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Compensation Pages Appearing BlankSummary: All the Compensation pages such as 'Administer Compensation' is appearing blank whenever clicked. The user has all the Compensation roles assigned and is using …
Newly configured Payroll element is not showing up while configuration of new salary basisSummary Newly configured Payroll element is not showing up while configuration of new salary basisContent Hi All, I am configuring new salary basis based on new payroll …User_2025-02-06-23-45-30-095 535 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rajesh Jupudi-Oracle Compensation
New Check box functionality on Start and Refresh Workforce Compensation Batch ProcessSummary: New Check box functionality on Start and Refresh Workforce Compensation Batch Process Content (required): Hi Team, I want to clarify my understanding for the be…
Hide the download option in the communication task of CompensationSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement to hide the download option of letter when manager logs in to release the letter to employee which is generated via running the b…
Where are ICP attachments stored?Summary: Content (required): Hello everyone, Does anyone know where are the ICPs attachments are stored in the system? We added an ICP for an employee and we attached a …
Employee LOV not visible for View Compensation Change Statement Quick Action (Manager View)Summary: Employee LOV not visible for View Compensation Change Statement Quick Action (Manager View) Content (required): My Team--> View Compensation Change Statement (Q…Ankit Saklecha-Oracle 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ankit Saklecha-Oracle Compensation
IMPACT OF fte values on salary rangesSummary: Impact of FTE on salary ranges Can any one provide different examples around it and in different frequencies like ( when working hours is captured in Daily, Mon…
Using Formula to fetch Termination Date, No of Direct Reports only in Individual Worker DisplaySummary: Requirement:- The field should only be enabled in IWD and not in the worksheet and Formula should fetch the correct value in IWD Section Type - Worksheet Column…Ankit Saklecha-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gail Langendorf-Oracle Compensation
Compensation History - Show Annual Increase OnlySummary: Compensation History - Show Annual Increase Only from previous years Content (required): We have a client requirement where we need to showcase Compensation His…
Where can we find the termination date in Individual DisplaySummary: Hi Team We have a requirement to display the "termination date" in "Individual Worker Display" page. Requesting you to kindly let us know if there is a delivere…Ankit Saklecha-Oracle 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gail Langendorf-Oracle Compensation
Kindly let us know the privilege that grants access to Compensation HistorySummary: Kindly let us know the privilege that grants access to Compensation History I have added the below duty role to Custom Line Manager Role View Compensation Histo…
Worksheet Overidden by Higher Level ManagerSummary: Can anyone confirm how this functionality works? I have tested and below are my findings Findings:- If Manager 1 or his higher level manager updates Worksheet A…
Worksheet Filter - Quick search based on typing single letterSummary: At compensation plan level, for delivered column like Department, LE etc, is it possible for users to select multiple values in the LOV based on typing one lett…
Change the sequencing of Alerts appearing on compensation Approvals tabSummary: Within the 'Approval' page, by clicking on (Alerts), within the (Alerts Counting) column, is it possible to reverse the order of the alerts, so as to display fi…
Deliviered Reports in Compensation 23ASummary: Hi Team, We have requirement where client wants to have the exact location of the reports in the back end. Manager Reports Administrative Report Can you provide…Ankit Saklecha-Oracle 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ankit Saklecha-Oracle Compensation
Compensation: UsageSummary: We are specifically looking for the usage of Compensation module Content (required): We have license for and are currently using Core HR, Absences, Payroll and …
Is it possible to show changes in the worksheet within the worksheet?Summary: When a higher level updates a value of a lower level manager, is there a way to show that within the worksheet? I do have the option of the audit report, but th…
Manager not able to post past dated Individual Compensation for direct reportsContent We have created an Individual Comp Plan with Payment Start Date as "User chooses date" and added the action "Manage Individual Compensation" with Always Allow ac…
Resignations after HR Extraction dateSummary Resignations after HR Extraction dateContent Hi, We have Annual Comp Plan with Salary and Bonus as components. HR Extraction date - 1st Jan. For employees resign…
Error After changing the notification from "Approval Required" to "Information Only" for an AORSummary: I changed the notification from "Approval Required" to "Information Only" for an AOR ( (ICP) The FYI notification is getting triggered but the element entry is …
My Team - Manager Unable to submit another ICP if ONE ICP is under approvalsSummary: Manager Unable to submit another ICP if ONE ICP is under approvals Is there a profile option that needs to be enable or disabled to achieve this Content (requir…
Requirement to Publish Zero Budget for Manager Level Budgeting - PercentageSummary: Hi Team, We have a Requirement to Publish Zero Budget for Manager Level Budgeting - Percentage. The admin will start the plan and publish zero or null budget an…
Hide Department field which is coming by Default (Initially Hidden) in Budget Details screenSummary: Department field (Initially Hidden) is coming by Default in Budget Details screen We have not enabled this field in the Budget details screen. It is appearing b…Ankit Saklecha-Oracle 33 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Gail Langendorf-Oracle Compensation
Requirement to convert the Standard Hours Field in the Hours Per Month in the Compensation WorksheetSummary: We have a requirement to convert the Standard Hours Field in the Hours per Month As evident from the screenshot , the frequency is different . Is there a way to…
Derive Value from the Department Tree in Compensation WorksheetSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement to fetch Value from different node in the Department Tree in Compensation Worksheet. Has anyone achieved it and how? Is it feasib…
Explanation on Functionality and Creation of the following Compensation Profile OptionsSummary: We are unable to see the following profile option in the Manage Administrator Profile Values. Kindly help us with the functionality of each of them Also let us …Ankit Saklecha-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Compensation
Explaination on the Compensation Profile OptionsSummary: Hi Team, Kindly help us in understanding the functionality of the below profile options Any help is highly Appreciated Content (required): Version (include the …Ankit Saklecha-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Compensation
Customize ICP Approval NotificationSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement to customize the delivered ICP Notification (Create/Update/Delete) Has anyone received similar requirement in your project and if…
ICP not visible to Employee and Line managersSummary ICP not visible to Employee and Line managersContent The Individual compensation plan is not visible to employee or line managers. When as an employee navigate t…
We need a formula to display number of direct/indirect reports within the compensation worksheetSummary: We need to 2 formulas within the compensation worksheet to show someone direct/indirect reports (the count) Content (required): is there a away to show someone'…