Category 150
Discussion List
Disable Supplier Attachment Delete from Supplier portalSummary: We want to disable attachment delete option from supplier portal. Reason we are asking this because change request contain multiple changes in single approval a…
How to set supplier type filed value default as Supplier and other valued should not come in fieldSummary: Hi on Next Gen New Supplier Registration portal, on Supplier value needed in Supplier Type field, other Value should not come in field LOV on company details pa…
As part of data cleanup, is it possible to inactivate supplier sites in bulk?Summary: As part of data cleanup, is it possible to inactivate supplier sites in bulk? We have many active suppliers with sites that should no longer be active. Is it po…
Merge Supplier is throwing errors (JBO-27023)Unable to find resolution online. In lower environments it is working. When trying to merge two suppliers, I am receiving this error. "The Error is: JBO-27023: Failed to…
Is there a workflow in oracle that monitors all the Supplier approval workflowSummary: The New Supplier trying to register is unable to receive an email. Below are the steps. 1. The New supplier tries registering via Supplier Spend authorized Supp…
Need to disable "Request to Resubmit" button in external supplier registration approvalSummary: Need to disable "Request to Resubmit" button in external supplier registration approval. We have four levels of approval, Buyer will be the first approver . As …
Is there a place to capture Supplier Trade License Number and Expiry and Effective Dates in fusionSummary: Is there a place to capture Supplier Trade License Number and Expiry and Effective Dates in fusion. The requrement is to capture these details during registrati…
How to get all items(PIM) using REST API?Summary: The API given in the above document is only working to fetch one item. When attempted to fetch all items , it gives the below error "You must enter at least 3 c…Susmitha Penumalli 125 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Master Data Management
How to add new fields in the Data model used to generate the requisition approval E-Mail report.Summary: Need to add new columns in the Data model used to generate the requisition approval E-Mail report. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Supplier Recommendation Generative AI FeatureSummary: How to enable Supplier Recommendation Generative AI Feature in Oracle SCM Cloud? Is it from Opt-in feature or any Profile we need to enable? Please advise. Cont…
Is it possible to download the results from the 24C Search Suppliers with a New User Experience?Summary: We would like to be able to download the results from the new 24C 'Search Suppliers with a New User Experience' feature. Maybe I'm just missing something, but I…MWBusch 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Santhosh Cholleti-Support-Oracle Supplier Management
how to delete a supplier negotiation using REST API ?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
External Supplier Registration - Questionnaire not updating in Next-Gen UISummary: We have enabled Next-Gen Self-Service Supplier Registration in staging. When I made changes to the questionnaire we were using in the old registration flow, the…
Can Visual Builder Studio be used to add text to top of Next Generation Supplier Registration pages?Summary: Is it possible, using Visual Builder Studio (VBS), to add explanatory text to the top of the Next Generation Supplier Registration (NGSR) Redwood pages? As show…
Can we have separate approval flow for one time supplier registration?Hello All, We have an requirement where Client want to have a separate approval process for one time supplier. But in current approval attributes we don't have any ident…
Mandatory attachments in supplier portalSummary: We made the attachment as a mandatory field during Invoice creation in ISupplier Portal. Yet we were able to submit the Invoice without attaching any documents.…
Why won't the supplier site field default on PO-matched invoices?Summary: Supplier site field is failing to default on PO-matched invoices. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The Supplier Site field is popu…Aidan Gleeson 44 views 1 comment 6 points Most recent by Daniela Petria-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
supplier definition level the combination of site name + procurement BU is uniqueWe need investigate please if at supplier definition level the combination of site name + procurement BU is unique which I believe is true. Meaning that if for a supplie…
Unable to find the supplier Phone, Fax and email address field in RSSPSummary: Currently while creating Non Catalog Self service requisition, requestor can see the Phone , Fax and Email address field and validate the entered information be…
Remove default participant "FUSION_APPS_PRC_SOA_APPID" from Request for more informationSummary: The partcipant/User "FUSION_APPS_PRC_SOA_APPID" is getting defaulted when approver clicks on Request for information during external supplier registration appro…
No notification received for supplier change request when multiple users are editing simultaneouslyWhen multiple users make changes on the same supplier at the same time, the approver did not receive the notification/email to take action to review, approve/reject on t…
How to enable and disable taxpayer ID field based on supplier type selectedSummary: When supplier selects tax organization type as foreign, taxpayer id fields shall be greyed out/disabled. When any other tax organization type is selected, only …
How to make Negotiated checkbox as mendatory in Redwood UI Responsive self service applicationSummary: To enabled the touchless buying in Self service procurement we have personalized the Negotiated checkbox and set it as mendatory, so that requestor will unable …
Received notification Transferred: Supplier Registration Request more than 50 supplierSummary: Why did suddenly receive an approval notification Transferred: Supplier Registration Request more than 50+ supplier? Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
Can we provide "Reassign" option to specific users in BPM workflow taskSummary: 1.We have a requirement where we need to restrict the "Reassign" option to specific users in BPM workflow task. Please let us know how this can be achieved. We …
Unable to see the bank details in supplier portal while creating InvoiceI have checked all the set up but the bank information is not populating in create invoice UI. Document is attached for your reference.
unable to reject spend authorized supplier requestSummary: On the spend authorized approval flow, assignee is able to perform reject but the reject action is not being performed Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
How can we extract all Suppliers Registration number?Summary:How can we extract all Suppliers Registration number? Supplier Tax registration is added at Supplier>Address>Click Address name>Transaction Tax>Tax Registration …
Auto Reject for Spend Authorized Internal Supplier Registration Request is not workingDuring 24B, the auto-reject approval rule for spend authorized stopped working. I went in to multiple dev environments and disabled/reenables the approval rules and got …