Category 150
Discussion List
Unable to view process parameters for Inactivate SuppliersSummary: Unable to view process parameters for Inactivate Suppliers based on certain filters Content (required): When I am running the process 'Inactivate Suppliers', I …
How can we make Supplier Inactivate Date as mandatory only for One time Supplier through Sandbox?Summary: We tried to make supplier inactivate date as mandatory for one time supplier through sandbox but the change is happening for every supplier irrespective of one …Manmohan_Singh_Granthi 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Piyush Singh-Oracle Supplier Management
Seeking Best Practice Advice for Linking Employee and Supplier in Oracle CloudSummary: I have a question regarding our migration from EBS to the cloud. Currently, at the vendor level in the classification section, there is a direct connection betw…
Cloud Fusion English/Chinese(Simplified) UI translation mappingSummary: In Cloud Fusion English UI, I take the steps: 1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance. 2. Search and go to task "Manage Tax Organization Type Lookup" But in Chines…
Can we add payment terms field on the view invoice details page on iSupplier portal?Summary: There is a business requirement to add payment terms field on the view invoice details page on the iSupplier Portal. Content (required): Navigation - Supplier P…SurbhiPapreja 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MariusS-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Supplier Type vs. Products and Services CategorySummary: Is there a simple explanation of the use of Supplier Type vs. the Products and Services Category? Content (required): ESS is looking into using Qualification Ma…
Enable Data Security on Supplier Site Data in OTBIBusiness Use Case: Currently, users who have view only access to supplier profile UI can see supplier sites for all procurement BUs. There is a solution that allows thes…
How can I not have the invoice type Retainage release while creating an invoice from Supplier PortalDo not want the option of invoice type "Retainage release" when a supplier creates an invoice from the supplier portal. Is there any configuration update that can be don…Rutuja Rao 42 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by GSrikanth -Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Behavior To Import Supplier Tax Details Using FBDISummary: Behavior to import tax details like Tax Registration Type, Tax Regime Code, Withholding tax Registration, etc via FBDI. Currently these fields are not available…Elena-Cristina Staniloiu-Oracle 393 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by CarloB Supplier Management
Is it possible to modify a flexible field to be dependent on another?Summary: Is it possible to modify a flexible field to be dependent on another in supplier registration page? Content (required): For example, in this case the person typ…
Is there a table to query the attachments content uploaded to Oracle Fusion Supplier Master?Hello Team, We are looking for a table that holds the supplier attachments, there is one table POZ_SUP_ATTACHMENTS_INT, but this holds only the suppliers imported throug…
Role: Supplier Manager - Need Payment/Bank Info read onlySummary: Client would like to make the Payment/Bank Account tab in profiles and in Site setup Read Only while the remaining supplier record is editable. According to the…
BIP Report for List of Draft Supplier Registration RequestsSummary: Sample BIP report on list of draft supplier registration requests Content (required): In self service supplier registration, user can save a draft registration …
Can we have Supplier portal access to both prospective and spend authorized suppliers?Summary:Can we have Supplier portal access to both prospective and spend authorized suppliers? If yes, what options will prospective supplier have, and what options will…
Editing Supplier Qualification Notifications sent to the supplierSummary: We would want to modify the Invitation message in the notification "You are invited to respond to a Questionnaire notification ABC" .Kindly let me know how can …
Assign roles to suppliersHi, How can I assign roles for suppliers without them having person record (as they have only party id), Thanks
DataFox For Procurement CloudSummary: Hi, I am looking for the implementation and user guide for Datafox supplier procurement, I have reviewed from docs. oracle didn't get that much knowledge. Thank…
Update existing bank accounts details to newly create Site in new BUSummary: We are not update bank account details. We are only required existing bank details use/assined for new created site in newly create Bu i.e. LDC BU. For example:…
23A - How to make Bank Accounts subtab read only, under Payments tab for Supplier Manager roleSummary: Content (required): We had cloned seeded Supplier Manager role and realized it allows user to "edit" Bank Accounts added under Payments tab under a Supplier Sit…Prateek Mohan 164 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vaibhav Chaudhary-Oracle Supplier Management
How to selectively hide individual PO Line DFFs on Supplier Portal pagesSummary: we created few PO LINES DFF for internal uses (buyer) and one DFF for common uses (buyers and suppliers) is it possible to expose only specific DFF at supplier …
How to allow different email address formats for supplier contactsSummary: We want to allow different email address formats for supplier contacts - For example, and These are currently unacceptable value…
How to restrict user from entering or showing error if a field contains special charactersSummary: How to restrict user from entering or showing error if a Company field on Register Supplier page contains special characters using Page Composer. Content (requi…
Adding link to supplier portalSummary: Adding link to supplier portal Content (required): Can a pdf document be uploaded via the import/export and then be linked to the Supplier Portal Version (inclu…
Table and FBDI for Manage Supplier Products and Services Category HierarchySummary: Which table stores information for 'Manage Supplier Products and Services Category Hierarchy' Content (required): I need to mass upload categories to 'Manage Su…Nidhi Chhajed 315 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Supplier Management
How to update a Supplier status to Pending if there is a profile change request pending?Summary: We have a requirement if we can update an active supplier status to pending, if there is any attribute change request pending for the supplier. Content (require…Pratyusha Mishra 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Supplier Management
External Prospective Suppliers to be assigned only to Suppliers Bidder Role in Oracle FusionSummary: As per Oracle functionality, Supplier roles will get default based on "Manage Supplier User Roles" setup. For external supplier registrations, when we provide U…SUDHIRNARAHARISETTI 105 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anjana Das-Oracle Supplier Management
Need details to create a report to fetch Supplier Attachment detailsSummary: Hi, I want to create a Report to list all the Attachment details of a Supplier. For that, I am looking for tables to find out the attachments of a Supplier at P…
Frequently Asked Questions about Supplier Profile Change ManagementSummary: List of frequently asked questions and answers about supplier profile change management Content (required): Supplier profile change management is an important p…
Custom Role to View Supplier Profile/Site Bank AccountSummary: I need to create a custom role that allows someone to edit all of the supplier profile/sites EXCEPT bank accounts. I need them to still be able to view bank acc…
How to route AP Invoice Approval Possible Based On Supplier Site ?Summary: How to route AP Invoice Approval Possible Based On Supplier Site ? Content (required): Hello I was wondering if I can setup a new DFF at Supplier Site, and then…Cesar Saveedra 147 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Cesar Saveedra Payables, Payments & Cash Management