Talent Acquisition
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What's the reporting field for the Taleo Offer Response fieldSummary: What's the reporting field for the Taleo Offer Response field Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I need to extract a report that con…Joan Torres-189391 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Robert - TEE Integrations Team-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Export Taleo Data to xlSummary: Dear Expert, I have requirement to export all Taleo Data to excel which includes setups and transactional data. Can anyone help me to export the data from Taleo…
Update user status in TCCI am trying to update the account status (ACTIVE/INACTIVE/LOCKED) via TCC but encountered the following error: You cannot create or update the following field: User.User…
looking for the list of "Interview Scheduling" tools which can directly be integrated with Taleo.Summary: I am looking for the list of "Interview Scheduling" tools which can directly be integrated with Taleo. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…Ramandeep Kaur 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Robert - TEE Integrations Team-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Will TCC 22A.1 work with TEE 24D?Summary: Can someone please confirm that TCC 22A.1 will work with TEE 24D? We opened SR with Oracle but they said that we needed to ask the question on this forum. The d…
Taleo Candidate merge/update scriptSummary: Hello Sir/Madam, Field name: Credentials,SSOID 1. Can we make the above a searchable field on the Candidate merge/update scripts in TCC and so that the script c…mot24 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Robert - TEE Integrations Team-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
When sending offer letter to an email with an "edu" extension the candidate does get it.The candidate has an email with the extension of ".edu" and the offer letter is coming from an ".edu" extension. Is there some reason why the candidate doesn't receive i…
TCC candidate importSummary: We need to test a large number of hires so we would like to use TCC to create the new candidate profiles. Is this possible? I could not find a TCC sample file f…
Disaster Recovery Coverage - Test ResultsSummary: Hi, Our Organisationn is conducting a disaster recovery (DR) coverage for all our externally hosted applications, with Oracle Taleo being one of them. Is it pos…
Searching for a Dynamic Approval Routing ExpertSummary Help with DARContent I'm looking for someone who uses the inclusion rules (conditional and unconditional) in DAR. We have a pretty complex DAR setup, in fact an …
Adding the projections to the Candidate_ID_Extraction exportSummary: How to add the projections to the Candidate_ID_Extraction export in the /export/home/taleo/IntegrationPoints/Production/CandidateIPLookup directory. Content (pl…
Is there a way to automate the candidate Evaluation process in Taleo (TEE)?Summary: We would like to automate the process of assigning the evaluation to the hiring manager and generate email reminders until it is completed. Content (please ensu…
Is there any codes available against error message in response files in TCCHi Team, When a response file is generated in TCC after import script is completed, a error message is given in the response file. Can we get any error codes against tha…
Taleo Social Sourcing Add Tracking to Job ApplySummary: Adding Tracking pixels to the Job Post page and Job Allply Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): TSS - viewing and applying for a posit…
Forgot password wordingSummary: Is it possible to change the wording that is shown when a user requested a password reset under the following section -> /careersection/iam/accessmanagement/for…
Thinking about a move to Oracle Recruiting?If you are curious about Oracle Recruiting and want to learn more, join us! ThinkTalent is hosting our monthly Oracle Recruiting Knowledge Exchange (ORKE). Detail about …
Taleo Knowledge Exchange (TKE), February 2024ThinkTalent is excited to be hosting our monthly Taleo Knowledge Exchange (TKE). This is a free event for all that want to join. See below for details and hope to see yo…
More than one element has been found. Path: Requisition.JobInformation,JobInformation.RecruiterOwnerSummary Web Services ErrorContent We have a web services integration from ServiceNow to Taleo, but are getting an error when a particular recruiter is used. I tried pull…
TCC last applicationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Oracle Recruiting Workshop @ Cloud WorldAs you may have heard through our various Taleo and Oracle Recruiting community events, we are trying to organize an in-person Oracle Recruiting Workshop on the Monday o…
Option in Taleo where users can check his user typeHi Team, Can we have any option in Taleo where users can check his user type that what type of access they have in Taleo? Thanks, Vimal
How to change a section title in requestion template in taleoSummary: How to change a section title in requestion template in taleo? Please refer the attachment for details. Ex: "Job Description" needs to be changed to "Role profi…
Has anyone successfully connected to OAS (TEE/Recruiting Subject Area) using PowerBI?Summary: I've been trying to set up a connection to OAS using the following instructions: I'm stuck on creating the "Power BI App Key" — I don't see any place in either …
Diversity related Information to recruiterSummary: Currently, in Taleo, candidates' responses to the Diversity section are not visible to recruiters. Is there a way to adjust Taleo's settings to allow recruiters…
Location HierarchyHi Team, I have hidden the country and city values from the location hierarchy but when I am checking in Taleo, even in location where office name is present country and…
Extract date field from Taleo using TCC on basis of Requisition typeHi Team, I need to extract one field from TCC script on basis of requisition type. If Requisition type is forecast then this field should return Business Required date i…
Need logs from TCCHi Team, We need the logs from TCC server about the activities performed by users who have access to TCC servers. How we can check those logs that which activity is perf…
Need information about offer approver rightsHi Team, We have certain user types in Taleo through which users can approve the offers in Taleo like users having Genpact Hiring Team and Offer approver access can appr…
Offer Letter Attachment via TCCSummary How to export offer letter attachment in Taleo connect clientContent Hi Team, I would like to know,if we can export offer letter attachment thru TCC. Once the of…
taleo requisition user id updateIs it possible to update the user id (JobInformation,RecruiterOwner,UserAccount,Loginname) via TCC script. when i try to do so, i get the below error.. You cannot create…