Category 166
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How to create Email Notification When Sales Order is released from Credit Check HoldCan we create an email notification to be sent to user when Sales order with Credit check hold is released
Orchestration process definition error while savingI am facing below error when I tried to save the Orchestration process changes or when I create new process.
Display Source warehouse information during Item entry in the sales orderSummary: Hi Folks We would like to see the source warehouse along with On-hand information during item entry in the sales order Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
Sales Order Line status goes directly to closed without an invoice generatedSummary: Sales Order Line status goes directly to closed without an invoice generated, instead of being in 'Awaiting billing' first. Please suggest in this why without i…
how to prioritize the backorder when stock is available in oracle fusionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Can an FBDI imported customer default contact and contact information in OM?Summary: Customer already imported a bunch of customers using FBDI, but they have noticed when selecting one of this customers they won't default contact or contact info…
System needs to pick the 60 rolls but some reason it picked the 59.999974 rolls.Summary: On Sales order the item qty is 51000sqfeet and on the confirm pick slip page system showing requested qty as 59.99974 rolls instead of 60rolls as the conversion…
How to copy the DFF/EFF data from Sales order header to Requisition Header DFFSummary: I have created EFF in the sales order & separate DFF in the requisition. I am trying to create a requisition form sales order using drop shipment. But the EFF c…
Purchase order(Customer) duplicate validation message during sales order creationOur business is looking for a validation message on SO creation screen when same PO number (customer PO) is entered in another order. Please advise on the feasibility. E…
Can we edit Sales order approval notification screen?Summary: Hi, We have requirement to edit Sales Order Email notification screen like we did for AP invoices or Subscription approvals. is there any path of the standard B…VishnuVardhan_Technical_Consultant 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shyam Patel Order Management
GOP to default source inventory organization in SO not working when using RegionSummary: I have created a zone which include Nordic countries. I have created a global sourcing rule to ship goods from Global Warehouse in Sweden I have created a globa…
Can we have a event when sales order lines gets to awaiting shippingSummary: Hi Team, We are using some integration when sales order lines turns to awiting shipping. We are able to subscribe to sales order event but is there any event wh…Satya Mothe 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suresh Akella-Oracle-Support-Oracle Order Management
we have requirement to default schedule Arrival Date based on Ship from warehouse, ship to and FOBSummary we have requirement to default schedule Arrival Date based on Ship from warehouse, ship to address ,FOB and Transit Time. Can you please let us know how to achie…
How to add an EFF Attribute in standard sales order report?Summary: Hi Team, How to add an EFF Attribute to a standard sales order report? Kindly assist us to add the DFF attribute to the standard sales order report. Content (re…
Extract details of supply reservation created using Automatically Schedule APIWe are trying to extract the details of the reservations made via the Automatically Schedule API. The details include Fulfillment Line Identifier Expected Item, Demand C…
Where I find the field "Proof of delivery date" in oracle Shipment?Summary: Hi, I need to undertand where is the field "Proof of delivery date" is fulfilled? We want to use this contingency rule, but we don't find this field Proof of de…Alex Pagliarini - Ninecon 51 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Kumar Rao-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Credit Check on Return OrderSummary: What I understand is that credit check is not applicable for customer returns (RMA). Do we have any documentation or notes supporting this? Content (required): …
View TAX ID number when using Bill-To and Ship-To Account dropdownSummary: Hi Team, When entering the customer's name in search box we have fields available as name, registry id, country, city, postal code. The client wants to view "TA…
Lines Mass Update Issue: Ship To LOV does not restrict to customer on sales orderSummary: Lines Mass Update Issue: Ship To LOV does not restrict to ship to locations of the customer on sales order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
Shipping a service Item via sales orderSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I have a question please. Can we ship a service item via sales order? as far as I know the…
HVGOP 'Automatically schedule' API table details : /fscmRestApi/msp/latest/globalOrderPromises/autoSAPI: /fscmRestApi/msp/latest/globalOrderPromises/autoSchedule Which tables the details get create or stored while using API--> /fscmRestApi/msp/latest/globalOrderPromise…
How to add a custom report under Tasks menu of Order ManagementSummary: A custom Report to be included to the Task menu list under Order Management. So the business users can use this Task Menu to access the custom report. N : Order…
iStore equivalent in Oracle Cloud ApplicationsSummary: I am working on a possible roadmap for a client's EBS solution to be migrated into Oracle Cloud Applications. For most modules that they use currently, the clou…
Restrict LOV for transfer ordersHI I would like to know if it is possible for the shipping method LOV against transfer orders to be reduced so that it only shows the shipping methods we have defined sp…
What are the different possible methods of sales order creation? Kindly mention all possible methodsSummary: What are the different possible methods of sales order creation? Kindly mention all possible methods - including user interface and excel based (like ADFDI or v…Srikanth Raghavendiran 62 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Srikanth Raghavendiran Order Management
Where can I get sales order hold status immediately after applying or releasing HOLD from SOAP API?I need the correct status of sales order hold, immediately after applying/releasing HOLD from SOAP API. Where can I get that status? I understood, we need to take it fro…
Users should not be able to submit the Sales Order if system dont have the sufficient QuantitySummary: Requirement is Users should not be able to submit the sales order for a Particular BU if there is no enough quantity available in the system. Content (required)…
Solution for creating one return sales order for multiple Sales orderSummary: We have a requirement from client that for a multiple sales orders a single return sales order needs to be created. Eg: We have created Sales order 10, 20 and 3…
Is there a place where Tax Type and Tax Rates (breakdown) can be viewed on Sales Order?Summary: Tax breakdown details in Cloud OM Order - similar to EBS. Content (required): In EBS, View Tax Details action used to display all the tax details - e.g. State T…
Ability to create Sales order number specific to Business unitSummary: My client need ability to generate Sales order number on the basis of Business unit. e.g For Business unit BAI Sales order number should be BAI12345 For Busines…