Category 152
Discussion List
PO Receipt confirmation - Can we resend the notification?Summary: PO Receipt confirmation Notification - Can we resend the notification? Some requesters say that they did not receive the email notification. Is there any way to…
Buyer role is consuming 'Oracle Fusion Enterprise Contracts Cloud Service' licenseSummary: The seeded 'Buyer' role is consuming 'Oracle Fusion Enterprise Contracts Cloud Service' license due to the 'OKC_AUTHOR_CONTRACT_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_TEMPLATE_PR…
How to enable DFF on BPA Price break page using SandboxSummary: Need steps to enable DFF on PO_LINE_LOCATIONS on price break screen. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have enabled DFF on PO_LI…
How to avoid source agreement defaulting on PO Line when there are two CPA's with the same supplierSummary: Avoid defaulting of Source Agreement on PO Line when there are two CPA's with same supplier Content (required): When the Buyer creates a PO, source agreement (C…
Purchase order's CO (edit RDD or PDD) updating the Last_updated fields of other linespurchase order’s CO (edit RDD or PDD) of an actual line not updating the Last_Updated field of that line but for other lines?. We checked in the PO_Lines_All and PO_Line…
How to derive invoice tax from InvoiceDetailSummary in OBN cXMLSummary: How to derive invoice tax from InvoiceDetailSummary in OBN cXML Currently because of the Suppliers Local laws they have to input tax details at the Invoice Line…
Permanently enable catalog administrator authoringSummary: How do we enable catalog administrator authoring for all agreements as they are created? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version …
How to update a PO, which is in a closed status and fully costedThe business has raised a PO, but after receiving, invoicing and fully costing, it was realized that the PO is wrong, some lines need to be updated with new quantity and…
How to restrict PO Receipt to be returned when the invoice for that Qty/Amt is already validatedSummary: How to restrict PO Receipt to be returned to supplier when the AP invoice for that Qty/Amt is already validated. Eg: if PO has a Qty of 10 and the receipt is cr…
ORA_PO_GENERIC_EMAIL_ADDRESS is currently end datedSummary: The profile ORA_PO_GENERIC_EMAIL_ADDRESS is currently end dated - it appears this can not be removed - will this still work? Content (please ensure you mask any…
How to create 'View Purchase Orders' tile under Procurement offering opening in 'Manage Orders' pageHi Experts, Please guide as to how can we create a 'View Purchase Order' tile under Procurement Springboard. This has to be done for custom roles which are not having “P…
How to update the content/body of a standard PO emailSummary: Client would like to change the email body text for PO in order to distinguish between internal and external emails Standard PO email notification - how to upda…
PO email not triggered to supplier after change orderUser created a PO and after approval email was sent to supplier but after creating a change order for the same PO, the email is not triggered to supplier after change or…
How to create OTBI for Compliance checklist questions and responses in Procurement moduleSummary: We have the Compliance checklist created which is now in the Completed status. How can we create an OTBI report to view the Questions and responses for all the …
Create Work Confirmation as RequesterSummary: I am trying to create work confirmation as requester but was unable to. The Action button is not showing any list of values. We have created a custom role with …
Centralized Procurement Shared ServiceSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Changing Default Document Style for Purchase Orders Generated from ContractsHello Everyone, When a contract is approved in the Contract Management module, our buyer initiates a fulfillment to generate a purchase order. This process triggers the …
Does Fusion offer a feature equivalent to the "PO: AutoCreate GL Date Option"?Summary: Default Accounting/Budget date when creating PO from requisition Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We're looking for a function suc…
When the Process Requisitions and Change Order will be availale in Purchase Orders (New) UISummary: Team We are looking into the purchasing features released in 25A. We enabled purchase orders (new) UI but currently we do not have ability to create agreements,…
list of attributes that trigger internal/external change order for Purchase Order/AgreementSummary: We are implementing the approval rules for a change orders. Could we please get list of attributes that can be changed via PO change order and list of attribute…
Is there a way to stop the requisition creation in case the max amount is reached on the BPASummary: Need a way to stop users from creating requisitions when the max agreement amount is reached on a BPA Content (required): Need help, whether we can maintain any…Roop_chand-Oracle 131 views 6 comments 3 points Most recent by Rajat Oza SCM-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to activate the purchasing profile option "PO_LOAD_ITEMS_IN_ALL_LANGUAGES"Hello everyone, I'm trying to activate the purchasing profile option "PO_LOAD_ITEMS_IN_ALL_LANGUAGES" but when I search for it I don't see it, has anyone had the same pr…
how to set default LT of BPASummary: Our customer requester to set LT as one day for all product in BPA, but each BPA may cotains more than one hundred line, it to many hand work if we update LT on…
Ship-to Address for Drop Ship POSummary: Hi We have scenario drop shipment which is PO from Customer (we store as Sales Order) will be PO to supplier. Let say Customer A create order that ship to their…
How to trigger PCS workflow whenever we submit the PUrchase requisition with projects type of T4Summary: requirement is like when we submit the purchase requisition in oracle fusion(click on the submit button) then PCS needs to trigger and sent for the approvals. h…Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ahmed Ismail Self Service Procurement
We would like to refer PO Header/Line Attribute in FinAPHoldApprovalSummary: We have Business Case where we would like to use person information stored in PO DFF in Ap invoice approval , Please suggest if we can use that value in BPM App…
Add the cost center description to the approval workflowWe would like to add the Cost Center description to the Approval workflow Currently on our approval workflow notifications the Cost Center appears like this under the li…
Bulk Uploading of Approved Supplier List category wise ?Summary: Bulk Uploading of Approved Supplier List category wise . Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Community, I am facing an issue in up…
#25A-A-NR CCCIs it possible to remove BPA line attachment massively by API or SOAPSummary: Is it possible to remove BPA line attachment massively by API or SOAP? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is it possible to remove B…
Export BPM approval rule for PO and PR in excelSummary: We have lot of rules configured in BPM for PO and PR. How can we extract all rules in excel. Is there any way to extract all BPM approval rules. Content (please…