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Need inputs to load custom value "Source"Content Hi All, We are loading Candidate data from legacy system. We have a custom value for field 'Source". HDL loading is successful but the record while viewed from U…
HDL for new hiringSummary I am looking for a HDL model to hire people in the systemContent Hi everybody, I am looking for a model file to hire people. We are implementing an RPA between O…Mathilde Mortelecque 71 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Misael Gutiérrez-Oracle HCM Integrations
HDL QuerySummary HDLContent I have few records in Person Extra Information Table PersonId,PerextraId,Value,effstartdate,effenddate 101,201,1,2017/01/01,2017/12/31 101,202,2,2018/…
Webservices to load .zip HDL files by powershell?Summary HDL Webservices SOAPContent Dears all! Attached I added the official guide to automate HDL process using few methods. I have a doubt about page 4: can the payloa…Pablo Martinez de Villa De las Heras 52 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Wade Wilson HCM Integrations
Inbound feed from PrinicpalSummary Looking for any input/experience on inbound feed from PrincipalContent We are working on creating integrations to our HCM cloud solution, currently we are doing …
Getting Error while creating Mailing Address of employee by HDLContent Hi, We are trying to create mailing address of employee by HDL. But I am getting error message ""You cannot update this record because the SourceSystemId ###### …
HDL for Loading criticality in job profileContent Hi, I could able to upload job profile successfully. But criticality upload in job profile is throwing error. Below is the lines. Can someone help? METADATA|Prof…
Doubt about webservices automations in Oracle FusionSummary Goals, Automation, Webservice, HDL, Oracle FusionContent Dear Cloud Customer members, Our customer are looking to a workaround to solve the REST API lack related…Pablo Martinez de Villa De las Heras 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Janardhana K HCM Integrations
Loading HDL - Worker.dat - Oracle HCM/Finance Rel13-19ASummary Error while loading Worker.dat file - Work RelationshipContent I am not sure if you encountered this issue when you load Worker.dat file after the applying of re…Evan Nguyen-76042 63 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle HCM Integrations
HCM Data Loader - Terminating WorkRelationshipSummary HCM Data Loader - Terminating WorkRelationshipContent Hi Friends I am working on Terminations with HCM Data Loader. I just supplied WorkRelationship in the Worke…
Loading organization tree via HDLSummary Loading organization tree via HDLContent Is it possible to load a new organization tree via HDL? If so does anyone have an example dat file? Thanks Emily
SSO for Fusion HCM, Taleo and Active DirectorySummary We need to enable SSO for Taleo and Fusion HCM. The on premises IDP is Active Directory.Content I have raised SR with Oracle for SSO enablement and xml metadata …
Not able load Pending WorkerSummary Not able to Load Pending WorkerContent Not able to load pending worker file and getting below error message. Import error " A parent for this record was not foun…
Can we Assign Payroll Relationship to an employee using HDL?Summary We have an integration for loading new hires, except for payroll relationship we were able to create the new hires using HDL.Content We have an integration for l…
Talent Review meeting Load by HDLContent I am trying to create Talent review meeting through HDL. I am getting below error. Please find the dat file for referrnce. I am trying to create only parrent att…
REST API Post blocked by CORS though whitelisted in PAPI_CORS_DOMAIN_LISTSummary REST API Post blocked by CORS though whitelisted in PAPI_CORS_DOMAIN_LISTContent We want to send data from an Articulate Storyline 360 SCORM course on Taleo. I c…
We have loaded the Profile keyword metdata. can some one suggest where to check in UIContent Hi All, We have loaded the talent profile dat file which include talent profile, profilt item and Profile keyword. File loaded successfully. I can see the Talent…
Talent Review Meeting HDL errorSummary Talent Review Meeting HDL errorContent Hi All, I am trying to load Talent Review meeting first time, it is showing that it imported successfully but for loading …
BI publisher report bursting to DoR possible?Summary BI publisher report bursting to DoR possible?Content Hi ExpertsWe would like to create a BIP report (Term Notifications) in a document and sends it to the employ…
We are loading talent profile data, but getting erroContent Hi All we are getting below error. no idea how to fix this, this object is not available even in dat file Below is the error . Please find the attached dat file …
HDL worker full history with all promotionsSummary HDL worker full history with all promotionsContent Hello Experts, From the legacy system, I would like to load the workers (employees) data into Fusion HCM Cloud…
Data loading best practice for a client having 800 employeesSummary Data loading best practice for a client having 800 employees: HDLorHSDLContent Hello Everyone, I need your expert advice on Data loading best practice for our cl…Anupama Satapathy-78243 158 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Integrations
HSDL HDL linesSummary looking to query HDL lines from a successfully loaded HSDL template.Content I was trying to report out on the HDL lines (successfully) loaded from an HSDL execut…
Can we generate a pipe delimited file using HCM extractsSummary Can we generate a pipe delimited file using HCM extractsContent Hi, Can we generate a pipe delimited file using HCM extracts Regards Rashmi
HDL Assigned Payroll Load with User KeysSummary HDL Assigned Payroll Load with User KeysContent Hi I am trying to Assign Payroll using the AssignedPayroll.dat file with HDL. It is successful only when i supply…
HDL Excel GuidelinesSummary HDL Excel Guidelines templatesContent Hello, I am looking the HDL Excel Guidelines excel templates. See attached screen short and advise from where I can downloa…
How to perform mass update employee and user account email address in single shot ?Summary How to perform mass update employee and user account email address in single shot ?Content We have the below mass update requirements for employee information in…
CalendarEvent dat fileSummary CalendarEvent dat fileContent Hi, Any one has CalendarEvent dat file, please share. Thanks, sainath
AbsenceEntries not deducting from Balances.Summary AbsenceEntries not deducting from Balances.Content Hi , I loaded absence entries using HDL. But these entries not deducting from balances. I ran the calculate ba…
Unable to access Manage Spreadsheet templates (HSDL)Content Hi All, When we try to access "Manage Spreadsheet templates", we are getting below error message. In my user account is having "“Human Capital Management Integra…