Discussion List
Personal Brand - Mentorship - How to enable "Discuss" option?We are implementing Mentoring process on 24B release. When trying to click on "Discuss" option (for Mentors or Mentees) from Mentorship page, the following error message…
How to Add the images in Worklife solution NotificationsSummary: How to Add the images in Worklife solution Notifications Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to Add the images in Worklife soluti…
Do we need separate license for Survey (Personal Brand)Content Hi All, We are looking ways to utilize Survey functionality (Personal Brand --> Survey) to get quick survey from employees (specially COVID related). So just wan…
Mentoring Implementation QuestionsSummary: Are there any resources on implementing Mentoring/Personal Brand - I have only been able to come across the user guide but no information on configurations. I'm…
Survey Functionality - Can HR Spec create survey for entire organization?Summary Survey : Workforce Reputation ManagementContent Hi, We have a requirement wherein, we need to send survey to entire population/organization. I came across Survey…
Ask an Expert - how do you answer the questionSummary I can't find any questions that have been asked unless they already have an answerContent Hey everyone, I am trying to implement the Personal Brand section and I…
Implementation and user guide for mentorshipSummary: Content (required): Hello all, i’m looking for implementation and user guide for Mentorship and HRHD. Could someone please send this to me or attach the link to…
Can we add DFF to Volunteering page components like Organization, Projects?Summary: Our customer wants to capture the custom field values in the Volunteering while creating the Organization and also on the Projects page. Content (required): Is …
Work Life Implementation GuideSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are looking for implementation guides/configurations for Work Life Solutions Thanks Version (i…
Personal brand/Reputation administration pageSummary Unable to find the Personal brand/Reputation administration page 19BContent Hi Team, Kindly let me know if any one has accessed the Personal Brand/Reputation Adm…
Specialized Skills in Personal BrandSummary Need to manage list of LOV for Specialized SkillsContent Hi How do I manage list of values for Specialized Skills in Personal Brand. I need to add banking skills…
Receiving error while connecting from Fusion Work life Module to Fitbit websiteSummary: Receiving error while connecting from Fusion Work life Module to Fitbit website Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include …
Cannot add Specialized and Interpersonal skillsSummary: Cannot add Specialized and Interpersonal skills under My Skills in Personal Brand Content (required): Cannot add Specialized and Interpersonal skills under My S…
Wellness and Personal Brand open a blank page when accessed from Me>Wellness/Personal BrandSummary: While trying to set up Worklife, Wellness and Personal Brand opens a blank page when accessed from Me>Wellness/Personal Brand. Content (required): While trying …
Personal Brand : Search not working till you type full text while searching Existing QuestionsSummary: When we Search using following navigation, it doesn't return anything unless we search a full question / text, Which is not making any sense at all - Please ref…
How can we add or manage the list of skills in skills category of personal brand?Summary: How can we manage the list of skills in skills category personal brand? Content (required): Our client purchased Work life solutions. We wanted to leverage the …Anandakrishna Thamballa 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by BrianKim-Oracle Work Life Solutions
Employee cannot see survey resultsContent Hi All, I have submitted a survey (Me --> Personal Brand --> Survey) with two recipients, both have responded to survey but when i click on the link to see resul…
Error when clicking on EndorsementsSummary: Error when clicking on Endorsements Content (required): I am getting an error when clicking on Personal Brand --> Endorsements. Am I missing a role or privilege…
Configuring Connector Using Data IntegrationSummary: Hi Team, We are to enable a data integrator for Workforce Reputation, however, we do not see any references for how this can be done especially when defining th…
Work Life Implementation GuideSummary: Looking for Implementation Guides for Work Life Solutions Content (required): Hi Team, We are looking for implementation guides for Work Life Solutions, current…Karol Panaligan 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Cojocariu-Oracle Work Life Solutions
Enable and View Oracle Social NetworkI am sure this has been asked multiple types as I do see the questions. However, I am not able to find the firm answer. I have enabled Oracle Social Network Objects for …
Personal Brand and Team Skills CenterSummary: Wanted to know more about these applications. I need few Oracle documents and implementation references if any. I have already referred the attached. But I need…
Did anyone get Personal Brand -> Endorsements to work?Summary: Did anyone get Personal Brand -> Endorsements to work? Content (required): Did anyone get Personal Brand -> Endorsements to work? I am trying to activate this f…
Personal Brand is not displaying under Me tabSummary: Personal Brand is not displaying under Me tab Content (required): Personal Brand is not displaying under Me tab. I have enabled a sandbox but cannot see it in S…
My Wellness DocumentationSummary How to link to activity trackersContent Hello - Does anyone have information on My Wellness? We are trying to understand how to link to activity trackers and ove…Margaret Harvey 152 views 7 comments 3 points Most recent by Shine Mathew-Oracle Work Life Solutions
How can we pull up survey responses of individuals in Personal Brand and Wellness report ?Summary: Pull up survey responses of individuals in Personal Brand and Wellness report through OTBI Content (required): Hi Team, How can be able to pull up survey respon…
How to remove Soft skills from personal Brand AdministrationSummary: Remove Soft Skills from personal Brand Content (required): Dear All, Please let me know if there is any way to remove standard soft skills from personal Brand A…
Employees are not able to see the Mentors in their Personal BrandSummary Employees are not able to see the Mentors in their Personal Brand to get mentored by expertsContent Each individual in the Organization has been highly skilled i…
How to use AlertUtils.loop to get all Active Learners of an Offering in single email?This is the code that is being used in Template to send email to Instructor, however it sends separate emails per Learner of the Offering instead of consolidating all Le…
Worklife Notifications not working post submission of skill connector/ Generate notification jobSummary: We are trying to see the and view the email notifications (and bell icon) for some of the features E.g. 1) Experts are notified when questions are posted. 2) Ow…