User Experience: UX
Discussion List
Process Workforce Compensation Change Statements - How does "administrator Only" visibility work?Summary: When we try to run the "Process Workforce Compensation Change Statements" setting the visibility as "administrator Only" no one is able to view the statement. C…
Is learning transcript in Redwood sortable?When we go to Print Transcript as a learner there is no way to sort learning history by either title or completion date. This causes the transcript to not be cohesive an…
Compensation plan - Allocate budget - Unpublished column not correctly update.Summary: When we try to allocate budget for some managers the "Non pubblicato" ("Unpublished") column doesn't update. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
Compensation Plan - Approvals task - What is involved in filling in the expiration date?Summary: Hi all, We would like to know what are the consequences of filling in the "due date" field and performing the “change due date for all manager” action. Is it fo…
Compensation plan - How to freeze the first row during compensation taskSummary: Is there a way to freeze the first row (the row with column titles) when I scroll through the compensation plan? Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
"Notify Workers" option when change statement is createdSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, I need to notify the employee that the Change Statement has been generated, so I flag…
ORA_CMP_VIEW_FUTURE_SALARY_CHANGESSummary: I have provided ORA_CMP_VIEW_FUTURE_SALARY_CHANGES privilege to our custom Line manager role and another admin role(Same as Line manager but for different LE). …
% Range validation on Compensation section during Hire an Employee actionSummary: Hi experts, we would like to ask about this anomalous behavior related to the validation of the percentage inserted in Compensation section during a Hire action…Marlon Castillo Maliglig 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea_Nuck-Oracle Compensation
Current base pay of the employee is not getting updated once currency is switchedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Current base pay of the employee of singapore legislation is not getting changed in the workforce…
what does Next Salary Review Date do? when updating salarySummary: i'm trying to understand what exactly this "Next Salary Review Date" do when there is a date populated in that field. Content (required): we have a need in whic…
How to set Monetary Format ( Comma separated Values) & Budget in Lakhs/ Crores instead of Millions?Summary: Monetary numbers should be in local currency comma separated format. By default oracle hcm follow global format of comma separating numeric digits, example: 200…
Total compensation statement - PDF : Customizing the layout of pdf statementsSummary: As we have been having multiple requests from the client on tweaking the dynamically generated pdf statements, we would like to know if there is any direction p…
Change Salary Action Reason lookup nameSummary: Content (required): Hello experts, do you know the Lookup Name or code for Change Salary Action Reason field as in the attached screen? Thanks in advance for yo…
Need HDL for Compensation Worksheet columns to Populate Worksheet ColumnsSummary: Need HDL for Compensation Worksheet columns to Populate Worksheet Columns for over 50k Employees The way a user would generally export the worksheet and then up…
Not able to Create "Global Model"Content Hi Experts, We are not able to Global Model under Compensation. We are not able to select the Associated Plan & Component from the dropdown as they are blank whi…
Renaming the Compensation app and page under My Client GroupsSummary: Renaming the Compensation app and page under My Client Groups Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we have the followin…
Unable to hide Control fields (Delete,ok, Cancel) section in Manage Other compensationHi Team, We are trying to Hide a specific section which has this buttons (Delete,OK,Cancel) in Manage Other Compensation, tried using Page Composer and HCM design studio…
Hide Amount Input Value based on Status Value in Manage Other compensation pageWe have requirement to make the Amount field display only when Status Value is set to 'Sent to Payroll' in Manage Other Compensation Page. Amount and Status are Input Na…
Element_input_validation formula to validate the effective_date of the ICPSummary: I have a complex Element which is linked to an ICP and I would like to validate the effective_date of this ICP to make sure that it is captured on the 1st of a …
Can Oracle load compensation zones to the back-end table?Our client is dividing their compensation zone by CBSAs which totals to around 10,000 Compensation Zones. Configuring it manually will be a tedious task to do. With this…
hide compensation application for a specific Abstract RoleSummary: hide compensation application for a specific Abstract Role (Contractors) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need to hide compensa…
Compensation History: Other Compensation and Recurring Payment categoriesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello everyone, Our client would like to enable the "Compensation History" column in the workshee…
Change "Approval Chain" boxes contentSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello everyone, I was wondering whether anyone knows if it is possible to change the boxes conten…
Fast Formula to extract person HR Rep in Compensation WorksheetSummary: Hi Experts, We have a requirement to extract employee HR Representative in the compensation worksheet. I am unable to find the DBI to return employee HR Represe…
Custom RTF formatting issueSummary: Hi Experts, We have created a custom RTF template for Compensation Change Statement, but when we load the template in the system is looses the formatting like, …
Salary Range Low and Salary Range High columnsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I have enabled the Salary Range Low - Current and Salary Range High - Current in the works…
Secured Resource for Personal Contribution, Manage & Administer CompensationSummary: Hello experts, For personal contributions, managing and administering compensation, we intended to make a separate tile. However, we would prefer to access Secu…
Fast Formula: How to retrieve the Business TitleSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello everyone, We have a requirement to retrieve the Business Title information in the worksheet…
Worksheet Display - Is it possible to freeze the row heading when we scroll down?Summary: When we display multiple employees in a worksheet, the headers are not visible. Is there a way we can freeze the row heading? Otherwise we need to scroll up and…
HCM 23D Release Readiness Published 9/1/2023Summary: Hello Everyone! I wanted to let you all know that the 23D New Feature Summary and What’s New are now published to the Readiness site. You can access them from: …