Category 153
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Need a query to fetch Negotiation TemplateSummary: Hello, I'm trying to build a report to get the Negotiation Template names but I'm unable to find the table nor subject-area to do so. Can somebody help please? …
Is it possible to prevent deleting the supplier contract?Hi team I found that the user can easily delete the supplier contract from the negotiation award. So is there any way to prevent deleting the supplier contract in the En…
How to configure Fusion Expense cost center rule set with Job Level List builderSummary: The expense cost center being charged is not the default cost center of the employee but the approval should route to all of the cost center owners having the A…
Is there a way that we can update the DFF's on PO Header?Summary: We had context based DFF enabled at PO level. These DFF’s for New Purchases will be entered by preparer on requisition and defaulted on PO from PR. But for the …
how to hide Register New Supplier from Create Surrogate responseSummary: Requirement is to Hide the New Supplier creation during the Negotiation creation process. How to hide the "Register New Supplier" button from Negotiation screen…
Negotiation Award Approvals based on Supplier ResponsesSummary: Hi, We have requirement to capture additional information from Suppliers basing on which Negotiation Award Approvals are to be setup. Here, business does not to…
My Negotiations display RFQ which i'm not the ownerUnder Procurement > Negotiations , My Negotiations infolet displays RFQ of other owners (it seems if user is the member of the RFQ, then user will have those RFQ under t…
How Can we Restrict Users Access To Create Negotiations To Limited Types rather than All TypesHow Can we Restrict Users Access To Create Negotiations To Limited Types From Many available in system. And User should be able to View Negotiations Of Limited Types rat…
supplier to receive the specific reason for award failure.Summary: supplier wants to know the reason of award rejection Content (required): The Award FYI notification details are not specific. The Award Notification Message sen…
Manage Scoring not available in Closed Negotiation (RFP) when Scoring is already OpenSummary: Scoring is open for project team members to do the scoring but the negotiation owner cannot see the Manage Scoring to check the scoring progress and to know who…
How to add the project resources to collaboration team during negotiation creation?Summary: Add project resources to collaboration team Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How Can I add the project resources to the collaborat…
Not able to Reject terms and conditions in negotiationSummary: Hi Team, Supplier is not able to reject the terms and conditions in negotiations. We have kept the terms and conditions on -' Before creating response'. Supplie…
Change email negotiation notifications (Amendment and Closed) to suppliersSummary: Hi team, The client has requested to change the Subject and Body Email for the Negotiation amendment and negotiation closed notification. Is there any way to do…
Local content requirementsSummary: Local content Requirements Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The local content, is to preserve the largest possible amount of money…
How can we add a surrogate scorer to an RFX that does not have access to the Fusion module ?Summary: How can we add a surrogate scorer to an RFX that does not have access to the Fusion module ? A scorer needs to score, as a consultant , this user is not part of…
How to enable the create Project Task field during negotiation creationSummary: Create Project Task during negotiation creation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, now I can add a project task once negotiation…
Do we have any Reports available in Negotiations Module with following details captured?Summary: We have a requirement to have a Report from Negotiations aspects with following details captured - 1. RFP number along with negotiation round details 2. No. of …
Auto populate Negotiation Approval Amount from total line amountSummary: Auto populate Negotiation Approval Amount from total line amount Content (required): Is there a way to auto populate the Negotiation Approval amount in the Head…
Send the award notification only to the awarded supplier(s)Summary: Our customer uses Oracle Sourcing Cloud to create and manage their negotiations. Regarding the award step, the solution sends notifications to the awarded and t…
Negotiation Extend ApprovalsSummary: If close date of a negotiation is approaching and buyer needs to extend the Tender close date, can the extension be approved in oaracle fusion? Content (require…
How can I setup the "response visibility" field of the negotiation page to "Open"?Summary: Standard negotiation page - set response visibility field to open Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have to setup the response vi…
how to send award approval to PR requester's line manager?Summary: User wants to send award approval to PR requester's Line manager. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version yo…
DFF value set not correctly fetching the respective GBPA's in RFQ (Negotiation/AWARD) screenSummary: Enabled a DFF for GBPA number in RFQ (Negotiation/AWARD) screen. This DFF is based on a Value Set which is fetching data from Multiple tables " po_headers_all, …
How to show supplier details for user while evaluation processSummary: How to show supplier details for user while evaluation process. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to show supplier details for …
'Acknowledge By' on Supplier Invitation + RemindersSummary: Would like to know the system & how to use the current DUE DATE and reminders which are automatically set on a RFQ. Content (required): Example: An RFQ was laun…
Edit Lookup value in NegotiationSummary: Hi , How can I change the lookup value relating to the TASK COMPLETION EVENT field ? In Attachment the screen: In the value list I would like to display only on…
How to create Arabic Clauses in bulkSummary: As we have requirement to create Arabic Clauses in procurement contract module and as part of that we are facing some challenge while copy - pasting the text in…Siva Mallavarapu-Oracle 35 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Siva Mallavarapu-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
How to resubmit RFQ when finding the supplier contact master email address is wrong after RFQ submitSummary: How to resubmit RFQ when finding the supplier contact master email address is wrong after RFQ is submited. Content (required): Hi, please show us the correct/re…
Supplier search by category in Edit negotiationsIn the Negotiations search and add suppliers page the suppliers are not appearing when inquired by Purchasing categories. Ex: We have many suppliers with purchasing cate…
Online messaging functionality on decommissioning of OSN in 24 CWe understand from the below note that OSN is being decommissioned in 24 C. We would to confirm that this will not affect the online messaging functionality in the sourc…