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Line Manager need to have Option for Attachment and CommentsSummary Line Manager need to have Option for Attachment and CommentsContent When Line Manager access My Team to change Employee's assignment he is not able to see the Co…
How to send FYI notification in BPM based on lookupSummary Want to send FYI notification in BPM based on lookupContent I have a requirement to send FYI notification to concerned team once employee resignation is approved…Nirmal Ignatius 67 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nirmal Ignatius Human Capital Management
Mobile Responsive UI > My Team > Click on Worker > Manager cannot see Employment Info of Direct RepoContent Hello All, Your support is highly appreciated on the issue we are facing: Our environment is on Mobile Responsive UI; Manager accesses My Team > My Team and clic…Bernard T 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-18-57-36-641 Human Capital Management
Checklist- Core HRSummary Checklist- Core HRContent Hi Experts, I have an requirement in checklist. Customer having SOP documents, Using task I need to assign those documents and i need t…User_2025-02-05-04-17-04-394 58 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-04-17-04-394 Human Capital Management
Loqate Geography Reference Data for UK - Missing CountySummary Loqate Geography Reference Data for UK - Missing CountyContent Hi , We are on 20B and using loqate Geography Reference Data for UK , it seems to be missing count…Abhishek Sood HCM 45 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Sood HCM Human Capital Management
Legal Employer and Action Reason Fields Added to Employment Info PageSummary 20C enhancement Legal Employer and Action Reason Fields Added to Employment Info Page is not available to managers.Content Oracle HCM Cloud 20C Update includes a…
Hide Enterprise Seniority Dt on Employment InfoSummary Show Legal Employer Seniority Dt only on Employment InfoContent We are using V1 Seniority Dates and want the Enterprise Seniority Date to be visible to superuser…Janine Brown 80 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Girish Singh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Use HCM Checklist for complex processes used on more than one person sequentiallyContent Hi all, In the attached screenshot (marked in a white frame) from UX Office Hours - Final Session Part 42 there is a line that says - Use HCM Checklist for compl…Maya.Klein-Oracle 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by alexander khoerniawan-Oracle Human Capital Management
Disassociating a Division Classification from a DepartmentContent We are finding that you cannot disassociate a division classification from a Department once initially created. Even when you go to the workforce structures to m…
Delivered Human Resource Specialist Role Access QuerySummary Delivered Human Resource Specialist Role Access QueryContent Hi, Can someone confirm if the delivered Human Resources Specialist Role gives users the ability to …
Workforce Structures: Organizations > Cost Center and DepartmentContent Hello All, On this link, it is explained how…
In the list of values for Job, the fields displayed to help the selection are : Name, Code, Job FamiSummary In responsive design, when we modify an employee's job the fields displayed are Name, Code and Job Famlily. Is it possible to display others fields?Content In re…Olivier Guillouf 44 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ute Bursian-Oracle Human Capital Management
Checklist task for updating Nominees in Benefit moduleSummary Hello,Content Our client has a new ask wherein they want their Pending workers to update the nominees in the Benefit module. Can this be achieved through checkli…
MultipleLegislationsFlag in My Contact Area on family and emergency contact quick actionContent Hi All, In HCM Design Studio Cloud -> Family and Emergency Contact quick action -> My Contact area -> there is a field called:"MultipleLegislationsFlag" field. h…User_2025-01-30-18-03-08-879 30 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chris Borsh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Location set of valuesSummary What is the value set used for location field in assignmentContent Hello, What is the name of value set used in location field in the assignment page? How can I …User_2025-02-04-10-02-13-532 28 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-10-02-13-532 Human Capital Management
Populate Seniority date via fast formulaContent Can someone share any sample formula or Oracle references to populate seniority date based on fast formula? Any pointers would be helpful. Thanks, SowdhaSowdha Murugan 84 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to make approval that goes to the rep move to the rep's manager if the rep initiated it.Summary How to make approval that goes to the rep move to the rep's manager if the rep initiated it.Content I want to setup our approvals so the change made goes to the …User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Christopher Jothi - HCM-Oracle Human Capital Management
Hire Employee > Person Information > Citizenship set to Required > No error message when is emptyContent Hello All, I will appreciate your support in the following issue: In Hire an Employee: Person Information screen, client wants the field Citizenship to be Requir…
BI Publisher report how can we add banner pic and color formatting to the layout?Summary BI Publisher report how can we add banner pic and color formatting to the layout?Content Hello , We would like to add a BIP report to a picture banner of the com…
"View Document" under Manage Document Records does not shows output when data is loaded via HDLSummary "View Document" under Manage Document Records does not shows output when data is loaded via HDLContent Hi Experts, As per the latest feature of 20B , if a report…
Database Item for Job Extra Information2Summary Database Item for Job Extra Information2Content Hi Experts Not able to see Database item PER_JOB_EXTRA_INFO_ALL_INFORMATION2 in Fast Formula or Extract Configura…
: Hire Employee > Please advise if possible to capture Country of BirthContent Hello All, In Hire an Employee flow, we checked in Page Composer if possible to add the field Country of Birth; however, we could not find it Please advise if po…
Default value for "Text Area" display type in DOR DFFContent Hi, We are able to default value for dropdown/list of values display type field in DFF. But when I am passing a contant default value for the display type "Text …
Archive Workflow Tasks - purposeSummary Archive Workflow Tasks - purposeContent What is the general purpose of running process Archive Workflow Tasks - does it archive approval history and comments for…User_2025-02-10-08-35-16-271 79 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Meet Bhavsar. Human Capital Management
DFF HistorySummary DFF HistoryContent Hi - Can we get history of DFF used in any of the MSS transactions? -Ranjeet
Onboarding - Configurable formsSummary what can you do witrh configurable formsContent Hello What is the purpose of a configurable form? Can you use it in any other way than just being a form on an on…Michael Kozlowski 64 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Kozlowski Human Capital Management
Checklist emails are not getting trigged to candidatesSummary Checklist emails are not getting trigged to candidatesContent Hello friends, We have an issue in Checklist Candidates are not getting checklist emails. We can se…Santhosh Bachu 58 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-04-17-04-394 Human Capital Management
Role to Access ChecklistSummary Role to Access ChecklistContent Hi Experts, Employee is not able to access the checklist task. It's showing blank screen as shown in image. Can you please help m…User_2025-02-05-04-17-04-394 81 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-04-17-04-394 Human Capital Management
List to Delegate is blankSummary List to delegate approval is blank.Content Hello all When an Approver choose actions of the notification he/she has the otion to delegate. The problem is the lis…
Separate Notification Paths for Termination ActionSummary We need a way to setup notifications to send to a few different groups based off a single action in OracleContent Is there a way to setup multiple types of notif…