Absence Management
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Non Entitled absences allowing absence to apply above max allowed hrsSummary: Content (required): Requirement - Create a non-accrual Absence type which an employee can avail min 4 hrs and max 480 hrs in a year. Created an Absence with the…
Need to provide Half Day leave for Childbirth and placement leave typeSummary Need to provide Half Day leave for Childbirth and placement leave typeContent Hi All, I have a requirement where i need to provide half day leave for paternity l…
How can I show an end user an absence plan limit?Summary: Would like to display, possibly on the Absence Balances page, what the plan limit is for an absence plan. Content (required): Currently employees can see their …
How to stop auto enrollment for new hires.Summary: Hi Experts, I have to stop auto enrollment for new hires in one of the plan. Content (required): I have to stop auto enrollment for new hires in one of the plan…
how to integrate time and labor with absence management?Summary: I want to know how to integrate time and labor with absence management.Kindly guide me if any one having idea on this. Content (required): Version (include the …Lakshmi Prasanna Avula 42 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Lakshmi Prasanna Avula Workforce Management
Can we display Absence Balance caps?Summary: Is there any way to display Sick and Vacation balance caps? Content (required): Is there any way to display Sick and Vacation balance caps? We currently only sh…
How to transfer Absence Plan balance to another plan when there is a Assignment TransferSummary: When a employee is transfered from one entity to another that has a different plan, how can we automatically transfer the balance to the new plan without manual…
Problem with Half Day and Full Day in Absence Management along with OTLSummary: This entire issue circles around OTL and Absence Management. There are 2 types of absences, the annual leaves for full days and half days. We will use an exampl…
How to get plan balance as of a particular date using FF ?Summary: Hello, I have a quarterly Annual incremental plan and the requirement is that Unpaid leave can be taken only if balance in the quarterly plan is 0. My problem i…
How to set public holiday for roster employeesSummary: I want to set public holiday for shift employees. We are using Elapsed shift for employees. I am updating public holiday on calendar event page. For example 15t…Lakshmi Prasanna Avula 81 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jitendra Yadav Workforce Management
Carryover changes not reflected in employee balanceContent Hello, I have below requirement where the system is not getting updated with correct carryover value. I have attached the Formula and log file for the reference.…
Holiday Calendar IssueContent Hi All, We have geo tree and holiday at specified at various nodes. We need to write custom absence duration formula due to custom requirement. In that formula w…
Can I put a maximum of 8 hours of holiday that will be paid despite the employee's schedule?Summary: I would like to only give employees 8 hours of holiday time for a holiday, even if their work schedule typically has them work more than 8 hours on a given day.…
The compensatory time transaction can't be processed because it exceeds the balance limit for the maSummary The compensatory time transaction can't be processed because it exceeds the balance limit for the maximum amount of compensatory time allowedContent The timekeep…
How to create a work schedule that the part time employee should work 24 hours in a week.Summary: Hi Experts, I have to create a new work schedule for part time employees it is from Monday - Friday here the thing is the employee should work 24 hours in a wee…
Restricting the limit to withdraw absencesSummary Need to restrict the no. of days an employee/manager is allowed to withdraw an absenceContent Hi All, We have a requirement wherein, we need to restrict the numb…
How to Exclude Weekends and Public Holiday while Calculating Absence Duration "ANC_PER_ABS_DAILY_DT"Summary: Hi Experts, I am trying to get employee's Absence Duration during a period. For which i am making use of table ANC_PER_ABS_DAILY_DT. Everything is okay, Absence…Deepak Raj 193 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Saurabh Sonkusare-Oracle Workforce Management
EL to make Absence Start Date, End Date and other attributes Read only for "Completed" Absences onlySummary: We have a requirement wherein business wants to make Absence Start Date, End Date and other attributes on Create absence page read only for Employees and Manage…Rakhi Sagar Gujarathi 42 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Pooja S-Oracle Workforce Management
How to create a work schedule that repeats monthlySummary: I would like to have a schedule created for an employee that works only the first four Saturdays of each month. Is there a way to create the pattern or schedule…
Does a Change In Availability Pattern brings about a change in Absence DurationSummary Does a Change In Availability Pattern brings about a change in Absence DurationContent In a particular setup Worker Availability is determined by Availability Pa…AshishERPCloud 46 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by AshutoshShukla-Oracle Workforce Management
Hide Submit Button on Current Time CardSummary Hide Submit Button on Current Time CardContent We want to utilize the Submit button under the Action dropdown menu on the Current Time Card page, and not the Sub…
Throwing an error message while booking with existing and negative balance.Summary: Hi Experts, I created on plan PTO and I enabled negative balance as 24hrs. lets assume that one person is having 12hrs balance so whenever he go and submit 12+2…
Import Time entry data into Fusion T & LSummary Import Time entry data into Fusion T & LContent Hi All , I wanted to check with everyone if anyone has imported a file based time data feed into Fusion Time and …
Absence days for an absence is not calculating correctlySummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, Employee 2393 has a dependent absence from 23 June 2022 - 29 June 2022 however this is showing as 26 calendar days. I have tried …
Which table stores Working and Non-working day details?Summary: Content (required): Hi All, We have a requirement to fetch working days and non-working days for a Paas extension validation. We have defined Elapsed Shift, Wor…
Absence Scheduled DurationHI We need to get the Scheduled Duration value for the absence , can you please let me know which column stores this value in the back end table? I tired in ANC_PER_ABS_…
Plan term setup for date rules for PTO absence planSummary Plan term setup for date rules for PTO absence planContent Hi, We have a requirement where the PTO absence plan has the 'Calendar Year' as below. * The absence p…Geetha Devadasan 45 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Srinivas Ramanadham Workforce Management
Consequences of changing Absence Plan Term date every yearSummary Consequences of changing Absence Plan Term every yearContent Client requirement is to change the plan term every year. We would like to know the consequences of …Praveen Maddali-21181 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Srinivas Ramanadham Workforce Management
Email Notification - On/Off - User LevelSummary Email Notification - On/Off - User LevelContent Hi, The scenario is that the approval request such as (absence/time card related approval emails) are sent to the…
How to remove absence type in the list of absences?Summary: How can I remove specific absence type from the list of absences for specific country. Content (required): How can I remove specific absence type from the list …