Discussion List
Address validation b/w HCM Cloud and TaleoSummary How do you handle the lack of address validation in your ATS?Content We are currently live on Taleo and going live with Core HR (HCM Cloud) in May, 2017. One of …
Options for automating HDL without middlewareSummary What are our options to automate HDL without middlewareContent We have requirement in which Taleo team will send daily HDL files to bring additional data apart f…
Need HDL template to update the reporting managerSummary Can someone help me with hdl template to update the reporting manager. If not available we need to create a new template. Thanks in advance.
Options? Oracle deprecating Oracle SFTP effective 1st Dec 2017Summary Options for third part systems to get extract out files with securityContent Hi All, Received an announcement from Oracle stating deprecation of Oracle SFTP effe…Vaibhav Bhawsar 125 views 5 comments 5 points Most recent by A Muthu Kumarasamy-45511 HCM Integrations
In coexistance model; want to run bulk conversion file agianSummary Our incremental integration has become out of sync. Would like to run a full data publish from source system to get back on track. Any one run into any issues do…
Data Migration - Bank DetailsSummary Data Migration - Bank DetailsContent Hi All Customer wants to migrate Bank details of the employee with history. I understand we cannot migrate Bank details with…Naveen Jayaraman-48236 66 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Integrations
HDL Load Error - The values XXXX are not valid for the attribute ManagerAssignmentId.Summary HDL Load Error - The values XXXX are not valid for the attribute ManagerAssignmentId.Content Hi Everybody, I am trying to load workers supervisors through HDL. I…
Job to refresh workforce structure names and descriptions?Summary Is there a job that needs to be ran to refresh the names and descriptions of the different workforce structures after you load or update new values via FBL?Conte…
Recruiter(HR) receive notification in Fusion (OOTB Integration,FusionHCM-Taleo)Summary Recruiter(HR) receive notification in FusionContent Hi, In OOTB Integration,Currently Hiring managers who are assigned PER_LINE_MANAGER_ABSTRACT roles are receiv…Saadh Abi Vakas-44596 43 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Wiktor Ornatowski-Oracle HCM Integrations
How to Create External Bank Account with .dat fileSummary Upload External Bank Accounts via .dat fileContent Hi, Need your help to Create External Bank Accounts for existing employees in the system via .dat file. Thanks…
Competency Content item don't show his historySummary I have loaded with hdl a competency with 3 rows of history but I don't see the historyContent Hello, I have loaded through hdl 1 competency with 3 rows in a sequ…
FBL error while attempting to load a ProfileItemSummary FBL error while attempting to load a ProfileItem: "You must provide a value for the attribute Evaluation Type."Content When attempting to load a Profile and a Si…
Error when loading spreadsheet loaderSummary Error when loading spread sheet loaderContent Hi, We are facing the issue when loading the spread sheet loader. We are facing the below error for spreadsheet loa…Swathi Gogula-53793 228 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Swathi Gogula-53793 HCM Integrations
Release 12 provisioned instance - Can we use spreadsheet loader to bulk upload worker dataSummary The spreadsheet loader functionality available in the Data Exchange work area has been enhanced in Release 12. This will enable customers who have the HCM Data L…
R12 : Using Spreadsheet loader when the HDL Data Loader scope is 'Full'Summary Using Spreadsheet loader when the HDL Data Loader scope is 'Full'Content Hi! I was trying out loading data via spreadsheet loader and was encountering the ‘load …
Do you want to Bulk update contact names of employee contacts?Summary Want to Bulk update contact names of employee contactsContent Hi I was helping on of our friends to correct the contact names of employee contact. Hope this woul…
Rehire with HCM Data Loader?Summary Has anyone rehired employees using HCM Data LoaderContent We do have a custom import program which creates the HDL files for newhires. Right now we are filtering…
Want to Upload Banks data into HCM using FF Batch transferSummary Upload Banks Data using FF and then Transfer BatchContent Please find the attached document with the formula and screenshots for complete batch load and transfer…
Query on SSOSummary Looking for a SSO solution for the requirements mentioned in the details section.Content Hi All, We are on Release 11 of Oracle Cloud HCM and currently planning …
Info required on FetchExtractOutput Web serviceSummary Need more information about FetchExtractOutput webservice.Content Hi All, We are currently exploring the FetchExtractOutput webservice , which is available for C…
Create your own HDL Files in ExcelSummary Using this method, you can create HDL Files Manually for upload in ExcelContent 1. Find the metadata header format for the HDL file you are creating 2. Insert ea…
VBA to Parse HDL .dat files into ExcelSummary This VBA Code allows you to parse the .dat file into Excel as text and puts each meta data section on individual worksheet tabs for easier manipulation and revie…
HCM Cloud Solution Library - Data Conversion IndexSummary An index of all the business objects in the HDL data conversion packages contained within the HCM Cloud Solution LibraryContent Attached is an index of all the b…
EBS HR to Fusion HCM integration for ExpensesSummary Need inputs on EBS HCM Extract toolkit and automated upload of filesContent Hi, We are doing an Expenses implementation in the Cloud and need to import all our E…Anitha Venkatkrishnan-45572 65 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Anitha Venkatkrishnan HCM Integrations
List of business objects in Benefits and OTL for data conversionContent Hi All, We need a list of the conversion entities in benefits and OTL (Time and Labor) modules. Also the method of conversion (HDL/Spread sheet Loader) would be …Visu 69 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanna Borse, CISSP, CISM-Oracle HCM Integrations
HDL Error - You must provide a value for attribute Type.Summary I am getting this error when loading the worker file
Mass load for Value SetSummary Mass load for Value Set using Web ServiceContent Hi All, We are trying to load value set (cost centers) in Oracle HCM Cloud using web service (https://pod.fs.em2…Sid-Ali BALDJI-28812 102 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle HCM Integrations
HCM Cloud Solution Library - Data Loader Solution Package - Workforce DevelopmentSummary HDL Upload for HCM Cloud Workforce DevelopmentContent A Solution Package (annotated upload templates and supporting white paper) focused on uploading Workforce D…
HCM Cloud Solution Library - Data Loader Solution Packages - Workforce Deployment Part IIISummary HDL Upload for HCM Cloud Workforce Deployment Part IIIContent Part III of Solution Packages (annotated templates plus supporting white papers) for uploading data…
HCM Cloud Solution Library - Data Loader Solution Packages - Workforce Deployment Part IISummary HDL Upload for HCM Cloud Workforce Deployment Part IIContent More Solution Packages for data conversions in Workforce Deployment for HCM Cloud Data Loader.