Absence Management
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How to add an excpetion for an employee for a work schedule defined at Department levelSummary: We have defined a work schedule at department for some specific weeks in a month where employees need to work for 10 hours instead of regular 8 hours There is a…
which is the Best Place in 23B for placing the Organization Policy documentsSummary: Best Place in 23B for placing the Organization Policy documents Content (required): Where can we upload the Organization Policy documents in 23B which is easily…User_2025-03-10-22-49-56-742 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rakesh2407 Workforce Management
Sick Leave to be calculated for yearsSummary: We have a requirement where sick leave needs to be considered for a period of 3 years. Oracle does provide Rolling Backward & Forward but the start date and End…
Pre-populating Duration field for Maternity/Paternity AbsencesSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement where the client is looking to pre-poplaute the duration field for Maternity/paternity absence. Please confirm if anyone has worke…
Absence Management Setup Migration from one Pod to anotherSummary: Hi Friends, Does anyone has a document or steps to follow to migrate Absence Management Setup objects ( Abs Plan, Types,FFs, Eligibility Profiles..etc) from one…RajeshV-Oralce HCM Cloud_Fusion 53 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Rakesh2407 Workforce Management
Possibility of HR (Leave Administrator) Should access pages related to Absence onlySummary: HR (Leave Administrator) Should access pages related to Absence only Content (required): Created New Group to give Access only to Absence Page but its not worki…
Absence accrual balance should not be carry forward to next monthSummary: There is a requirement from the client, for a specific absence type, Employees are allowed to use only 2 days per month(i.e. accrual of 2 days per month). The a…
For Sick Leave absence type-0.5 day absences calculating as1day .Summary: We have a requirement to record half day absences using the Start/End Date Duration (i.e. Full/Half Day) option. So we created absence type with Calendar Days U…User_2025-02-10-14-09-56-119 44 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by SP_2023 Workforce Management
usage of 'Code' field available in Work Shift setupHi, Can someone please let us know the usage of 'Code' field available in Work Shift setup? Regards, Rakesh
Email attachment to be sent only to certain approvers in approval chainSummary: We have absence approvals going to Line Manager and then to HR admins (AoR). The requirement is that any attachments that employee submits when submitting absen…Geetha Keerthi Sagar 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ganesh_b-Oracle Workforce Management
Absence approval taskSummary: Dear all, Currently, our absence approval transactions first go to parallel approve of users who has a custom role (this role assigned to only HR specialists), …
How can manager approve long pending absence example 1 year or 2 year old leaves of their direct repSummary: We have pending leaves from 1 years back till 4 years back with manager of their direct reports. How can manager approve those leaves. Content (required): We ha…
Need Advice on Absence Accrual Balance Transfer for Shift ChangesHello Oracle Cloud Community, We're facing an issue with absence accrual balances when employees switch from Shift (Type A) to Non-Shift (Type B). Currently, the balance…Mohamed Yousif Mohamed Gadalla 103 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Avisri-Oracle Workforce Management
Access only for Absence record and work schedule assignment pages(My Client group)Summary: Content (required): We have a requirement to provide access only for absence record and work schedule assignment pages. Please provide privilege's if anyone hav…
Redwood Cash Disbursement anf Cash Donation Not Working (Plus Icon greyed out)Summary: Plus icon is disabled, Profile Options are enabled. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code s…
Any way to create Work Shifts in bulkHi, We need to create around 300 Work Shifts. For Workday patterns & Work Schedules, we have seeded Spreadsheet Loader but not for Work Shifts. So, is there any other wa…
Requirement is to update the leave entries within 7 days from the end-dateSummary: We are having a requirement to make update/modify any absence entries if it is within 7 days from the end-date of the absence entries date Content (required): C…
How to restrict users to access other reportsSummary: Hi All, As per requirement we need to populate the list of optional holidays in add absence page when particular absence type is selected. We have achieved this…
We would need an alternate approach to submit more than two concurrent absences together.Summary: In AlixPartners, we have a requirement to submit two different concurrent absence i.e; Short Term Disability and Paid Time Off absences during the period of FML…Sakambhari Nayak 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ROOPESH MADAN-Oracle Workforce Management
Absence Accrual FF not calling correct accrual balance when employee requests leaveSummary: Issue with Absence Accrual Matrix Formula not calling the correct accrual balance when the employee requests leave Content (required): We have found that when s…
issue multiple assignments demo environmentSummary: Hi Experts, I got trouble for the multiple assignmens in absence transaction on demo environment (etaq) On the absence type, multiple assignment section the app…Muhammad Shalahuddin 51 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Muhammad Shalahuddin Workforce Management
Is it possible to give access to Work Schedule Assignment Administration exlusivelyHi, We need to provide access to Work Schedule Assignment Administration exclusively without any other access to additional tasks. Can someone please help us achieving t…
Display Work Shift on Team Schedule PageSummary: To Display Work Shift name by default on Team Schedule page Content (required): By Default Team schedule page shows shift start time and end Time for each day o…
Absences - absence plan participation - required flagSummary: Please can someone explain how the required flag works on the eligibility profile section on the participation tab when an absence plan is created? Content (req…
Error when the first approver is Representative which works with Organization TreeIf the first approver is an Representative which works with Organization Tree on AOR, then the approval gets error. In the Approval Rule, if we add another approver/FYI …Barış Ergün 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Unable to see Edit entries option in employee add absence page for qualification typeSummary: Hi, Unable to see Edit entries option in employee add absence page in responsive UI page for one the qualification leave type (Paternity leave) but we can see e…
Disbursement Rules got disabled when we set Allow Prior Balance ReinstatementSummary: Hello, We are trying to set up reinstatement rule when employees has global transfer, So that prior assignment absences will transfer over to new assignment. We…
multiple assignment for absence transactionSummary: Hi Experts, Want your advice, On the absence type for the employee have multiple assignment, I set the approver to "Manager of All Relevant Assignments" and "Al…Muhammad Shalahuddin 51 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Shine Mathew-Oracle Workforce Management
Removing Expiry Date from AbsenceSummary: A Compensatory Absence Plan was set with Expiry, when it should not have been. The Expiration was removed at the Plan Level, ran Evaluate Absences and Calculate…