Discussion List
New Hire Journey - Responsive to Redwood PPM TaskWe currently have a New Hire Tasks journey set up as an external URL using the deeplink to the responsive page for Payment Methods. In a few weeks, we'll be shifting to …
When a user start a journey via Start Journey button it loads indefinitelyHey! When a user tries to start a journey using the "Start Journey" button the journey screen keeps loading indefinitely, the user is only able to see the journey that i…
Users unable to search for Journeys on Organization TabSummary: Some users not able to view/search for the New Hire’s Journey as soon as the New Hire Journey is allocated to the users on Organization Journeys tab. They are h…
Payroll relationship and Identification Info is not available in person spotlightSummary: Payroll relationship is not available in person spotlight. Even though we are able to access it through quick actions or global search. We are unable to see it …Ganesan M 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhinakaran-Venugopal-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
The "Save" button is non-functional in the Disability Info - Embedded Application Task.Summary: In the Disability Info - Embedded Application Task, the disability form loads correctly, and users can select available options. However, clicking the 'Save' bu…
Currently Journeys are triggering FYI Notifications instead of Action Required NotificationsSummary: Hi Team, We have observed that, currently Journeys are triggering "FYI" Notifications instead of "Action Required" Notifications to Performers. When performer r…
Getting inactive assignment while trying to assign journeyAfter creating the journey, I was trying to assign the journey to one of the employee when entering the employee number I can able to see more than 1 assignment out of t…
Candidate report - OfferHi all, I have a specific report that extracts candidate's personal information and the progress of the tasks, is it possible to extract a column, in this report, with a…Simone Mignano 25 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Dawn C-Support-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Why contextual journey available only in Quick actionsSummary: I want to get the contextual journey in every path. Not only from the quick action. Is there any possibility? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
How to hide this option "Start Journey" under Actions at Specific Journey levelSummary: Hi Team, Can anyone assist that how to hide this option "Start Journey" under Actions at Specific Journey level. We have "Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) Jou…
Different Journeys screen layout based on navigationSummary: With 24A upgrade and introduction of ‘Start this Journey’, there seems to be a different layout of the Journeys screen depending on how the specific Journey is …
Assign Journey using NudgesSummary: I want to assign journey to employee's based on their anniversary date and send one reminder if the journey is NOT completed after 14 days of allocation, can an…
Is there a way to show uploaded attachments in a completed task in journeys?Summary: When a user adds an attachment and marks the task complete the attachment is no longer visible when the task completes. Similar to what is noted on we have a si…
Disable Edit Task, Edit Due Date, Reassign Task, Remove Task etc. for Journey assigned by employeeSummary: We're developing a Journey to request Parental Leave. We want to allow the employee to initiate that Journey from a direct link (which can be communicated by th…
Unable to display or view Allocated Checklist Task in UI after using HDLSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): After following the documentation instruction found in Adding a Task to an Allocated Checklist on…
How to have different guided journey per performance document?Summary: Since we have different process regarding the performance document , we would like to add different Guided Journey to help employees and manager in the process …
Off Boarding Checklist/Journey is not automatically Triggering upon TerminationSummary: I have created an off boarding Journey with the triggering action as 'Termination'. However, the journey is not being auto-allocated upon the transaction is cre…
Need to ADD BIC code in multiple country Bank details in Personal Payment MethodsNeed to ADD BIC code in multiple country Bank details in Personal Payment Methods We have configured Journeys for Employee Pre-boarding during the Pending worker stage. …Challa Ramya-Oracle 15 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Challa Ramya-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
How to translate journeys and journey task in Redwood (24D)?Summary: We have enabled the profile option ORA_PER_JOURNEYS_SETUP_REDWOOD_ENABLED for a a customer. Checklist templates is now replaced by Journey templates. However, t…
Redwood guided journey spinsHello everyone, Our redwood guided journeys start spinning, when anyone clicks on it. The strange part is that if the spinning journey is closed and reopened it works ju…
Validations for Configurable form associated with journeysHi Team, We have a requirement form business to validate the values filled in the configurable form associated with the on boarding journey ; like for PAN , fourth digit…
ORA_PER_CHK_EXPLORE_ORACLE_SEARCH_UI_ENABLEDSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Currently, The profile option ORA_PER_CHK_EXPLORE_ORACLE_SEARCH_UI_ENABLED is set as N. In Journe…
Oracle search for Journeys - not giving any resultsSummary: Hi Team, **** Moving to Journeys **** We enabled journeys in DEV pod and assigned journeys tab works fine and giving results after running oracle search ACL pro…
Journey not appearing under Me > My JourneysHello, We came across this issue fairly recently where when we try and allocate a checklist to a worker through the 'Allocate Checklists', for some reason it doesn't app…
Reopen task expires in one daySummary: Hi Team, We tried reopening a few tasks in the Journeys after expiration and see that the tasks are expired the next day. Can you please let us know if there is…
Journey and roleSummary: Helo, I would like to add "Owner Responsibility Type" in a Journey Task. Could you please tell me how to add it ? Also could you please confirm if we had a AOR …
Preview button in Journey templates redwood page not working for Enterprise onboarding Step CategoryHello I wanted to check with you all if anyone has observed that in the new journey templates redwood page under the journeys setup if you try to open a journey template…
Hide Date signed field in a e-signature Journey task when saved as DraftSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement, to make the Signed date field to be hidden in a journey's esignature task …
New Redwood Journeys Setup UI ExperienceHi, As new Redwood UI has become available to enable, we have been regression testing to validate if the new UI supports our current configuration. We have enabled the n…
Task names overlapping on "Others tasks" in journeysHas anyone else had an issue with the task name overlapping in journeys when users view "Other tasks". Despite trying different browser zoom options this does not change…