Discussion List
Requisition Approver decision commentsContent Has anyone tried to report on the comments each approver adds when deciding on the requisition approval?
Offer Approval Cycle Time (by individual approver)Summary Offer Approval Cycle Time (by individual approver)Content Hello - We're trying to build a report to show the # of days it took for an approver to approve an offe…User_2025-01-23-21-59-01-568 61 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mariah Frantz Taleo Enterprise
Unable to Report on Historical Start Date ValuesSummary Ability to report on historical value for start dates in OBI when changes are madeContent Currently in OBI, users are unable to report on historical start date v…User_2025-01-23-21-01-25-711 53 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Raesah Kachwala Taleo Enterprise
Pull Certain Prescreen Q&A's into Report ColumnsSummary: I've created an Applicant Data Analysis that is based on a particular Template. I'm trying to show the question and answer for 1-2 Prescreen questions. If the q…
Outputting Resumes in an OBI ReportSummary: We send resumes to a third party vendor to be uploaded on the Digital Personnel Record Keeper. This is currently done manually. Is there a way to run a report i…
Looking for a sample affirmative action report.Content Need to create a affirmative action report that includes basic candidate demographic information, race, gender, disability, protected vet, job applied for, requi…User_2025-02-04-11-16-01-386 62 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Timothy Orrange Taleo Enterprise
New Hire Report Criteria-Candidate TypeSummary: I currently have a new hire report that is feeding out duplicate names. Trying to determine a way to only pull in the candidate record/type that shows their hir…User_2025-02-11-00-58-38-371 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-20-42-41-981 Taleo Enterprise
Reporting on Selection Workflow and Step/Statuses Within Recruiting Message TemplatesSummary: Trying to report out on the Selection Workflows and any Step and Statuses that are used in a Recruiting Message Template. Content (required): I'm trying to repo…
Reporting on # of open reqs in a selected past time periodSummary a snapshot of open reqs in a given time periodContent Hi! I am trying to build a report to compare numbers of reqs that had been open/active (sourcing status) on…
OBI and Offer ParagraphsSummary: We've been asked to add a field on one of our Incentive reports that would list the offer paragraph selected related to the incentive. It can be the code for th…
Retention of recruitment records - Taleo license expiringSummary: Content (required): We recently switched from Taleo to ORC, and need to extract all recruitment records, including resumes and applications. Has anyone done thi…
Real time data in Taleo Reporting?Content How long does it take for a data entered in Taleo such as creating requisitions, to be reflected in obi reports?
Prescreen Answer AnalysisSummary Trying to report off of how candidates answered their Prescreen questionsContent I am trying to write a summary report that displays counts of how candidates hav…
Time to Fill where the starting date is the later of two date fieldsContent I have a request to create a new Time to Fill metric where the starting date needs to be the later of Latest Fully Approved Date or Latest Reactivation Date. The…
OBI Dashboard Prompt Error - 'Failed to Load (3 retries)'Summary We have a number of users (though not all) receiving a 'Failed to Load' error when attempting to use a dashboard prompt in OBIContent We have a number of users r…
Pipeline type reportContent Does any one have a kind of pipeline report that shows the average amount of days a candidate spends in kind of custom "windows" as I call them? For example, how…
Taleo Standard Dashboard Output ScreenshotSummary Taleo Standard Dashboard Output ScreenshotContent Hi Experts, Is there any way to get all the taleo standard dashboard output screenshot?. If you have sample out…
Candidate Selection Workflow ReportContent Hi, I have a request from a business partner to provide a report on candidate's moved through the candidate selection workflow. Easy request at first, however th…
Help with AVG functionContent I'm having some issues figuring out the AVG function. I'm getting data that doesn't make sense. So, the TA manager wants to know the avg amount of days between c…
Requisition agency posting history reportContent Hi, Can someone help me with Agency posting history report? I am looking for a report where I can fetch all the posting history with multiple date changes for sa…
Trying to come up with CSW path for only candidates who hit a certain stepSummary Trying to come up with CSW path for only candidates who hit a certain stepContent The TA area wants to know how many candidates went through each step of our CSW…
Dashboard Prompt User PermissionsSummary User Permission to restrict list valuesContent Hi, I have attached "OBI Content Viewer" user type for a user. The user has a user group attached to his user acco…User_2025-01-28-07-12-49-734 55 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Vijaya Kumar Komari Taleo Enterprise
Not getting history of posting date until it expiredContent Hi Experts, Kindly help me with below query. I am trying to create an agency dashboard by calculating the posted duration. In this case recruiter has posted the …
Trim trailing the keywordsSummary Having trouble extracting a portion of job descriptionsContent Experts ~ I am having trouble removing the last section of our job descriptions starting with the …User_2025-01-28-23-57-46-354 21 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Ellen Manthei Taleo Enterprise
How to get the Currently Pending offer Approvel Full NameSummary I have added the field "Requisition Approval History"."Currently Pending Approver Full Name" for getting currently offer pending with name but its giving blank v…
Adding OTBI report to Recruiting CenterSummary Is there any possibility to add scheduled report or generated report to add in Taleo recruiting centerContent Configuration setting to add scheduled and generate…
Adding OTBI report to Recruiting CenterSummary Is there any possibility to add scheduled report or generated report to add in Taleo recruiting centerContent Configuration setting to add scheduled and generate…
Taleo Reporting: How do I activate the Add/Remove Subject Areas buttonSummary We would like to create a report with fields from admininstration and recruitingContent Taleo Reporting: We would like to create a report with fields from admini…
Offers Accepted - 1 day agoSummary Candidates accepted offer 1 day agoContent Hi All, I am trying to create a report which will present List of Candidates with some personal details, who have acce…
Calculate days posted for a specific career site and not get duplicate rowsSummary Recommendation on SQL variableContent Hello, I am calculation posting days for requisitions for the internal and external career site. My variables are generatin…