Category 169-2
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Need to understand the ASN FunctionalityHello Everyone, When Po is sent to the supplier Supplier will acknowledge and create an ASN for the PO. Once he submits ASN how will Buyer and Warehouse team aware when …
Create ASN For Multiple POs For Multiple SuppliersSummary: Ability to create 1 ASN For Multiple POs For Multiple Suppliers Content (required): Hi, We have a requirements that we need to create Advance Shipment Notice (A…
Confirm a selection to work order in partial quantitiesSummary: There is a configuration that allows to confirm a selection to work order in partial quantities. Without deleting the selection note? Content (required): Versio…
How to Capture Requisition number if Line is manually added in POSummary: Is there any option if the Buyer manually adds the PO line with the Item code then he will link the PR number in Fusion Content (required): Currently, In Health…
Items assigned to Org but do not show in Manage Item Transaction DefaultsSummary: Items assigned to Org but do not show in Manage Item Transaction Defaults. What could be caused the items to not show up? Content (required): We have created th…
How to leverage TransferOrderNotificationTask in BPMSummary: Content (required): Does anyone know the use of the approval flows in BPM: TransferOrderNotificationTask TransferOrderApprovalTask They don't seem to be editabl…
How to add New lines in an existing transfer order?Hello Everyone, Can we add a new line in a existing transfer? Thanks, Yogesh
Is it possible to setup Default Inter Class conversion which will apply to all Items?Summary: We use Dual UOM items where we need to have a Dummy conversion setup as 1 Each = 1Kg Unfortunately we are unable to set this up in standard as the base units ar…
FBDI or REST API for Sub Inventory TransferSummary: Content (required): Hello Friends, For doing mass sub inventory transfer, is there a FBDI template or REST API available? Version (include the version you are u…
INV:DFF: Maximum number of segments for Inventory Organization DFFSummary: Content (required): Hi Experts, What is the maximum number of segments that can be configured for an Inventory Organization DFF. Version (include the version yo…Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by bbrand-Oracle Inventory Management
INV : Enable DFF for an Transfer OrderSummary: Dear Experts, Is it possible to enable DFF at the following places for Transfer Order: 1) Request Transfer Order UI (Manage Item Quantities 2) Transfer Order He…Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle 65 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle Inventory Management
Bulk upload of Default Packing Configurations using CSV fileSummary: How to Bulk upload of Default Packing Configurations using CSV file Content (required): Can we bulk upload "Manage Default Packing Configurations" using a file …Sharan Yarasi-Oracle 87 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sharan Yarasi-Oracle Order Management
1. MRP not consuming all on hand stockSummary: We are currently seeing an issue whereby our on hand stock in Rank 1 is not being consumed before suggesting for us to raise a new PO Any ideas guys?? Content (…
Auto Generate Lot Number at Receiving PointIs it possible that system should auto generate lot number at the time of receiving Currently user is generating lot number one by one for each line and its taking lot o…Sandeep Nihalani 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Inventory Management
In need of a list of PO receipts that are pending the inspection step.Summary: I need a report of 4-way match PO lines that are receipted but not inspected. Content (required): I need a report of 4-way match PO lines that are receipted but…
Can we set up Item Rule set where Item Definition Org is involvedSummary: We have Item structure is defined as below. Can we set up Item Rule set where Item Definition Org is involved Item Master Org - Item Definition Org - Reference …Rohit Bapat 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shyam Lakshman-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Privilege for export and import of CSV fileSummary: There is requirement where business wants to setup subinventories and locators through user interface, as well as through csv file. For this purpose, have built…anil_i_kumar_gupta 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hari Kurra-Oracle Inventory Management
Is sell side vendor managed inventory on our roadmap?Summary: Customer requires sell side vendor managed inventory. They store consignment inventory for their customers and bill upon shipment Content (required): This is fo…
REST or FBDI which is suggested for Integrating Oracle Inventory Management Cloud with a 3PLSummary: I would like to get some input about integrating Oracle Inventory Management Cloud with a 3PL. If the data volume is high and item is lot controlled, what will …
Is there a web service to update the Shipped Quantity of a Transfer Order?Summary: Hi team, I need the update Shipped Quantity of a Transfer Order using rest api or WSDL. Is there a web service to achieve this? Thanks for the support! Content …
Can we control printing of the Receipt Traveler Report at different stage of PO receiving ?Summary: We want to control the Printing stage( Receiving, Inspection, Putaway) of the Receipt Traveler. in the Inventory Management Module. Content (required): Our clie…
Unable Match Unorderes Receipts TaskSummary: Hi, Do anyone know the privilege or a way to customize a role so it do not see this task in Receiving for Inventory Management? Content (required): Version (inc…Jacinto Rodriguez-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MattJ-Oracle Inventory Management
INV: Auto Reserve the on-hand quantity for Movement Request Issue ?Summary: Content (required): Dear Experts, We have following 2 queries around the reservations for Movement Request Issue. 1) Can we Auto Reserve for Movement Request Is…Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
INV: It is possible to Cancel the IMT or TO when the item is already shipped from Source ?Summary: Content (required): Dear Experts, INV: It is possible to Cancel the IMT or TO when the item(full quantity) is already shipped from Source ? Customer wants to ca…Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Create a New Icon on the Home Page for a Setup PageSummary: Is it possible to create an icon on the home page using the structure for a page from the setup and maintenance? Content (required): Similar how we can create a…
How to setup confirmed Receipts for expense items?Summary: How to setup confirmed Receipts for expense items? Content (required): Hello I would like to setup the funcionality called confirmed Receipts ? Please Advise Wh…
Just ordered a Fusion Applications Cloud Service and need to know how to get started?Summary: If you just ordered a new Fusion Applications Cloud Service, check out this short video to find out how to get started with your new Cloud service. Content (req…Jeanine Signorelli-Oracle 11 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Jeanine Signorelli-Oracle Inventory Management
Customer specific ASN creationSummary: Hello Wizards, have you implemented customer specific ASN, real time data exchange (EDI) with 3PLs, Freight Forwarders and Suppliers. Content (required): I am l…Vishnuvarth Subramanian-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Print cancel transfer order functionalityHello Everyone, We are trying schedule 'Print cancel transfer order' process everyday to cancel the TO's which are not fulfilled till lastday(Sysdate-1). we used schedul…User_2025-02-12-02-18-58-175 51 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by sugunabhi ram kosuru-Oracle Inventory Management