For search page, I can hide Create icon and action with p…
Configuring CORS in OECSummary Configuring CORS in OEC for VBCSContent Hi Guys, Hope you are all doing well. In OEC, where do we go configure the CORS settings (Specifically the setting for pr…
Outlook layout for Account & ContactSummary 'Disable Update' checkbox can be checked?Content Quick question - Like the attached screen, can we check 'Disable Update' checkbox? Thanks, Adam Version 20B
q string supported on child object?Summary q string supported on child object?Content Hi, Is this possible to query a specific child object record with q string instead of id in the end point? I tried wit…
REST API Batch Action IssueSummary Does the part sequence matter?Content Hi, In the batch action, I noticed that if I call create before update, the batch API is failed. Do you know why? Here is t…
REST API - Delete all records in child object vs Delete one record in child objectSummary Possible?Content Hey, If we want to delete all records in child object of Account or Contact, I know we can use Batch Action to include all child records or call…
Phone Type vs. Phone Line TypeSummary Can we have a single consolidated type?Content In Account & Contact Simplified UI, the type in All phones comes from lookup 'ORA_HZ_PHONE_TYPE'. The same is used…
Best practice for VBCS MashupSummary How to make VBCS Save more user friendly?Content Hi, We build a custom page in VBCS to display contact details and some additional data. On this VBCS page we hav…