Category 153
Discussion List
How to override the default Legal entity on the Contract that will be created from the Negotiation?Summary: I have created a Contract when awarding a Negotiation and noticed that the Legal entity of the Contract created will default to the Legal entity that has been d…
How to see Legal entity when creating a negotiation via doc builder on the Process requisition page?Summary: I want to see the Legal entity when creating a new negotiation via document builder in the Process requisition page. Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
24 A Feature understanding : Discover New Suppliers Using AI AssistSummary: As per 24 A new feature related to Discover New Suppliers Using AI Assist We would like to know logic being used by AI to suggest suppliers and how this feature…
Is it possible to modify the below confirmation message?Summary: Hi Team Is it possible to modify the below confirmation message? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you…
Negotiation award approval based on negotiation approval amount fieldOur customer requirement is that Award must be submitted for approval based on negotiation approval amount which comes from Req. If the award amount is greater than the …
Currency conversion function in setting up Approval rules, FX rate USERSummary: We want to use currency conversion function in setting up Approval rules, when user is entering exchange rate in AP invoice with type as USER Content (please en…Sharda Sapkal 16 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MiaM-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Custom Negotiation award recommendationSummary: The user wants to define their own evaluation Criteria based on the Requirement Scoring and Pricing from Supplier. They don't want to use the system's Overall R…
How to Configure Generic Name and Email in From field for invitation email to supplier in sourcingBusiness wishes to configure a generic Email address and Name when email flows to invited suppliers once negotiation is approved. The emails received by Supplier Contact…
Bell Notification and email notification have different templatesSummary: We have recently customized the notification for Compensation Open and close process to include generic text instead of From Submitted by. The notification is f…
Knowledge Article: 20B Updates to Sourcing NotificationsSummary This article is about recent updates to Sourcing Notifications and how a Category Manager can configure external notifications sent to suppliers as per the busin…
Restrict the list of the negotiation for a contingent workerSummary: I would restrict the list of the negotiation to be worked by a "contingent worker" user. Only the negotiations where the user is included in the collaboration t…
Supplier Acknowledged but did not respond to the negotiationSummary: The negotiation was created with three suppliers, out of which two suppliers responded their quotation but one did not. The third supplier acknowledged that the…
Japanese and Dutch Auction capabilities in Oracle sourcingSummary: We understand that currently only the English style auction is supported in Fusion. We have business need to conduct Japanese /Dutch style auctions. Want to kno…
What is the difference between different attachment categories in sourcing?Summary: What is the exact and distinct difference when selecting the category as " Internal to Sourcing" and "Miscellaneous" while creating an attachment? Content (plea…
Can the supplier be part of the contract approval flow?Summary: The user wants to know if the supplier can be part of the contract approval flow, and approve the contract and then change to Active status. Module Contract Man…
The user don't receiving the Notify in the NegotiationSummary: Hi , I inserted the user in the negotiation, in the section Collaboration team, but when i click on the "Send Notification" botton the user don't receiving the …
How to enable AI in souring to have "Discover supplier"Summary: How to enable AI in souring to have "Discover supplier" Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to enable AI in souring supplier name…
Defaulting "Source requisitions from purchasing documents" checkboxHi, We have requirement to default "Source requisitions from purchasing documents" in complete award screen when selecting "Create purchasing documents now". Our sourcin…
Develop Sourcing strategyCan Sourcing Strategy be developed using Cloud Procurement
How to configure Reminder Notifications to Supplier Bidders while RFQ is approaching close date?Summary: We have a requirement from client to enable Reminder Notifications to Supplier Bidders while RFQ or RFP is approaching the close date. We have come across a Kno…
Can the Global Classification Method be enabled for Auction trading type?Summary: The user wants to have the option to enable Auction negotiation type as Global Ranking Method and generate the Composite Score to be enabled in Price Allocation…
How do I filter the negotiation that a user can see?Summary: Hi , I inserted the new user in the Negotiation ' s collaboration team: But this user views , in your account , all negotiations instead of just the negotiation…
Is there is a way to create one purchase documents from multiple responses for the same supplier1-The supplier submit multiple responses for multiple items 2-each response has awarded lines 3-when complete award and create purchase documents the application create …
Unable to create Purchasing document (BPA) for Negotiation processed through RFQSummary: We are trying to create BPA & Contract work Purchasing Agreement from RFQ but we can't create BPA from the RFQ with the attached screenshot error. Content (plea…
How to increase Quantity decimal values up to 4 at Negotiations Line level.Summary: Currently when we enter quantity details at Negotiation line, system will round off the values after 3 decimal points. We want use 4 decimal points for Estiated…
Before unlocking the commercial stage, How to find the with whom unlock the technical stage.Before unlock the commercial stage we not able to find the technical stage Unlocked By, Unlocked Date, Unsealed By and Unsealed Date.
For negotiations , is there an option to notify the buyer for each flow approval?Summary: For negotiations, the user wants to know if there is an option to notify the creator of the negotiation for each approval that has been made. Module Procurement…
How To Create Custom Fields in Supplier Response Screen of an RFQ using SandboxSummary: We have a Business Requirement where we should enable/create custom fields in RFQ Response Screen at the lines in the Supplier Portal for an RFQ, so that Custom…
negotiation attachment categoriesSummary: The user is unable to choose categories other than "miscellaneous" in negotiation attachments. Please let me know what could be cause of this issue. Content (pl…
Routing the supervisory approval in Purchase Requisition using DFF attributeSummary: We are trying to limit the Supervisor hierarchy based on the DFF attribute in PR. For the PR, the top approver username is entered in the DFF. We tried to use t…