Category 153
Discussion List
can we remove hyperlinks for negotiation number on resume pause notificationSummary: we have below notifications which are supplier will receive and have hyperlinks to negotiation number, Related Links. we want to remove hypelinks for them. can …
Unable to change the line details in Negotiation from Purchase Requisition(Process Requisition).Unable to change the line details in Negotiation from Purchase Requisition(Process Requisition).
Supplier Spend Authorized Request Approvals serialSummary: After sourcing activities MDM teams wants to promote the supplier to spend authorized with respect to serial approval matrix. Content (please ensure you mask an…
Negotiation and Negotiation Responses Statuses values and meaningSummary: Where can I find list of statuses and description of statuses? Please provide list with statuses and with description of each status and at what stage in the ne…
Encountered a vulnerability issue in the communication between VBCS and backend servicesSummary: Encountered a vulnerability issue in the communication between VBCS and backend services. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Using a…
Can we have multiple approval based on sectionsSummary: can we have seperate level approval for different section Like general , Finance, Management etc respective approver can not see the other sections . Content (p…
Searching by supplier product and services to add the supplier in negotiation moduleBased on Oracle document that says that one of the supplier products and services uses is to identify suppliers to invite to sourcing negotiations as bellow screenshot. …
Is there any way we can search the negotiation document by Negotiation Style or Template?Summary: In the Manage Negotiation page, there is no searching field for Negotiation Style and Negotiation Template which user cannot search the negotiation document bas…
How to set condition from contract line in Contract approval (BPM)?Summary: Hi, I'm currently setting up the ContractsApproval BPM in oracle fusion, as per my understanding, in BPM we can only set condition base on information of that t…
Position Notification Edit buttonSummary: The position approvers have no visibility over the positions; and the notifications they need to act upon contains only position code and comments. The request …
I want to have a privilege or role that allows me to add employment information "person type" .Summary: I created an admin user with permissions (create and delete user, edit password, add and delete user permissions), but I could not add employment information. I…
Where do I find below setup?Where do I find below setup?
What are the available seeded PDF reports for Sourcing?Summary: What are the available seeded PDF reports for Sourcing apart from the Buyer PDF and Supplier PDF? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
How to Add Requirements Spreadsheet, in oracle fusion negotationsHow to Add Requirements Spreadsheet, in oracle fusion negotations? There is an option is add by spreadsheet → export &import how to use it ?
Can we restrict to veiw / evaluate the RFQ based on sectionSummary: Can we restrict to veiw / evaluate the RFQ based on section Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Example there are 3 section in RFQ 1-…
What are the system generated email notifications after publishing an RFQ?Summary: Can we have the list of system generated email notifications after publishing an RFQ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): After publi…
Why every time we need to create different contract with respect to different supplierSummary: We are creating a negotiation document, but while awarding when we are cliking on create contract three different contract reference has been craeted for three …
how to restrict the commercial attachments to technical evaluator in the overview areaSummary: Is there any way to restrict the commercial attachments visibility to the technical evaluator in the OVERVIEW area. Here if the different user is doing technica…
how to restrict collaboration team to access and view specific attachment from supplier responseSummary: We have business requirement where by supplier through their response(against a negotiation) share pricing details as an attachment along with other attachments…
Request for information notifications disappearing from notifications iconsSummary: Both RFI and Approval notifications are actionable. However, I’ve noticed that RFI notifications disappear after opening them from the bell icon and the "Things…
What is the meaning of Source requisitions from purchase documents flag at Complete Award?Summary: What is the expected behavior when "Source requisitions from purchase documens" is checked at Complete Award? Content (required): We created a purchase requisit…
Hyperlink to see the pending approval hierarchySummary: Our cleint wanted to see the negotiation approval and negotiation award approval hierarchy frrom the status "pending approval" hyperlink. For example like in PR…
query to get both negotiation analyze/award and recommended awardSummary: Hi everyone, I want to get both negotiation analyze/award and recommended award. Could you please help me? Regards, Sultan Content (please ensure you mask any c…
Remove View PDF option in supplier portalHi Experts, Supplier using supplier portal opens a negotiation and on the top left corner under actions there is a View PDF which gives the summary of the RFP/RFQ . Need…Bhushanchaudhary 24 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Santhosh Cholleti-Support-Oracle Sourcing
groovy script to restrict a solicitation close date from being backdated creating amendment?Summary: How to write groovy script to restrict a solicitation/negotiation close date from being back dated while creating a solicitation amendment? Content (please ensu…
Folder Invited Supplier from Subject Area Sourcing - Supplier Negotiation Real Time no attributesSummary: The folder Invited Supplier from Subject Area Sourcing - Supplier Negotiation Real Time does not contain Supplier attributes such as Supplier name, Supplier sit…
Where can the Buyer view the supplier's response amount in the response currency?Summary: The RFQ currency is TWD, and we allow suppliers to respond in either TWD or USD. However, if the supplier responds in USD, the Buyer can only review the respons…
Contract terms details are not available in supplier portalSummary: Contract terms details are not available in supplier portal Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Contract terms tab avaialble in suppl…
Not able to enter Bill to Location after creating Purchasing Document from completed negotiation.Hi Everyone, While creating Purchasing Document from completed negotiation, user is not able to select Bill to Location. Please find screenshot below:- Please advise on …
Ability to add lines to the Negotiation where outcome is CPAI have created a Negotiation style CPA (with unchecking the line details), Negotiation template CPA. I have associated the template to the style. Now, when i am creating…