Discussion List
Carryover limit from previous year BalanceSummary: Hi, We have a requirement, Carryover has to happen on April 1st instead of Jan 1st 2024 and limit of 10 days from the Dec 31st 2023 balance along with Q1 (Jan -…
Formula to get Sunday absencesWe are using the abs module to record Overtime. One specific country came with the request to compensate each overtime that took place in a Sunday of the week with a day…
Default work schedule like Saturday and Sunday off in Enterprise levelSummary: We have configured default work schedule for all employee which is Saturday and Sunday off on Enterprise level. Now Client want to apply leave for Saturday for …Jaya Majumder 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vikas Kumar Thakur-Oracle Workforce Management
How can we cap an absence type use at 72 hours in a year?Summary: We have an absence type required by a new state law to allow employees 72 hours of Sick Time. The hours are coming out of a users PTO bank, however they cannot …
Workforce Scheduling Plan Training videosSummary: Workforce Scheduling Plan Training videos Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Workforce Scheduling Plan Training videos Version (incl…
Overtime Or double time calculation impacts When we added Expenditure time types in TimeEntry LayoutSummary: Hello Team, Step 1: I have added/mapped Payroll time types to Expenditure time types in Time entry layout components (One to one). Step 2 : When I ran import co…
What Groovy Expression can I use to get the Person IDs? IDs only for assignments with active statusSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): What Groovy Expression can I use to get the Person IDs? IDs only for assignments with active stat…
Redwood doesn't appear the list of value about the descriptive flexfield redwood ANC_PER_ABS_ENTRIESummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Redwood doesn't appear the list of value about the descriptive flexfield redwood ANC_PER_ABS_ENTRI…
How to transfer absence balance to new legal employer automatically after legal employer transferSummary: How to transfer previous legal employer balance as carryover to new legal employer automaticallly after legal employer transfer occurs Content (please ensure yo…
Time Device Export Data doesn't show badge idSummary Time Device Export Data doesn't show badge id - Kaba clock IntegrationContent Time Device Export Data doesn't show badge id. When I query the table HWM_TCD_EXP_D…
Absence Region under Local and Global Transfer is not showing upHi There, Absence region is not coming up in Local and Global Transfer action. Earlier we used to see (please find below) And now, no option comes up to choose, like sal…
Position duplication - solution for nullify fields valuesHello, Is it possible to nullify some fields values when duplicate a position ? We have some custom fields (DFFs) that need to be blank when duplicate an existing positi…
How to hide Action options on workflow task notification?Summary: Hello Experts, Could you please advise how can one hide/remove Action task buttons/hyperlinks from workflow task notification? Thanks Content (please ensure you…
Make DOB visible on Convert Pending Worker pageWe want the Date of Birth field to be visible under Biographical Info without having to click on the edit icon on the "Convert Pending Worker" page. Please help us with …
Oracle cloud OTL Value sets for Projects and Tasks using external Project costing systemHello Experts, we have typical requirement to restrict the configuration of value sets. We are implementing Oracle cloud Time and Labor Module (OTL) with external projec…Erram Sampath 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gourav Shrivastava-Oracle Workforce Management
how to configure custom Worker typeSummary: how can we configure custom worker type apart from Employee , Contingent worker. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include…
Inactive absence accruals showing in system and reportSummary: Hi All, We recently encountered this issue where we see both active and inactive absence plan. This is causing an error in reports as it shows balances of both …
Redwood Timecard with Projects Layout not saving the expenditure type upon submit.Hi, We are switching Time and Labor to Redwood. for Projects layout we noticed that Project Number and Task are saved after submitting the timecard. But Expenditure Type…
How to assign an Absence plan to an Employee in RedwoodSummary: How to assign an Absence plan to an Employee in Redwood Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello We are currently migrating to Redwo…
The Create Unified Version of Time Layout Sets Payroll Flow is stuck in our development environmentSummary: Per Oracle's recommendation to run the Create Unified Version of Time Layout Sets flow to get migration assistance for transitioning to Unified Layouts, we ran …
Time Entry Rule Fast Formula to show error on time card if Time type and Time allowance is nullSummary: The requirement is to ensure that employees enter either of these fields before submitting the time card. We have created one formula to achieve the same howeve…
How to get Proxy Line manager details in approval configuration in case of Role DelegationSummary: When LM delegates role/approvals to proxy LM then Proxy LM can raise individual compensation requests for direct reports of delegator. When LM raises request it…
Search Data not appearing on Redwood Team Time CardSummary: The Team Time Card is not showing all our search results. Is this due to the rollover of the calendar or something else? Content (please ensure you mask any con…MGeorge202312345 47 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Michelle Dragojlov Workforce Management
Donation Plan carryover limitSummary: Can we not define a carryover limit for a Donation Absence Plan? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you…
How to make attachment mandatory on Incident Page Health and SafetyWe have a requirement to make attachment section mandatory for safety Incident, as we don't have fields in HCM design studio, I tested via page composer but setting butt…
Can we change the guided journey button to a banner instead?Summary: In add time card page, the guided journey comes as a small button or icon. Is it possible to make it a banner or something more visible? Content (please ensure …
Approved time card remains in submitted statusSummary: Approved time card remains in submitted status Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, please see attached screenshot of setup for ti…Jonny Varley 24 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gourav Shrivastava-Oracle Workforce Management
Deep link for Enhanced team time card page (23D)I am wondering if a deep link for the new 'enhanced' time card is available? When searching via Deep Links the below come up (none of which work - they open either class…Charlie NM 32 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhwani Ramnani Raval-Oracle Workforce Management
Removing "Edit, submit and delete from Redwood team time cards page".Navigation: Manager>Team Time cards. Managers are required to view the time card and approve the time card, but are not required to edit, submit and delete the time card…
Unable to Edit Quick Actions in Structure > Quick Actions no Save Button availableSummary: Unable to Edit or Save a new Quick Action in Sandbox Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi experts, I hope you can help. A clients U…