Public Sector
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Unable to delete absence records through HDL- Please suggest.Summary: Hi Folks, i am trying to delete absence records through HDL , but i am getting below error . Please suggest. METADATA|PersonAbsenceEntry|Employer|PersonNumber|A…
Redwood Timecard with never Renders in a Variety of ScenariosSummary: We have enabled Redwood timecards, and we are using a multi-attribute Time Entry Layout component that includes Absence Management Types, they are set to be Rea…
Transitioning to Enhanced UK Statutory Absence Solution PRIOR to Update 24C for Oracle CloudSummary: We have a number of questions around the transition to the enhanced absence solution. Summary questions: does this enhanced solution affect all absences or only…
View Terminated Employee Time CardsSummary When searching for terminated employees under "Team Time Cards," they do not appear. Where can administrators view previously terminated employee timecards for v…
Line Manager not able to see time cards of Terminated employees under Team Time cards linkSummary Line Manager not able to see time cards of Terminated employees under Team Time cards linkContent Hi After an employee is terminated, the line manager cannot see…
Anyone loaded the Create a time event request API?Summary Anyone loaded the Create a time event request API?Content Hi Team Any one who has successfully loaded data using the Create a time event request API? My pay load…
Hi all, I need a query to get the Absence Leave Balance as on a particular date in the report.Summary: Hi all, I need a query to get the Absence Leave Balance as on a particular date in the report. Please help. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…Raj_540 154 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhinakaran-Venugopal-Oracle Workforce Management
Can we turn on auditing for time cards via the Manage Audit policies page?Content Hi Folks We have a requirement to audit the time cards after their submission. Unfortunately, we cannot use the delivered audit functionality via the Worker time…
Need sample code for Accrual matrix fast formula proration logic based on length of serviceHi Team, We have requirement to prorate accruals based on the length of service on anniversary date.Currently customer using accrual matrix fast formula for this but pro…Drisya G Kumar-Oracle 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Drisya G Kumar-Oracle Workforce Management
Absence accrual based on Anniversary dateContent Hi Experts, We understand that in case of leave plan with anniversary term, accruals period does not align with anniversary dates but with the repeating time per…MG-Oracle 378 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Kiran Lakshmi Eswara Mandarapu-Oracle Workforce Management
Accrual should happen for period employee was activeWe have business requirement where Seasonal employees are there for 6 months, the employees are enrolled to seasonal sick leave plan. Plan is front loaded accrual plan w…Drisya G Kumar-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by ganesh_b-Oracle Workforce Management
24A- Availability API Rounding Options , Absence Duration Rounding OptionsSummary: Someone please help me how to use the above features from configuration point of view. Thanks in advance. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Do time entry layout components need to be recreated for the unified experience?Summary: We are working on the transition to redwood timecards and are hoping to move to unified layouts as well to be on the latest version of everything. I am confused…
UK Carers Leave not reducing Teachers Pension Eligible CompensationSummary: UK Carers Leave has been created with the UK Unpaid Leave grouping code and we have checked the element is feeding the Teachers Pension Eligible Compensation bu…Minnie Louise Williams 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Minnie Louise Williams Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
DBI to fetch user's role in a fast formulaSummary DBI to fetch user's role in a fast formulaContent Hi All We have a requirement to allow editing of absences only for users having specific roles. The plan is to …
Absence Accrual on Multiple AssignmentSummary Absence Accrual on multiple AssignmentContent Current Client has Multiple Job for their Employees , many employees are eligible to Accrue and report Absences on …User_2025-02-07-08-32-18-576 253 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Eleanora Sottilaro Workforce Management
Getting an error when opening the view time card detailsContent Hi Expert, We have created a custom role and where we have added all the required privileges to get the View Time Card access still we are getting an error. We h…MohammadAfghanul Khair 30 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jagdish Varadraj Workforce Management
How to make absence type say Advance Sick ,available only for administrators.Summary: Need to know how to make a absence type configure in such a way that only admins can see it not employees. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
time calculation rule to convert compensatory hours to payroll time type.Summary: We have a requirement to convert the compensatory time earned to overtime when the compensatory time has reached its ceiling value. I have written a time calcul…
Projected balance is showing incorrect .Summary: Hi Guys, Projected Balance is displaying incorrectly. It is happening only few users. As of 28th February 2024, the user has 30 balance but when i apply for lea…
Projected balance is wrongly displayed in the user account.Summary: Hai Folks, In the user account while applying leave projected balance is wrongly displayed . This is happening for only one user. Please help me how to solve th…
ORA_ENTITLEMENT_CALCULATOR, line 145, null value returned. (3=PAY_DIR_COMP_MIN_START_DATE)Summary ORA_ENTITLEMENT_CALCULATOR, line 145, null value returned. (3=PAY_DIR_COMP_MIN_START_DATE)Content Hi, Can someone please do advise me on the standard error comin…User_2025-02-07-08-22-39-623 26 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Desha Rodriguez Workforce Management
Approvals are not recovering properlySummary: Hai Folks, I have the below two rules. 1.If Absence Manager is not null- The approval should go to Absence Manager. 2.If Absence Manager is null, then the appro…
Syntax error in Approvals HierarchyBuilder.getManager function.Summary: Hai Guys , i want to use the HierarchyBuilder.getManager function to check whether the manager exists or not. I am using the below syntax. But getting the error…
Approvals issue for backdated absenceSummary: Hai All, I have the below requirement for approval for Absence. Rule1: If absence Matrix manager exists ,then the approval should go to Absence Matrix Manager. …
Split of OT hours based on weighted average in the timecardSummary Split of OT hours based on weighted average in the timecardContent Hi All We have a need to split the OT hours in the employee's timecard based on the weighted a…
Vesting Balance is not added after completion of Vesting DurationSummary: Hi Folks, Vesting Balance is not added after completion of the vesting period. Please suggest. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ve…
How to restrict the user to apply for leave only once in a specified year.Summary: Hai Folks, I need to restrict the user to apply leave only once in a specific year. Please help me with the conversion Fast Formula in the Absence Type. Content…
Managers Manager can approve indirect reportee time cards while LM can approve.Summary We would want the managers manager to approve indirect reportee time cardsContent Hi, With the given Line manager role, managers manager can review , make change…