Setup and Configuration
Discussion List
Redwood: Career ambition under Skills and qualificationSummary: Under Skills and qualification page there is a section "Career ambition'. We don't want this section to be visible under skills and qualification. Is it possibl…
Created Performance Goals from Talent review is not reflecting in employees pageSummary: HR creating performance goals from Talent review meeting, created goals are not reflected in Employees goal page. Verified with ESS, MSS and Admin pages. Tested…
Item catalog created on the redwood pages are not visibleSummary: After transitioning to 25A, no item catalogs and content are items are visible on the Item catalog redwood page. Also, all the new Item catalog created are gett…
Approval workflow for job profile and position profileSummary: Hello, Does anyone know if i is possible to set approval for the creation of model profile like Job profile and Position Profile in My Client Groups> Profiles? …
List of Value related to Person Profile is not displayedSummary: List of Value related to Person Profile is not displayed Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, we created a new section in our Pers…
Will the Job profile skills get automatically added to the person when that job is assigned to themSummary: Our Client has a requirement wherein skills (defined for the job) should be auto-assigned to the employee as per the job that is assigned. How can this be achie…
Can we assign a different weight to a certain question contained in the Potential AssessmentSummary: We currently have a Potential Ratings questionnaire configured in Potential Assessment which contains a number of questions. Each question has a Rating Model at…
How to rename a field via VBS in Additional Person Info Redwood UISummary: We have a requirement to rename Effective Start Date field to "Date of Entry" in Additional Person Info Redwood page. Is it possible thru VBS? Content (please e…
How to hide a field via VBS in Additional Person Info Redwood UI on certain page onlySummary: We have a requirement to hide a Refresher Date field in Additional Person Info add and edit pages but make it still visible in the landing/view page? Is it poss…
Restrict values in Profile DFF on basis of selected CompetencySummary: Customer wants to restrict values in DFF based on the selected Competency Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have created a conte…
How to update the Requires Level (MinSkillLevel) in the skills ??Summary: Hello Do we have any HDL to bulk update the Requires Level (MinSkillLevel) Ratings for each skill for employees. Version (include the version you are using, if …Krishna Sigilipalli 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Revathi Tippabhotla-3965 Career and Succession
Synchronize Notifications in Global Header best practicesSummary: Synchronize Notifications in Global Header best practices, running more than recommended amount Content (required): Hi All, The Synchronize Notifications in Glo…
Proficiency Rating Model Update. Is it possible to delete a rating level?Content We set up the Proficiency Rating Model with five options. I need to get rid of one that we no longer need. Is there a way to do it? I do not see the delete butto…
Succession Plan - Job List of valuesHello, In the Succession Plan functionality, when we click in the job field, it is being displayed the multiple jobs we have, regardless the job data set. However, our i…
Performance Rating Section Not Visible on the Talent Ratings PageSummary: Hello, Below screenshot is from the demo environment where we can see that on the Talent Ratings page, the performance rating section is displayed. However, on …
Succession Plans - Candidate information window not showing?Summary: We would like to know why we can't see the plans summary of a candidate in a succession plan Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, …Giuseppe Casalino 18 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Revathi Tippabhotla-3965 Career and Succession
Adding Skills to Job ProfileSummary: Adding Skills to Job Profile I noticed that when trying to add the skill that is not part of Oracle seeded skill library to the job profile, system is allowing …
Restrict employees from withdrawing absence one prior pay periodSummary: We have a requirement to enforce a restriction preventing employees from withdrawing completed absences beyond one prior payroll period. How can we enforce this…
Profile Item in the Talent Profile unable to load ?Summary: Hello Everyone We are trying to load Talent Profile with Skill as template we are getting the below error. You can't update or delete a core or a role skill We …Krishna Sigilipalli 67 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Krishna Sigilipalli Career and Succession
If 'Current Job' is Yes in Work History, End Date shouldn't be required in Skills and Qualification.Summary: We are facing an issue in VBCS while configuring the rule to meet the following condition for Work History in Skills and Qualifications: If Current Job = Yes, t…K Patil-Oracle 61 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Adriana Tudor-Oracle Career and Succession
creation succession plan - how to filter position fieldSummary: Hi all, when we create a succession plan (plan type: Position) in the position field we can select from a drop down menu all the position. We created position w…Alessandro Nesi 12 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Brooke Jackson-Oracle Career and Succession
Getting "Provide a valid value for ObjectId" error on the Profile Content Section Access page?Summary: When trying to update role access to certain sections on the talent profile on Redwood, we get a "Provide a valid value for ObjectId" error and are unable to sa…
Redwood is not showing direct reports on the different talent management pagesSummary: We enable the redwood theme for talent management pages, but unfortunately on all the different pages when is appicable the direct reports are not displayed for…Angel Fabian Villalobos-Oracle 473 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by K Patil-Oracle Career and Succession
Redwood Succession Plan DFF behaviourHello, We are testing the Succession Plan functionality within Redwood interface, and we have a few DFFs for this. The issue is that once we fill the DFFs with any value…Filipe Mendes 85 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Kiran Pasikanti-Oracle Career and Succession
New Item Catalog not seen under Licenses (for HireRight License Monitoring)Summary: For context, we are implementing License Monitoring with HireRight. I began looking for a solution to separate the licenses that will be monitored (specific lis…
Rates are not calculating after loading exchange ratesSummary: Rates are not calculating after loading exchange rates, this is was after 21.12. Any documentation for the same Oracle bugs?
How to access person spotlight in redwood succession planning candidate page?Summary: Hello, In the Responsive UI, clicking on the succession plan candidate name will open the person spotlight page displaying all the information necessary to make…Jelle Kerstjens 144 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Giuseppe Casalino Career and Succession
Add multiple attachments in profile management.Hello experts, We are working on a business requirement to enhance the Profile Management module by improving the attachment functionality. Currently, there is a common …
Redwood: The 'Add to Succession Plan' feature is displaying a blank 'Select Plan' list of valuesSummary: Hi All, The manager is attempting to add candidates to the succession plan using 'Add to Succession Planning', but the 'Select Plan' dropdown is blank. Your inp…
MF_NUX - Inactivating Completed Career Development GoalsSummary Not able to mark a previously completed Career Development Goal as InactiveContent In the new responsive UI we are not able to change Active = "No" on completed …