Discussion List
Removing a user from a Learning PlanContent Hi All, I need to remove a user from a learning plan but the box is greyed out. Is there a way to un-grey the box so that the user can be removed for the learnin…
Completion CertificateSummary: How does the employee print the certificate for the completed course on the Redwood screens? Is there any step by step that I need to follow? Best regards, Cont…
Learn email messages for enrollment approval duplicatingSummary Happening since Oct 24th 2016 upgradeContent Hi, Our message settings haven't changed since original deployment but since the 24th Oct upgrade we have uses recei…
Taleo Learn Flow or diagramSummary: We are looking for a basic overview of Taleo Learn process flow or diagram. Can anyone help to share the same. Content (required): Version (include the version …
Creating CertificatesSummary: I'm in the process of updating our certificates to something more modern...I'm not an expert at HTML but I do know a little but I had to google and piece togeth…
Gamification/BadgesSummary Can we use these with Learn?Content Hi, We are interested in adding some gamification/badging features to our content and wanted to know if this could be done in…
Copy Sub LearnCentre Management Access CodeSummary: Copy Sub LC wants me to set up a new Management Access Code but won't accept any inputs Content (required): When copying Sub LearnCentres previously I needed to…
System Generated Initial PasswordsContent We were part of the Boomi change at the beginning of the year. We had an integration setup since 2015 that set all user passwords at welcome1. With the Boomi cha…
VILT Integration with WebEx FAQsSummary This is a thread to start gathering helpful information about WebEx and the LearnCenter integration.Content Recently I set up our LearnCenter integration with We…
Is anyone Using SSO and Alternative Access at the same time for accessing their LearnCenterSummary How can you use SSO when a portion of your user base is does not have an email address?Content We would like to enable Single-Sign-On for our LearnCenter, which …
Looking for Feedback about the Taleo Learn Authoring Tool and Course Player UsedContent Hi, Currently, all of the online courses we deliver in Learn were either created in Articulate or Captivate and then uploaded as a scorm 1.2 course. However, not…
Password Email consistently diverting to SpamSummary Issue with password email going to SPAM when other messages don't.Content We are experiencing an issue with our Password message consistently going to SPAM/JUNK …
$.widget is not a functionSummary First time using widgets, a Learning Plan one, and just get loading ...Content Do we need an additional / different file in our page template? We tried widgets b…
WBT course completing without going all the way throughSummary How to prevent course from showing complete without playing the entire courseContent How do we change setting to require course to play in its entirety before sh…User_2025-01-23-20-55-41-335 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-20-55-41-335 Taleo Learn
Adobe Connect TrainingSummary Job AidContent Looking for job aid for using Adobe Connect in Taleo Learn. Anyone have job aid; cheat sheet; lessons learned that you can share? We have purchase…User_2025-01-23-20-55-41-335 13 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-20-55-41-335 Taleo Learn
Created Course via Content manager - but receive error when trying to launch courseSummary Created Course via Content manager - but receive error when trying to launch courseContent Added both a PDF and a Powerpoint using Content Manager. There is an a…
Taleo Learn Post 20B (Version: 2020.20.0.12) IssueSummary Taleo Learn Post 20B (Version: 2020.20.0.12) IssueContent Hi All, 20B was been applied to Staging on 27th., However I have noticed that after release 20B was app…
Changes to Product SSO - Action Required from 20ASummary Changes to Product SSO - Action Required from 20AContent Just checking to see if my head has been buried in COVID 19 that I missed this important update to produ…Connie Castillo-Winkler 53 views 9 comments 3 points Most recent by Connie Castillo-Winkler Taleo Learn
Sublearn center user accessing Main Learn centerContent Hello - We are in process of setting up a sublearn center for external users (who are employed by branches). During testing, we noticed that the sublearn center …
Learn and HCM IntegrationSummary We currently use Learn and HCM and wondering if there is any integration availableContent Hello Team, We currently use: Core HR for employee records Talent Manag…
OpenSesame Integration into LearnCenterSummary Importing a Scorm OpenSesame course into our LearnCenterContent We have purchased licenses to a Scorm OpenSesame course. When I open the Integration, I see nothi…
Can a (sub) LearnCentre be deleted or moved?Summary Can a (sub) LearnCentre be deleted or moved?Content I would like to either move a SubLearnCentre or delete it and recreate it elsewhere. How can I do it?
BI Reports in iFrameContent We are attempting to share reports with users through an iFrame. When I insert/edit the BI Reporting link on a page, everything works fine. However, when I inser…User_2025-01-30-00-40-24-251 39 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-00-40-24-251 Taleo Learn
Migrating settings to staging to production.Content Hi, We are making settings in Taleo Learn in the staging environment. Does anyone have documentation or experience in as you perform the migration of all configu…Mirtha Antequera Borges 50 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-14-13-54-702 Taleo Learn
Taleo and HCM Integration and Time zone issueSummary We are currently in process of integrating HCM and Taleo learn and not able to sych the time zones properlyContent Team, We recently designed API to integrate Ta…
Anyone had any luck using Surveys within the LMS?Summary Anyone had any luck using Surveys within the LMS?Content Hi Everyone - we're needing a way for our supervisors to assess their employees immediately following th…User_2025-01-23-21-59-01-568 48 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-22-20-28-16-701 Taleo Learn
External Training - Ease of use and best practices?Summary External Training - Ease of use?Content Hi there! We're looking at possibly turning on the external training functionality. We are in the Restaurant/Retail indus…User_2025-01-23-21-59-01-568 20 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-21-59-01-568 Taleo Learn
Create a fast formulaContent Hi, I have to make a formula that allows me to share the cost of a course on the workers that attend it, can someone help me? Please :( Best regards Giuseppe
Enrollment invitation messageSummary Not able to open the attachment embedded in the enrollment invitation message in office 365Content Team, I have a hyper link in the enrollment invitation message…
Quick SessionSummary When creating a Quick Session, on the calendar it displays as "ILT Quick Session"Content Team, When trying to create a Quick Session, on calendar its showing the…