Category 101
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Capture data at Year Toal level for Line-Item Detail EPM planningWe would like to capture the numbers at the Year Total level for Line-Item Detail, but we were not able to. We were thrown an error saying, "Line-item detail cannot be c…
EPM integration Agent from MS SQL to EPM through Virtual Machine is slowSummary: EPM integration Agent from MS SQL to EPM through Virtual Machine is slow Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): 24.11 Version (include t…NarayananS 24 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suruchi S-Support-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Groovy check rtps for comma and throw errorSummary: I am looking to add logic to an existing Groovy rule we have that adds dynamic children to our projects hierarchy. I need to add logic that checks the rtps.rtp_…
Calculation for Employee that Terms Mid-MonthSummary: In our Workforce cube/module, is it possible to calculate partial month data for an employee that terms mid-month Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
How to add Data forms in Task Manager in PBCS?Summary: I am not able to add data form in Task Type in Task Manager. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 22.12.54 Code Snipp…
Drill Through Source Data That Is Displayed Does Not Equal To The Amount Displayed on Data FormSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We have Drilled through on an amount on a data form. When the Source Data came up, the total …
EPM Pipeline: Running a business rule with runtime prompt type SmartlistSummary: Hi, I'm trying to execute the BR: "OWP_Process Loaded Data" as part of a pipeline. I want to pass the variable "OEP_FcstMnth" as the RTP 'Month'. However, Month…
Drill on shared members not working in Data FormSummary: Drill on shared members not working in Data Form in Account Dimension taken in Row Content (required): I have a member in account dimension as 41000000 and its …
How can I convert a member to a string to populate a Smart List value?Summary: I am trying to derive a Smart List value using a member, where the Smart List has been build from the Period dimension. Content (required): Below is an example …
User Item type : VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) item forecast has to be published to VendorCurrent Scenario : VMI items are not part of planning, the replenishment of the items is done via Min-Max quantity in Inventory Management. VMI items MPS MRP planning at…Salman_Kotwal-Oracle 34 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Salman_Kotwal-Oracle Supplier Management
EPM Automate update announcementSummary: Is there any other way to get information about EPM Automate update other than return messages on epmautomate login command? I understand that monthly What's ne…
Approval notifications and linking notification to in oracle EPM PlanningWe need clarification on how approval notifications in Oracle EPM Planning can be configured to ensure they: Include relevant details and direct links for approvers to a…
Number of documents for shipmentWe would like to know how many documents can we upload in each shipment? Thank you
EPM PBCS Integration with SnowflakeSummary: Hi Team, We are working on to export EPM PBCS Data to Snowflake System. Is there any direct integration where we can integrate with Snowflake? We have tried wit…
How does "Not set" Essbase Dimension Hierarchy type works?Summary: In Essbase Dimension member Hierarchy type we have 1 . Not Set 2. Dynamic 3. Multiple 4. Stored ,how does "Not Set" type works. Content (please ensure you mask …
Groovy to transfer data between cubeSummary: I planned to transfer headcount data between cubes by using groovy. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have tried to use datagrid …
Lead Times Used by Backlog ManagementWe are using Backlog Planning Rules of type "Supply chain availability search". We want to understand which lead times (Pre-Processing, Processing, Post-Processing, Fixe…Parry 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Thejaswini Kamreddy-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Update connections in cloned environmentSummary: How can we automate the update of connections (URL, User Id and password)? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We clone our environme…
Steps Required to Purge Employees in Production Environment (Go-Live)Summary: Hi, Currently, we are able to execute one scheduled process to purge the employees in non-prod instances (Dev, Uat, Test, Parallel) by using "Purging Person Dat…
How to affect UDA to members in account dimension ?Hello, We need to affect UDA to members in account dimension thanks to the webform, where : a user can input value "1" in a particular cross of dimensions, including mem…
Groovy Dataexporter is not exporting Dynamic Calc membersSummary: Hi, I need to export data from EPM Planning BSO cube with "Alias". So I need to use Groovy Rule because Data Export Calc command BR create Member Name in file. …
Error Status When Run Integration in Export ProcessWhen run integration import project from ERP Fusion to EPM EPBCS, log status for export process is error. Although the status show error, the status detail for export pr…
Announcing: New How Do I?... Help Center Page for PlanningSummary: A new How Do I?… Help Center library page is now available for Planning. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are pleased to announ…
Can I have one common IDCS instance for Oracle Fusion ERP and Oracle EPMSummary: The client is running both Oracle Fusion ERP and Oracle EPM. There is an IDCS instance for ERP and another instance for EPM. Client is asking if one somehow can…Reinhard Klahn 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Reinhard Klahn Identity and Access Management
Make forms read only just for a specific group of usersSummary: Is there a good way to make a set of forms (I have about 15 in a folder) to display as read-only for a specific group of users. Content (please ensure you mask …
What's the recommended way to incorporate actuals into the forecast scenario for workforce planningSummary: In the Forecast scenario in Workforce planning you load data into the current month and then run process loaded data to push out to future months. That's all ok…
Multi-Column load is not picking up data for the last few columnsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We do a revenue file load using the data integration. The integration is setup as Multi-colum…
How to run uploadFile as a user with the “User” roleSummary: How to run uploadFile as a user with the “User” role Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I would like to know how a user with the rol…
Import/Export Supply planning configurations from one instance to another instance Cloud InstanceSummary: Hi , we have done a lot of Plan configurations/Profile Options/tables/graphs/etc in Lower Instance and would like to migrate all of them to a different instance…KKUM2328 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by AkashV-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
File-based Integration unexpected behaviorHello everyone, We are using File-based integration to load data from a file to PBCS. However, we meet unexpected behaviors. We created a file with two rows for testing;…