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Taleo TCC Import: Cannot update Question/Answers for a CandidateI'm trying to import a candidate's answers to questions. My import .csv is simple as it's only three columns long: Number (candidate number) | QuestionAnswers,Answer,Que…
Auto-populating fields in Offer from RequisitionSummary: I'd like to auto-populate fields in my Add/Edit Offer layouts using content in fields from the associated requisition layout. Is this possible? Content (please …
scheduled Report based on Req ownerSummary: Hello, what is the best way to schedule a report based on Req owner. I have a req report but i need to send it as scheduled to the different req owners with dat…
Candidate flag with different icons other than blue flagSummary: We have taleo user who used Taleo before and said that the flag can be configured to show different icons or pics to categorized or highlight answers etc. I can…
Agency Recruit set upSummary: Hello, i have posted quite similar questions to other post but would like to raise a new question in case my other post is not seen. I am setting up the Agency …FJ2015 22 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Archive/Deactivate Requisition statusSummary: We are cleaning up our Requisition status and would like some of it not to appear in the dropdown. Upon checking the Requisition status, there is no Action to d…
Teams link in the setting up interviewSummary: Just want to check how others are using the interview scheduler with Zoom link. most of our interviews are done online and would like to know how we can incorpo…
Interview locationSummary: We will be using interview scheduler and it is already integrated to our outlook (we set it up and validated in the Interview section in Systems email and setti…
Job brief in Job search result internal not in external sitesSummary: We have in our Requisition page layout the Job Brief field which we would like to fill in additional data that will come out of our Internal CAreer site only. W…
Platform File Upload Limits and SpecificationsHi everyone, What are the platform's limits regarding file size and type during upload? For example, which extensions are supported, and what is the maximum size (2GB)? …User_N03EA 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
secondary locationSummary: we have enabled secondary location as per new release however the secondary location is displayed as another line/rows after the primary location. Is there a wa…FJ2015 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
internal description - no tool barSummary: We have a custom text area in requisition to hold our internal job description which is different from external job description. The issue is it doesn't have th…
global email settings to disableSummary: Currently, there is an email settings per individual to untick the option "Check this box if you would like to receive an email whenever a candidate applies……" …
Change report layoutSummary: We have a report for questions and answers where questions are presented in rows. We couldnt figure out a way to put all questions in columns rather than rows. …
Candidate iconsSummary: We would like to add icons to our list views/Smart views of candidates that will differentiate if they are external or internal candidate based on the question …
Source "None" or please selectSummary: We have a list of candidate source which includes "None" and it has a description of Do not Delete. In our career centre settings, the Source field is not defau…
Online Question CategorySummary: We would like to know: How to delete an existing Online Question Category How do we sort this so Question category are sorted alphabetically. Content (please en…
Employment history list viewSummary: In one of our career centres, we have a question in the Employment section with answers = I agree and Do not agree. we want to create a list view of those candi…
career centre attachments for candidatesSummary: Is there a way to upload attachments which contain more details about the req in our Career centre? we have some word doc which contains more info, etc on the r…FJ2015 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Conditional career centre workflowSummary: We would like to implement a new career centre where the flow is base on specific answer. If the answer is Yes (e.g. Do you require visa), we want the applicati…FJ2015 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
How to grant access to recruiters to see the regulations section (Diversity)Summary: Recruiters are unable to see the response to the diversity section in job submissions, The answer section is populated with "This information is provided by the…
How to stop terminated employees from receiving activity packet remindersSummary: How to stop terminated employees from receiving activity packet reminders Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a case of a ter…Greg Wright 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Sort tabs/list viewSummary: We have created a few tabs and would like to sort it. It looks like new tabs are added at the end or in the More drop down. Individual user can sort their own t…
Interview scheduler - no more exchange server optionSummary: We used interview scheduler to schedule interviews with Hiring Managers however Taleo appeared to have updated the setup as we can no longer see the Exchange Se…FJ2015 11 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Requisition/Candidates dashboard chartsSummary: Is there a way to add more fields to create charts in My Dashboard? For req, we can only group by Location, function, status. How do we add more? Content (pleas…
Requisition report that includes career center it's posted to?Summary: Requisition report that includes career center it's posted to? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there any way to have a report …Greg Wright 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Candidate and req questionsSummary: What is the best way to search for candidates. We have lots of candidates and we want to know what is the best way for us to search among our thousands of candi…
Automated Provisioning / Deprovisioning Using SSOSummary: My team recently set up TBE to use SSO (Azure) for login, but I'd like to take that a step further and use SSO to help me provision and de-provision user accoun…andrew.espinoza 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by andrew.espinoza Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Confidential requisitionsSummary: Hello , we would like to implement confidential requisitions in Taleo. How do we restrict other users within our Human Resources team to access this confidentia…FJ2015 51 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Candidate sourcingSummary: We are using Candidate sourcing to search enter CV Keywords to search. However, when we put "Added to System" between 01 April 2024 - current date, it is still …