Core HR
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SQL to pull the Regular value from the Calculation CardSummary: Requirement: Pull the 'Regular' element value from the calculation card. The calculation card (time cards) shows 2 the same values for the same weel (10/6-10/12…
Make the Recruiter field optional (non-mandatory) when Hiring Manager creates a requisition.Summary: Hello everyone, Client wants Recruiter field optional (non-mandatory) when Hiring Manager creates a requisition. The possible solution that I have come up is ch…Abel John 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Marjorie R-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
HDL for Terminating Worker, including Action ReasonSummary: Content (required): I need to use HDL to end work relationships for a batch of employees. I managed to do this successfully but had not included the Action Reas…
We need static URL to redirect to NOTIFICATIONS pageSummary: We are not able to add the Created by me link in the ESS Existing absence page. we tried using sandbox but It is pointing to the home page. We will need to add …
Is there administrator profile valueshow you what Redwood pages are available now and in next 60 daySummary: We checked below document which says there is Administrator Profile Values available to set as Y which shows current and future Redwood UI enabled in Oracle :- …
Duration is not calculating as expected.Summary: Hi Team, We have work schedule of 9 hours. UOM for Absence Type is days. When i apply leave for 4 hours it is calculating as 0.4 days and if i add 5 hours it is…
Enable delete function on Disability info under Personal DetailsSummary: We used to be able to delete a record and now we can't, any ideas on how to enable? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicabl…
work from homeSummary: I need some help as per customer need a validation of leave Not occurred over than one day per week so how can I write it down in a formula ? Content (please en…
SQL query for absence detailsSummary: Under absences, we have requirement where we need the document ID (in case a person has attached a document while submitting absence) and the approver name in t…
In Redwood - Change Salary quick action showing all actionsSummary: Change Salary quick action redwood page showing all actions Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are on 24D We have configured cust…
Time and Labor - Bulk upload of Shift schedule through Spreadsheet loader by Line ManagerSummary: We need to provide bulk upload functionality for shift / roaster update for Line Manager. It will be great if someone can share template and step to do the same…
HCM Event Condition Entity Contract not working - Has anyone got it working for Employment Contract?We are using Employment Contracts to drive some of our Absence Plan eligibility rules for plan enrolment. You can use HCM Event Conditions via the Entity 'Contract' to c…
Plan is getting inactive even after adding manually.Summary: Hi Guys, We are adding the Absence Plan manually for the employees. But for few of the employees the plan is getting inactive after one day . We tried to add ag…
oracle fusion hcm Absence record - Added an additional line manager2 error in approval flowSummary: oracle fusion hcm Absence record - Added an additional line manager2 after the existing line manager to have multiple approval flow But gives an error while app…
Include quick action into appHello all, Is it possible to include the quick action position details oracle search into the app workforce structure? Thanks and best MelindaMelinda Germann-Oracle 1 view 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Mihaita Totu-Oracle Human Capital Management
change format absence Notification in "Things to Finish" screenSummary: I need to update the notification displayed on the "Things to Finish" screen, specifically for absence notifications, to change the date format from YYYY/MM/DD …Mohammad Hussein 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Custom Time Attributes and Time Entry Data Source Filters Using Table Value Set (Time and Labor WebSummary Steps to create parameter based table value set to map time card entry data source filters in layout components, using a custom time attribute.Content Use Case: …Ramakanth Bhuthpur-Oracle 527 views 5 comments 8 points Most recent by Subha Paul Workforce Management
Preferred surnameSummary: Content (required): Our current setup for employee name in Personal Details is that there are fields for First Name, Last Name and Preferred Name, which employe…
Redwood: Configuration of the displayed fields in Person SearchSummary: With the responsive pages it was possible with the transaction design studio Can I do the same in Redwood? When yes, how? to configure the fields which are visi…Matthias Essrich 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Matthias Essrich Human Capital Management
How to prorate front loaded absence plan accruals based on LOS changeSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement to prorate front loaded absence plan accruals based on LOS change. For example, if employee hired on December 9 2019, On reaching …Drisya G Kumar-Oracle 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ganesh_b-Oracle Workforce Management
Generate Time Cards from Time Collection Device Auto Withdrawn issueHello everyone When I run ''Generate Timecards from Time Collection Device'' Process ,after done happen auto Withdrawn any Excuse Leave in workflow waiting for approval …
Is it possible to trigger a journey when an absence ends?Summary: We have a requirement to trigger a Return to Work journey when a Sickness Absence ends. Is this possible? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
If Action was created with wrong Action Type or Action Code by wrong operation, how to fix it?An action was created with wrong action type and we are not able to edit or correct the action. How can this be fixed.
How to disable calendar from specific employee groupHi, we would like to know if there is an option to disable the employee calendar for a specific set of employees? Path - Me → Time and Absence → Calendar Thank you, Shan…Shanaka Samararathne 17 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shanaka Samararathne Workforce Management
The newly assigned Cost Center Manager isn't displayed in the department's details after submissionSummary: Steps to Reproduce: Navigate to My Client Group > Workforce Structures > Departments and search for the relevant department. Click on Edit - Correct, go to the …
Display week for process name Payroll Time Card Approval in Transaction ConsoleSummary: How do we display the details of the week in the Process Name - Payroll Time Card Approval in Transaction Console? Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Document of Record is not restricted in Promote screen RedwoodSummary: While performing promote transaction (or any other employment transaction)all document types are being shown and is not getting restricted to document type whic…Sahil Mahajan-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
To hide Newly added field "Funded from existing position" from position redwood pageWe need to hide newly added field "Funded from existing position" from position redwood page. As there is no option available in VBCS to hide. Please let us know how to …
Document Type: PassportSummary: Hi Team, Could you kindly assist the following requirement? Only one Role, "HR Specialist," should be able to delete Document Type: Passports; other role users …