Category 166
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How to do a mass cancellations of sales order lines?Summary: I trying to do a massive cancellation of lines in sales orders. Some order has lines in closed status, awaiting billing etc, but the lines in awaiting shipping …
Cannot set default value in Business rule with VB StudioSummary: All values in Value column in the Business rule are absent and cannot be edited in a new Business rule I created in the Redwood page Create Order/New Sales Orde…
search engine custom field or DFFCan anyone please let me know, how to add DFF or custom field to search the item in the searchable area
My Sales Order line is closed but Header Status is still ProcessingSummary: My Sales Order line is closed but Header Status is still Processing, however I've tried to run the Update or Close Sales Order request and it's going in retryin…
Auto approval for revised sales order when there is no change in order amountHello When a sales order is revised for any attribute (even EFF) it goes again in approval workflow. I want approval to be initiated for revised sales order only in case…
Pause Nonshippable Lines Until Shipping Ships All Shippable LinesSummary: Hi, I have created a custom orchestration process so non shippable line waits until whole order has been shipped. I have copy paste the rule from Oracle guide: …
GOP: Cumulative availability not correctSummary: We are doing a GOP simulation inquiry and when we do a GOP check for 5 pieces with request date as 10-dec-21 (current date is 9-Dec-21) , GOP is asking us to ma…
How To Build Link Between Sales Order and Purchase Order in Case of Drop shipments in Oracle CloudSummary: Hello How To Build Link Between Sales Order and Purchase Order in Case of Drop shipments in Oracle Cloud We need to import SOs and POs and build link to arrive …
For EBS orders, there was an order type called "invoicing only", but how to deal with it in CloudSummary: For EBS orders, there was an order type called "invoicing only", but how to deal with it in ERP Cloud? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
About roundingSummary: When performing rounding of the total amount of unit price x quantity in order processing, there are three possible patterns: rounding off, rounding down, and r…
We have a requirement to select a particular Step on the orchesteration based on a specific value oWe have a requirement to select a particular step on the Order orchestration based on a specific value on Sales Order Line Type. We have tried the following code in the …Harshal Kailas Desale 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gururaman Subramanian-Oracle Order Management
Transaction Tax Determinants in the Sales Order LinesSummary: Defaulting some fields in the Transaction Tax Determinants in the sales order lines is NOT happening some times. Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…Ahmed Maher Kadeh 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
ATO Model Attribute Match Configuration Functionality in CloudFor an ATO Model, there is an attribute available in PIM called "Match Configuration". This attribute has particular value called "User- defined match". I would like to …
Transfer order to ship through OM is stuck in Order OrchestrationHello Oracle Experts, I am trying to ship a Transfer Orders through OM but it get stuck in the Order Orchestration with error message: "Attribute DESTINATION_ORG_ID has …
Ability to omit payment gateway integration and use authorization token on the order for ARSummary: We are working with a customer that has developed their own payment gateway. We are implementing Order Management and credit card payments will need to be set u…
I am looking for REST API to add a Currency Conversion List and Shipping Rules to a Pricing StrategyI am looking for REST API to add a Currency Conversion List and Shipping Rules to a Pricing Strategy.As per my knowledge I does not exist but I wanted some kind of confi…
Unable to open old Sales Orders in Redwood UIWe have been testing the Redwood OM features. We observed that old orders which were cloned from Production are not opening in the Redwood UI. However when we search for…
Manage Order Screen is not listing all columns to ViewSummary: Hi Team, We could able to see only certain columns for display in the Manage Orders screen while querying for an order . As per our requirement ,we might need t…
Reservation fails for the Sales OrderSummary: Reservation fails for the Sales Order. PTO model along with optional items is configured and captured in the Sales order. Order scheduling is successful. Howeve…
How to resend event for external Web service outbound interfaceSummary: We have successfully implemented a solution to invoke an external web service (OIC API) from the order orchestration step using the external web service interfa…
Credit limit FunctionalityWe have a scenario, where 500$ credit limit set at customer account level.. One AR invoice was created with an outstanding balance of 360 ( 300+ 60(Tax)).. Now the user …Siva Kumar 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Redwood: when using French, SAVE Order creates Error upon save with a lineSummary: Same order created while using English, does not throw an error upon Save. Same order created while using French yields this error upon Save after one line is a…
MS Edge not showing VBS Business Rule added Required attributes but Google Chrome isSummary: Just sharing this here for the benefits of all, we have discovered that In Create Order Page, VBS Business Rule after we have added a few additional Required at…
Sales Orders - is is possible to personalise column names?Customer has asked whether it is possible to change the column names using personalisation within the Create Order page → Lines. For example they have asked whether the …
Need to throw error if user try to change quantity for revision Order based on line EFF field value.Summary: We are having requirement for Revision Order ,if order line EFF field value is 'Y', then user try to change order quantity needs to throw an error.I've tried co…
Sales Order Revision - Order has one closed lineSummary: Sales Order Revision - Order has one closed line Content (required): Sales Order has many lines and one of the lines is closed. Revision is created for the sale…
How to assign custom orchestration process in SOs which are created through transfer Order?We are creating the Sales order from transfer order and configured process assignment rules for sales orders based on ship method condition but system assigning standard…Kishore Kumar Reddy Bhushanam 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shyam Patel Order Management
CMK how to identify tns fieldnameSummary: We are using CMK for sending invoices. We were using the default item description, which is outputting in English, however we have customers require now that we…
Accessing custom object from pricing algorithmIn our implementation we need to generate manual adjustments based on custom logic. The logic is based on a custom matrix saved in a custom object. We have implemented i…
Scheduling Complexities with "Generate Receipt Advice". Workarounds? Alternate Approaches?Summary: Hi , We have a requirement to send Return order to details to WMS. We currently use standard Oracle functionality which is running ESS "Generate Receipt Advice"…