Compensation Other
Discussion List
Line Manager Proxy for Workforce CompensationSummary Proxy for line manager workforce compensation worksheet transactionsContent Hello Experts, We have a requirement, during the work force compensation cycle, inste…
Total compensation StatementSummary How will individual compensation display at toal compensation statement?Version 18c
Oracle Report Jam at Collaborate 2019: Here to Build Your Reporting ConfidenceSummary April 8-10 2019, San Antonio TXContent Come and meet reporting experts from across Oracle HCM product development who can build a report with you, answer your re…Gail Langendorf-Oracle 26 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Gail Langendorf-Oracle Compensation
Worksheet Manager Notes Page - ZMM_NOTES - What is 'SOURCE_OBJECT_UID ' fieldContent Hi I am trying to get ( Report) 'Notes' entered by compensation Work sheet manager. I got the table (ZMM_NOTES) and the field. But I am not able to join to the p…Naveen Jayaraman-48236 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gail Langendorf-Oracle Compensation
WFC Worksheet ExportContent Am I reading it correctly that in the 18C update the desktop integration add-in is now required to export WFC worksheets? Is it required for both Export- View in…User_2025-01-31-20-06-07-613 62 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy Marlow-Oracle Compensation
How to take export of Manage Access/Approve in WF Compensation without ErrorSummary How to take export of Manage Access/Approve in WF Compensation to check access for all Managers.Content Hi Friends, Is there any provision in WF Compensation to …
Re-Assigning Employees to New Managers mid Compensation CycleContent Afternoon all, So we have noticed that there is a large discrepancy between the amount of compensation items available to process on the system, versus what is e…User_2025-01-28-05-39-23-766 57 views 2 comments 3 points Most recent by Ankur_Fusion_HCM Compensation
Market Match Survey DataSummary Displaying Market Match Data in Compensation PlansContent Hi, In Release 8 functionality was released to import survey data; can this data be displayed in Compen…User_2025-01-22-19-19-21-705 120 views 32 comments 2 points Most recent by Gail Langendorf-Oracle Compensation
Restrict visibility of ICPs for contingent workers vs employees in ESSSummary Restrict visibility of ICPs for contingent workers vs employees in ESSContent Hi experts,We are faced with requirements when individual comp. plans visibility sh…
Terminated Employees Showing up in Comp Statement GenerationSummary When managerd go in to generate compensation statements, the list of employees includes terminations.Content When managers go in to generate compensation stateme…User_2025-01-30-00-43-24-924 57 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Sachin.Satpute Compensation
How to hide ineligible workers from statementSummary How to hide ineligible workers from statementContent Hi All, We are facing one issue, we have some employee made ineligible from plan and they are not available …
Grade Code does not appear in Manage Grade Rates screenContent Hi Guys, We need to update our Grade Rates and our first thought was to go in to Manage Grade Rates, match an existing Grade Code and enter in the new value, but…
Worksheet Export report in Workforce Compensation moduleSummary The Worksheet export report in the Workforce Compensation module.Content The Worksheet export report in the Workforce Compensation module...when you download it …
Variable pay on top of fixed paySummary How to configure a variable allowanceContent Hi all, We have some workers who are eligible for variable pay on top of their fixed pay (basic salary). For example…
19 A Update issue -Not able to reapply the model in Workforce CompensationSummary 19 A Update issue -Not able to reapply the model in Workforce CompensationContent we have created Global models for applying the Budget.Before 19 A update we wer…User_2025-01-28-23-32-02-981 46 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Kathy Marlow-Oracle Compensation
Worksheet Hierarchy Based on Department ManagersContent We use the line manager hierarchy to determine how budgets roll up and approvals are routed in the compensation plan. However, we also have the requirement to al…
Advice and Good Practice around Managing future dated Salaries when using Workforce CompensationSummary Advice and Good Practice around Managing future dated Salaries when using Workforce CompensationContent Is there a set guideline or approach to dealing with Futu…
Reference columns from one plan in another in a fast formulaSummary Reference columns from one plan in another in a fast formulaContent My customer has a KPI based Bonus plan that can use upto a number (around 40/45) of numeric v…
Team Filter on Compensation WorksheetSummary Team Filter on Compensation Worksheet from R12 is not displaying in R13Content We are configuring Workforce Compensation for our upcoming Compensation cycle and …
DFF on manage salary pageSummary DFF on manage salary pageContent can we enable DFF on manage salary page?
19A Salary Differential - Import / Export CapabilitySummary Support Export and Import of Manage Salary DifferentialsContent Hi - We have had information that in 19A there was to be the ability to "Export and import new or…
Cloud Compensation and Chatbot / AISummary Roadmap for Chatbot / AI capability for Cloud CompensationContent Hi - Looking to get some information / clarification around chatbot / AI capabilities in future…
Wrong Calculation in Global ModelSummary Overall Budget Amount in Global Model is calculating incorrectlyContent Hi All, Whilst configuring Global model for Compensation we are facing a scenario where i…Shivanshu Santosh-110055 40 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shivanshu Santosh-110055 Compensation
Ineligible workers showing in worksheetSummary Ineligible workers showing in worksheetContent I have the 'hide' ineligible workers boxed checked. But for some employees both their current assignment and recen…User_2025-01-31-20-06-07-613 42 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-14-58-41-080 Compensation
Compensation Plan QuestionSummary Need a new Pool to be handled.Content We have a Comp Plan which does merit increments for all locations. The Merit is Worker Level Budgeting and is attached to s…
Generate compensation statements for all employees in planSummary Generate compensation statements for all employees in planContent Hello, In Rel12 version of Fusion, As an Administrator, We can Proxy in as a manager and print …
Filters in Budget worksheetSummary For the top level manager with the Budget distribution methods as "All Managers" there are 300+ managers in the budget worksheet. It is every time consuming to s…Gangi Reddy Madatala-143642 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Priyanka_Kumari Compensation
Compensation Performance Rating Updated by - No option for fetching it in dynamic calculationSummary Compensation Performance Rating Updated by - No option for fetching it in dynamic calculationContent 1. We have a requirement to capture the details of “Compensa…Gangi Reddy Madatala-143642 39 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ankur_Fusion_HCM Compensation
HCM – Product Update: Work Life Solutions (My Wellness, My Brand, My Volunteering, My Competitions),Content Submit your questions for the HCM – Product Update: Work Life Solutions session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a new…Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle 40 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle Compensation
Compensation DB TablesSummary Details of all comp DB tablesContent Hi all, We are experiencing some issues where bonus % and amounts are increasing on a managers worksheet but there is nothin…